Your Thoughts....

Bryce Frazier

Well-known Member
As all of you know, I have been given / offered many things in my life. MANY of my tractors have been given to me, along with most of my equipment, etc. I have worked VERY hard for what I have, and am proud of my collection, and of being successful at such a young age. I am proud to be an Eagle Scout, and am also proud of my work ethic.

About 2 or 3 months ago, a lady got a hold of me, and wanted to know if I was interested in this tractor she had. Long story short, she ended up giving me a 1948 John Deere M. It had a large loader on it, that I took off. I have gotten it running and driving with minimal effort, but it needs several things:

Points / Condensor (to finish the tune up)
Oil change / filter
Antifreeze change I am sure
New front tires and wheels
Steering is messed up
Clutch linkage is rusty and stiff, and is interfering with brakes
Sheetmetal is not the greatest
Needs most of the seat

And still a few more things, but all in all, it is a nice little tractor, and the engine seems to be doing well, but still has a few little bugs to work out...

I figured that I would use it, or restore it, but it doesn't really thrill me. I have an MT coming my way, with a stuck engine, and I figured I could repower it with this one, but that doesn't really thrill me either. I REALLY just like my Farmalls!!

There is a young man that I went through BSA with, and is a good friend. He is 16 this year, going to be 17 soon. He has his heart throbbing for a John Deere 40, of any kind. He has seen my 1954 40T, and loves it. Completely.

He has been working hard at a few things, and has come up with a nice Case VAC. It has the Eagle hitch, narrow front, good runner. He is working it off for the guy, doing chores for him and stuff, so it is basically his. I called him this evening to tell him that I wanted to give him this 1948 Case VAC parts tractor that I have. It was also given to me, and I have made $500 off of it, and want to pass it along to some one that can use it to it's fullest, whether he uses it for parts, or makes some money off of it, makes no difference to me.

He doesn't even know I own the M, but I have been thinking more and more about it lately, and I think I want to just give it to him. I don't see myself ever doing anything with it. It IS a nice little machine, cute too! But my heart has been bleeding Red for this last year, and I want to put my resources into Farmalls.

He is a good worker, and he is motivated, and dreams of having a tractor, and I KNOW he will take good care of it. I will force him to promise to do that. I think he is a decent kid like myself, and has a good future.

What do you guys think of it? On one hand, I like the sounds of the $500-$1000 I could get out of the tractor, but on the other hand. I like the idea of making a buddy smile, and knowing that I did "the right thing"...

I figure if you had any reservations about giving the tractor away then you just stated them perfectly clear. Do what you feel you have to do. Just make sure ten years from now you don't continually remind this new youngster that you once gave him a tractor. Funny how these things can happen. Good luck sir.

Its your tractor, do as you please, but remember when it is his, it is his to do, undo, treat well, abuse, sell, whatever. If you feel like doing a good deed, just do it. No need to get others opinions or input. gobble
If you have doubts with what you are going to do with it and aren't out much, give it to him. Some of what you have has been given to you so pass it on. A machine you may not think much of will be a treasure to him.

That is exactly what I am thinking...

He is intimidated by the "high up" tractors, that are higher off of the ground, and his family doesn't want him to have a narrow front tractor.

I don't care for it, but I think he would love it...

I am pretty sure my decision is made, but it is something I need to think on I suppose...
The more I think about this(and I have encountered this problem before)....If I give something to someone because I really thought they could use it and enjoy it but, only to find out that they gave/sold it to someone else. I would be offended.

I gave my brother-in-law tools and equipment, that I did not need anymore, all the time. Only to find out that he sold them.

I gave them to him, thinking I was helping him out.

Heck, I could have sold them.
Well, that is my only fear!!

I am all good on my end. The lady that gave it to me, made me promise her that either I would take care of it, MAYBE restore / use it, OR that I would make sure it got to a good home. I need to keep my word with her, and I want to be sure that it IS a good home...

I think I need to talk to my buddy about it a little... That would seemingly be a smart choice!
Just my 2 cents, you mentioned that much has been given to you through the years. By giving it to this young man you would be "passing it on". Not just the tractor, but the principle of kindness and generosity. Perhaps he would adopt it into his life as well. I think your heart has already spoken.
I agree with GlenIdaho.

Very admirable idea, young man.

Think about it, to make sure that you do want to give the tractor away. In a week or two, if it's still on your heart to give it to your friend - then give it to him, with no regrets and take joy in pleasure of giving with no strings attached.

You've been blessed by receiving gifts... this is "paying it forward".

