Christmas at my house this year

jon f mn

Well-known Member
Had a great day today. My sons Nick and his son Randell, Eric, Cameron, and my daughter Cindy and her fiance Brandon and kids Jordan, Tanaka, and Gage were over. I cooked as usual, one of my favorite holiday traditions. This year it was glazed ham, potatos, sweet potatos, corn, broccoli. And peanut butter fudge cookies.


Opened some presents too.


And finnished it all off with a proper nap.


Even tho I really had a hard time getting into the mood before hand this year it turned into a really great day as usual.
Good thing them young'uns don't look like their Pa's side Jon. LOL
Everybody was here yesterday,the boys and their girlfriends came back today for breakfast and to tinker with new electronic stuff. Great time here as well.
We did ours last night at my daughters. Mother and I just stayed in and enjoyed the day doing nothing. That sure does not happen often enough.
Hey, if you can get them all to come, the last thing you want to do is get in somebody's wheelhouse about wearing a cap at the dinner table. Don't sweat the small stuff. Them young'uns are a whole new ballgame, and the less we harass them, the better for everybody.
Jon I am glad you had a good day with the family. It is tough being on the road away from home. It seems to make the holidays mean more. I did the over the road deal part time for a few years on mainly weekends. I would hate to have to do it full time. I am much more of a home body as I get older. I do not have much wonder lust left it seems. LOL
That young man's sweatshirt has SCSU's Logo. Is there a chance I can get him into one of my classes? It would be my pleasure. Maybe CAD, or Machining, or Woodworking ETS 130!!! Well done Christmas Jim
He went through the program to be an electrician. He decided he didn't care for that tho and is just about finnished getting his full degree and will be a lab technician in a hospital.
That was my first thoughts also, but I also agree with coshoo being as I spent Christmas alone. I have seen times that I dreaded taking my cap off, in front of certain people, but raising tells, and I just did it anyway.
We had a house full also. Wife made a good dinner. Everyone just left. Now things can get back to normal. We had a merry Christmas. Hope all of you did the same. Stan
Looks like you did a good job on the meal, good looking family. We also had a house full, kids, grandkids, great grandkids. Merry Christmas to all.
I screw my hat on in the morning and unscrew it when I go to bed. What's the big deal??? When I was getting my daily cancer treatments I had my hat on for all 44 of them, plus all the prelims and followups.
People wouldn't know me withoit a hat, and besids that I wouldn't have a place to store my carpenter pencil.
Yup, glazed ham here also. Smashed taters (grandkids name for em) green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, brussels sprouts in Velveeta, apple, pumpkin, and chocolate-peanut butter pie. Venison summer sausage, various cheeses, dips and cracker appetizers and of course Christmas cookies. BURP!!!! Love the holidays.
Did ours yesterday at our youngest son's. Had a great time, grandkids got way too much. I ate too much, but no nap. Wife made her usual bet with my sons father-in-law about Purdue basketball. She's lost every bet since 1997, so not much hope for this one. It's a family tradition.

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