Gun Control

This guy apparently likes the way things are in Australia. Perhaps he should return there and feel safe, smug and self-righteous.
It is the fact that the average citizen has access to guns that we do not have a police state form of government. Do you really think that the police would make sure that breaking your door down was a last resort if they did not have to worry about YOU being armed???? If the average citizen lost their guns things would change in a short time to where it would be a more common practice. Also the criminals just would switch to different ways to attack you. In England where it is about impossible for the average person to own guns, home invasion crimes are increasing. The criminals have little to fear if they know your unarmed.

Many are pushing that IF we had gun control things like the shootings in CA would not happen. That is not true for several reasons. One being that criminals rarely pay much attention to LAWS!!! Another is guns are just one of many ways to KILL people. With very little training many common average old house hold stuff can be made into deadly weapons that make the guns look tame. Talk to anyone that has had demolition training in the military and see what they have to say.
I think the government should go door to door and pick up every single gun in this country. That way there would be no guns just like there are no drugs in this country. I wonder if they really believe they can do it?
The thing is California already has pretty aggressive gun control now.If you want to take all guns
away expect even more mass shootings .These people will not attack if they know they might
meet armed resistance.
Interesting how our police forces have been obtaining more and more ex-military and military grade equipment while at the same time certain other groups are pushing for confiscation of arms from the average citizen. I don't like where that is headed.
Our president is pushing to bring thousands of refugees to this country from a portion of the world where a very vocal minority advocates
killing all of us because we have different religious beliefs then they do. At the same time it seems everyday we hear of more incidents of
citizens being shot by law enforcement or dying in custody. The leading cause of death in the last century was democide, which is being
killed by your government. However for the government to successfully pull off democide they must first disarm the population.

I'm thinking this might not be a good time to be giving up our guns.

I don't know if my feelings and overall distrust of government are a result of some of the things I have seen or had done to me by government
or possibly a genetic thing. My Great Grand father wrote a letter to one of my Aunts claiming we were descendants of both Thomas Stone
(signer of the declaration of independence) and Thomas Paine (author of a pamphlet "Common Sense") advocating the overthrow of English rule.
I would suspect both would be disappointed with the way things have been going here lately.

Latest incident of the Government and it's employees not wanting to follow the rules occurred Sunday at work. Our USDA inspector was having a
cow, and taking it out on me because our tanker loader doesn't speak English. Employment law says we can't discriminate on the basis of
national origin or ethnicity, if we made English language abilities an employment requirement I'm pretty sure we'd get sued and loose. So we
hire people with little or no English language skills, the government says we have to, the same government whose employees don't want to deal
with the problems of having different languages spoken at work.
Several nights ago on a late night channel they had several heads of police departments and they said the feds are taking back the military equipment that was sent to them.
"False is the idea of utility that sacrifices a thousand real advantages for one imaginary or trifling inconvenience that would take fire from men because it burns, and water because one may drown in it; that has no remedy for evils, except destruction. The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm those only who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes. Can it be supposed that those who have the courage to violate the most sacred laws of humanity, the most important of the code, will respect the less important and arbitrary ones, which can be violated with ease and impunity, and which, if strictly obeyed, would put an end to personal liberty, ...and subject innocent persons to all the vexations that the guilty alone ought to suffer? Such laws make things worse for the assulated and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man. They ought to be designated as laws not preventative but fearful of crimes, produced by the tumultuous impression of a few isolated facts, and not by thoughtful consideration of the inconveniences and advantages of a universal decree."

Cesare Beccaria, [i:15ed163cce]On Crimes and Punishments [/i:15ed163cce] (1764)
As you point out, california already has the most stringent gun control laws and highest number of ''gun free zones'' in the nation and yet that does not stop any shooters from shooting who ever they please. It is beyond belief that the average joe citizen does not immediately recognize those facts and automatically dismiss any gun control advocating politician as a moron.
When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.

I suggest that you can go into a drug store and purchase whatever you need to make several different types of explosives. If it were even possible to get rid of guns, there are so many alternative ways to kill your fellow man. So what comes next? Baseball bats? Butcher knives? Meat cleavers? Automobiles? Rat poison???

If one is so inclined, there are literally HUNDREDS of ways to kill.

Guns don't kill people. People kill people.
I want my local law enforcement to be accessible and someone you can go up and talk to. They need to have the equipment to get the job done but I don't want them trending toward some sort of paramilitary gestapo. It's good to hear that they are scaling back on the military gear.
I just saw the statistic that more people are killed by drunk drivers than by a gun. Don't see any evidence that the government is doing anything about drunk drivers - probably because most of them are drinkers themselves?