By no strings attached - I mean that if giving a gift, it should be given with no expectation of ever gaining anything in return (not even undying gratitude). And the person to whom the gift is given is free to do as they wish with it: use as is, restore it, or it even gives them the freedom to sell it if they want to and to use the profit how they wish.

This summer, my husband and I discussed it first - then gave $300 to my cousin from FL, who does not have too much in life. She was visiting MN (her mom paid for her plane ticket). Anyway, the money was a gift - she was free to use the it as she wished (whether wisely or unwisely). We never expect repayment of any kind... and we will never mention it to her again (neither to question how she used it, nor to make her feel indebted to us).
Well Bryce it sounds like to me that the woman has already made the decision for you. She won't be offended if you found it a good home. She didn't say how many homes it may take to find a good one. If you feel it's the right thing to pass it on then that's all that matters. Life is about feelings. We buy feelings when buying something new or used. We hold on to things we build or restore because it marks a time in our lives that gave us a good feeling. These good feelings help us get thru our bad days as we get older. We can look back and smile for doing the right thing..
In the first place whoever gave you the idea that you are a "decent kid" :twisted: :twisted: ?

Would be cool to give it to him.

I'm confused as to what you actually are going to do since you wandered all over the place on this. Youre going to strip a good tractor, to fix another, to give to a friend, or are you giving the one good tractor you got for free to the friend?
I can relate Greg. Our SIL had a need for tools and I had extras so I gave them to him. Later on either he or the granddaughters would tell me he sold them. They were his to do with what he wanted, but I don't give him stuff any more.
If I give something to someone then its theirs' period to do what they want with it,if someone gives me something I consider it mine to do what I want with it.This socialist idea of continuation ownership is pure baloney as far as I'm concerned.Its up to you what you want to do with the tractor since its yours but do not be upset if he sells the tractor after you GIVE it to him as its then his to do what he wants with it.If you're going to be upset then make it clear when he gets the tractor that in reality its
a LOAN and you expect to be able to tell him what he can and cannot do with it.
If you found a $100 bill would you then give it to someone because it didn't cost you anything? Tractor is no different.
Tell you a thought I got at Camp Hale with my scout son, who is now an Eagle. I realized one day that in everything you do, there are boys watching, to see how you do things. If you do something honorable, they see that. If you do somethiing sneaky, dishonorable, extravagent, cruel, whatever, there will be boys see that. If the boys see you working hard, whether or not you succeed, if you overcome difficculaites, if you keep on going in difficulties, IF YOU JUST KEEP ON KEEPING ON, they see that. They will remember.
Bryce, only you can make this decision. I have had 2 tractors given to me. One I traded for a more desirable older one. The other will be here on the farm when I die and will be handed down to my son.
It was my Dad's first tractor. Has been in the family since new except for a few months.
Helping someone out is a great thing.
My wife just left the house with a sewing project she has worked on for weeks in the evenings. She is giving it to a nurse where she works who wants to it give to her brother.
The joy of giving beats the joy of getting something many times.
I agree. Talk to the boy about what he his going to do, but it will be his to do whatever down the road.
If someone appreciates a gift, that is what counts.
Richard in NW SC
If this lady is still around then go talk to her and tell her you found it a good home and see how she feels about that.
First I knew you were an Eagle Scout. Both my son's are too. To me, its says allot about a person, all good.
I think you already know what your going to do.
Well I've thought about this for awhile before posting. For one thing you are a very thoughtful young man. If only more people could be like you. It sounds like he will be tickled to death to have this tractor. Some of the guys have mentioned "if he turns around and sells it". My thought on that aspect is if he sells it to generate money to better himself, like buying property, I know that's an extreme example but I'm sure you get the drift, then your gift to him has multiplied. If he sells it to generate money to buy, for example, a dirt bike, then he shouldn't be your friend anymore.
Yes, I got my Eagle at 13, stayed in BSA long enough to get 6 Palms (2 gold, 2 bronze, and 2 silver) and then "retired" from it!
She isn't around the area anymore, but I do have her contact info. However, after talking with her when I picked it up, she was leaving the next day for good, and HAD to get rid of it! So, I was kind of like the middle man in some ways, she told me I could do whatever I wanted with it, just find it a good home..
Bryce,I have had many things given to me,(tractors included).I have also given stuff to friends(again,tractors included).This is a great way to help someone get 'started'. What goes around,comes back around.Pay it foreward..........
Your question reminded me of the old saying...

"What goes around, comes around"

If you do your buddy the favor, he won't forget it.

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