trimming black rasberries

You can still trim your raspberries, it won't hurt them.
I still plan to mow mine off yet this year.
Every 2-3 years I go thru mine with a lawn mower. Then in the spring, all the dead vines are gone so it's easier for transplanting or thinning, and also easier when you're picking the raspberries.
we mow them down--- If it doesn't rain too much between now and this weekend I will have them whacked off when I mow the lawn for the last time.
Ok there is a lot of confusion here. I have been researching and growing raspberries and blackberries for about 4 years now, and currently have about 700 feet of black raspberry row. We sell at roadside stand and farmers markets. Only the fall-bearing red raspberries should be mowed to the ground, and then not until totally dormant. On the black raspberries and blackberries, the only fall pruning that should be done is to finish cleaning out any dead canes that bore fruit already, and they should have been cut out already to make more room for the new growth. The canes should have been summer topped already back when they were 3--4 feet high. Now, the laterals will be growing wild and trying to hit the ground. Should keep them on the trellis and off the ground as much as possible, or they will tip root like crazy.

Right before the plants think about breaking dormancy next February or March, you should then cut back the laterals to manageable length, as well as thin any weak or crowded canes. You can cut a few of the lowest laterals off or cut the ends of canes that have tip rooted if you have to in order to walk through and clean up, mulch, etc. But pruning live vines in the fall is not recommended because it tends to stimulate growth at a time the plant is trying to go dormant.

I am still trying to figure it out, but sure do enjoy the black raspberry jelly--really the best in my book.
Going to trim mine with Roundup. Too many thorns and are not any better than the thornless blackberries that I have.
I brush hog my wild blackberries in the spring, every 5 ft. Blackberries only bear on last years' wood, so what I mowed this year to make paths to pick has grown sprouts and will be "last year's wood" next year, when I mow what was left for this year. Can't kill them.
Looks like I've been cutting mine at the wrong time of year.
This publication recommends cutting them in March.
We wait as long as possible in the fall - then cut back the whole mess to about 12" high. Every one of them gets cut. So far - so good. We've gotten more berries than ever since doing this. We used to let them grow and grow however they wanted.

Ditto on the jam/jelly. Black raspberry is the BEST, by a long shot. Especially when my wife screens out the seeds.

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