As my favorite uncle used to say: "It all depends on whose ox is being gored."
Many are cops ! In Cleveland Ohio it took them 137 shots to kill two unarmed people in a car.
What's interesting is that the same politician (external_link) and his croneys (abundant left) who say we shouldn't condemn an entire group of people because of a few bad apples wants to disarm an entire group of people because of a few bad apples. :? Somehow, the irony of their argument doesn't register with them.

I do not blame the entire nnalert community for the actions of nnalert extremists. I personally know some nnalert and they are fine upstanding citizens. However, I do believe their community needs to be proactive in ferreting out extremism in their mosques and neighborhoods just as I believe it is my responsibility to notify law enforcement of drug dealers, child molesters, thieves or anyone else who I believe to be breaking the law or becoming a danger to society.

Overall, I am sick and tired of our nanny government intruding into so many aspects of our everyday lives but neglecting its primary duty of protecting our borders.
"When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns."
When bank robbing is outlawed, only bank robbers will rob banks.
I agree with you 100%, hot wrench on the main-stream nnalert community ferreting out the extremists, and also the main-stream Christian community needs to ferret out the christian (small "c") terrorists, who have killed and terrorized many more of our people than nnalert have. Please don't get me wrong, I am not qualifying either group. I am just saying that violence in the name of any religion is just plain WRONG!
30 or so years ago, if you killed or injured someone while driving drunk, you probably would not suffer any consequences. Nowadays you will be charged with manslaughter. And there were few if any DWI laws. Is that not government action against drunk drivers????
The idea of nnalert being proactive is a joke and a stupid one at that. That idea was also pointed to the blacks and guess what. Nothing happened and never will. Any group that wants to clean up it's ranks must first want to do so.
Yes, that's government action against drunk drivers, just as putting those who commit gun crimes in jail is government action against another type of criminal.

What's being said here is that once those drunk drivers are in jail, the action ends, they don't go out and start trying to ban automobiles, or make getting a drivers license any more difficult than it already is.

Once the individual that commits a gun crime is brought to justice, the action is just starting. From there they demand new licensing schemes that maker it harder and harder to own a gun. Either that, or they demand that guns be banned, to one degree or another.

The difference in action is obvious. The thing most don't recognize in the situation is that getting a drivers license, owning a automobile, etc are not Constitutionally protected rights. On the other hand, owning a firearm, under the 2nd Amendment, is a RIGHT that is 'not to be infringed upon'. The federal Government has been infringing upon it since the original Gun Control Act of 1934. Then there was another in '68, and yet another in '86. Now days they demand more and more every day. Thing is all they seak to do is disarm honest folks who happen to enjoy firearms, while doing absolutely nothing about the criminal element that's using them.

Think about this also. Our president gets on the screen and demands that we not view the acts of a few extreemists as being representative of the whole of the nnalert population. However the minute ANYONE, be they nnalert, Christian, or whatever, commits a gun crime, he demonizes both guns, and the entire collective of gun owners. That's WRONG on so many levels it isn't funny.....but he's done it over, and over, and over......I for one am tired of it. All I want now is the change he promised us and for it to be brought about by him leaving office with a nnalert who loves this Country on his heals.....
Did you ever try to notify law enforcement about a lawbreaker conducting illegal activities? What you will get is they will first ask you for proof of said wrongdoing. Following that, they will then refer you to prosecutors who will in turn tell you that without hard evidence, they have no case.

My point is that law enforcement is pretty much strictly "after the fact" if at all. If someone breaks into your car, police will take a report and that will be the end of it. They will tell you to call your insurance company. All of that stuff that you see on Criminal Minds, CSI, and a few other cop shows is mostly reserved only for the BIG stuff. They will not use forensics on a break in, theft, or vandalism.

My lady friend has it right: she calls them useless in a uniform. Every day, they prove her right.

So, go ahead and turn in your suspected terrorist sleepers and the like. See where it gets you.
Bank robbing IS outlawed. Therefore, bank robbers are criminals and there is no "noncriminal" type of bank robbing. Your second statement implies this: When gun ownership is outlawed, only gun owners will be outlaws. Gun ownership is a constitutional right. Criminal from noncriminal use of firearms is well defined. Is my interpretation of your second statement correct?
(quoted from post at 12:27:50 12/09/15) Did you ever try to notify law enforcement about a lawbreaker conducting illegal activities? What you will get is they will first ask you for proof of said wrongdoing. Following that, they will then refer you to prosecutors who will in turn tell you that without hard evidence, they have no case.

My point is that law enforcement is pretty much strictly "after the fact" if at all. If someone breaks into your car, police will take a report and that will be the end of it. They will tell you to call your insurance company. All of that stuff that you see on Criminal Minds, CSI, and a few other cop shows is mostly reserved only for the BIG stuff. They will not use forensics on a break in, theft, or vandalism.

My lady friend has it right: she calls them useless in a uniform. Every day, they prove her right.

