Glad to be back in Iowa!!!

JD Seller

Well-known Member
The MIL funeral went as well as one can go. My wife stayed to handle the estate with her sister. So I am batching it for another week. The family called a truce for the funeral. It seems like they all can not get along at the same time. You need a score card to know who is talking to whom. LOL
That is a shame. At a time like this is when families should be closest. What on earth gets into people. I too have some cold fish in my family.
I never thought there would be any problems when my Dad passed (16 years ago) but I have one sister that I don't care to chum around with. Mostly it is that horses rear end that she is married to. I am civil to them when I am forced to be the same place they are... but I am not cordial!
My Dad's family was that way when they moved from western Iowa to ND in 1918. They were still fighting until the day they died. Basically it was the "Have-Nots" attacking the "Haves". Just jealousy over my Dad's and one brother's success.
No bickering in my family on either side, just a bunch of strange people on my wife's side. And she'll be the first to admit it and laugh about it.
(quoted from post at 16:48:13 01/03/16) The MIL funeral went as well as one can go. My wife stayed to handle the estate with her sister. So I am batching it for another week. The family called a truce for the funeral. It seems like they all can not get along at the same time. You need a score card to know who is talking to whom. LOL

My wife's family is the same way. Every one of them are crazier than rabid pigs. My wife included.
Been four years since Pop's estate was settled. Got one sibling still griping. Ironically, this is the one who came out smelling like a rose, too. Wife has a sister and a brother that are flat out bat s... nutz. She has one sister that is so miserable she can't stand herself. The other two sisters are sweethearts. Oh yeah, I got a sister that never outgrew the hippie thing and a DIL who hates everybody on my side.

So it sounds like your family is like everyone else's. Lol!
My mother died a couple of years ago and I was the executor. The week end after the funeral my brothers and I ,and some of the families, met at the house to clean things up, etc. (There are only us four boys). We went through things , and if someone wanted something, they got it. Things we gave her went back to the one who gave it. Never an argument and it went smooth. She had four quilts she made, so we drew numbers, and no. one had first choice, etc. What nobody wanted went to a local charity place. We did give some things to her sisters families also. A month later we had the house cleaned up to sell, listed it on Friday and had an offer on Monday. Lucky as all get out I think.
Relatives are like dogs nothing better than a good one and nothing worse than a bad one.
At least they had a truce,near me there was a funeral where the two sides got into a fight
in the church (fueled by some very strong drink) and knocked the coffin over and the body out of the coffin.Not a joke it was for real!
You can pick your nose and butt but you can not pick your relation. I have a brother that I do not trust and would trade him for a yellow dog and shoot the dog. I had a rich uncle and now I have a rich brother but he is mad because he only got 75% of the trust. But he is the trustee. I got my expected share - 0%. But I don't have any of that brown stuff on my nose.

When the last parent dies, the family glue is gone unless they were the ones that stired the pot.

When your parents and all of your aunts and uncles are dead, you know you are getting older. A good friend told me that 20 years ago and died a month later. My last aunt died last week so I am crossing my fingers. This last 6 months has been full of all kind of problems.
Just stay off the ladder. When you get bored just start your John Deere's They need to be warmed up. It is going to get cold this weekend. I see my doctor has a office in Mahomet now along with therapy. Did Marilyn get her back checked out ?

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