So, go ahead and turn in your suspected terrorist sleepers and the like. See where it gets you.

You do know CSI and Criminal Minds is all fiction, right? That crap is Hollywood, not real. Beyond that, it's a matter of cost. You want all that stuff, the real life equivalent, you are going to have to pay a heck of a lot more taxes.
(quoted from post at 19:01:48 12/09/15)
(quoted from post at 12:27:50 12/09/15) Did you ever try to notify law enforcement about a lawbreaker conducting illegal activities? What you will get is they will first ask you for proof of said wrongdoing. Following that, they will then refer you to prosecutors who will in turn tell you that without hard evidence, they have no case.

My point is that law enforcement is pretty much strictly "after the fact" if at all. If someone breaks into your car, police will take a report and that will be the end of it. They will tell you to call your insurance company. All of that stuff that you see on Criminal Minds, CSI, and a few other cop shows is mostly reserved only for the BIG stuff. They will not use forensics on a break in, theft, or vandalism.

My lady friend has it right: she calls them useless in a uniform. Every day, they prove her right.

So, go ahead and turn in your suspected terrorist sleepers and the like. See where it gets you.

You do know CSI and Criminal Minds is all fiction, right? That crap is Hollywood, not real. Beyond that, it's a matter of cost. You want all that stuff, the real life equivalent, you are going to have to pay a heck of a lot more taxes.

College professor I know that teaches forensics tells his students day one that if they have a notion of what the job is like based on what they see on CSI to get up, leave his class and to go and change their major to something else. He has about a 30% drop rate in the first 4 weeks with new students.


The statement is not refering to an existing universal decree. It exemplifies the error in making one based on tumult created by isolated occurrences.
I thought our constitution prohibited ex post facto laws. So if you bought or have a gun and they make it illegal to own one is this not making you a criminal in fact if you don't turn it in? The loophole in this is of course the grace period they give you to turn it in and that is they way they skirt the constitution and its intentions.
(quoted from post at 10:19:36 12/09/15) I agree with you 100%, hot wrench on the main-stream nnalert community ferreting out the extremists, and also the main-stream Christian community needs to ferret out the christian (small "c") terrorists, who have killed and terrorized many more of our people than nnalert have. Please don't get me wrong, I am not qualifying either group. I am just saying that violence in the name of any religion is just plain WRONG!

Religion at gun or sword point is not religion it is POWER and Control.
(quoted from post at 23:33:40 12/09/15)
(quoted from post at 19:01:48 12/09/15)
(quoted from post at 12:27:50 12/09/15) Did you ever try to notify law enforcement about a lawbreaker conducting illegal activities? What you will get is they will first ask you for proof of said wrongdoing. Following that, they will then refer you to prosecutors who will in turn tell you that without hard evidence, they have no case.

My point is that law enforcement is pretty much strictly "after the fact" if at all. If someone breaks into your car, police will take a report and that will be the end of it. They will tell you to call your insurance company. All of that stuff that you see on Criminal Minds, CSI, and a few other cop shows is mostly reserved only for the BIG stuff. They will not use forensics on a break in, theft, or vandalism.

My lady friend has it right: she calls them useless in a uniform. Every day, they prove her right.

So, go ahead and turn in your suspected terrorist sleepers and the like. See where it gets you.

You do know CSI and Criminal Minds is all fiction, right? That crap is Hollywood, not real. Beyond that, it's a matter of cost. You want all that stuff, the real life equivalent, you are going to have to pay a heck of a lot more taxes.

College professor I know that teaches forensics tells his students day one that if they have a notion of what the job is like based on what they see on CSI to get up, leave his class and to go and change their major to something else. He has about a 30% drop rate in the first 4 weeks with new students.


Yup. I remember when my wife used to watch those shows. If I ever found a Medical examiner standing in a dark room, talking to the looney bin. Just like thise cop shows where they stick a name into a magic machine and dozens and dozens of photos of the subject, his family, his work place, military photos, all is banking records, tax returns, etc all show up in a heartbeat. Absolute bosh! Maybe something has changed since I retired 5-6 years back, but running a criminal history or drivers license got you no photo at all, that required a request to agency having the pic on record, like DMV, and a few weeks later it would show up. And fingerprints?!! You know that magic, pocket sized machine that uses fairy dust and magic beans to instantly scan and puke out everything you ever wanted to know about a person? Nope. If you get a print it had ti be hand carried to a central location (5 hours from where I worked) and then in a few weeks, IF the print was on record someplace, you got a result back.

TV has been giving false hope to people ever since the days when Jim Reed and Pete Malloy could read a plate number at 85mph on a car 3/4 of a mile ahead of them!

FYI- Liberals and gun haters all over NY state are having kittens right now because a bunch of our sheriffs have come out and supported our pistol permit holders carrying if they want to. It's the end of the world as they know it!

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