The Last Farewell to the Last Harvest

Just finished harvesting the last crop of my farming career. Some of the fields I have planted and harvested for well over sixty years. It has been a beautiful fall harvest, one of the nicest and easiest that I can remember. The years that really stick in your mind are the ones that you work all fall in soil conditions that remind you of working in about a foot of fresh cement and loading all the trucks on the side of the road. Not this year, you drive the truck anywhere you want it in the field. A lot of memories and thoughts have been going through my mind this fall. What am I the most proud of? We did it all safely. The most serious injury on the farm was an older man I had helping me jumped off the back of a truck and broke his leg years ago. Thats it. Over seven thousand logged instrument hours in the air as pilot in command, nearly a million miles in a semi tractor trailer, over sixty years on this farm all done safely. It has been a good run and I have been truly Blessed. I am not really sure why I have been so fortunate but I shall be forever grateful. My wife was over in the field with me and I will attach a few pictures that she took of the "Last Farewell."








Tom OConnor- A wonderful tribute! and bittersweet farewell.

Thanks for posting and Good Luck on your next endeavor!
sounds like you are runnin too good to quit now ,,. you got it all mastered ,,. well done ,, Blessings to you and your dear wife
I second all of the previous comments. You have worked hard in life and now you deserve a rest. Congratulations and what a nice fall to end it with.
My stupidity will show, but I have to ask. What is that air blower mechanism on the header?? What does it do??
Congratulations on farming safely so long... and especially on your retirement.

Tell your wife great photos.

May you find other interests that you really enjoy in your retirement - more tractor shows, more travel, more time with family and friends... remember to take the camera along!

Just an FYI - you may well a bit lost next spring when crops start going in the ground - but it gets a little easier with the passing of each farming season... until you find you actually enjoy the freedom. (At least that's the way it worked out for my husband.)
55 50 Ron: That is an air reel. It blows air in a high volume stream back at the header. This will blow any shattered beans and short plants back into the header. They help with feeding in short crops.
Tom I wish you well in your retirement. I do not see the day when I quit. It maybe in my future but I just do not see it happening. There is little else I like doing so it is not really work to me.
My hat is off to you sir, I only wish you time now to really have fun, as obviously you have had a fun and good life so far.
Tom, it's a bit hard on me to see a farmer hang it up and retire, because I'm getting close to it myself. But, going out on top is a real accomplishment that you can be proud of.

Good luck and many keepers....
Just took the first step on that journey my self--share cropping half my land with a nephew next year---mixed feelings--but will give me more time to use my pilot's licence.

Good luck to you,sir, and a job well done!

Great Job Tom! It is a pleasure to share the occasion with you.

JD. "It is only work IF you would rather being doing something else".
Congratulations! I hope you enjoy your retirement,and get to watch someone else farm it who does a good job with it.Mark
Great Run! You should be proud..... There is no job or weather condition that is so important we can't take the time and preform our tasks safely.
What are you going to do with all your free time? If I remember correctly isn't a fella right there locally taking over your fields? You picked a good year to go out.

Your old Chevy C-50 and I are headed to the local pit here in a couple of hours. Going to bring back two loads of sand and finish off the north side of the equipment shed. Looks like a nice day for it.
You have got to be pretty close to me as I grew up in that area.

Im sure I would know you if we ran into each other. Only two guys I can think of close that would take over your fields.

If you would have taken that last round first, you would have been done a long time ago.

I had a 9610 with a 930F that was much better than the 9500 with a 925 before. But they couldn't hold a candle to the 9670 with a 630F that I have now.
Congrats on the retirement. Just think of all the knowledge you've acquired that could really help some young guy. Think about the best way to share it, maybe even write a book. Lots of people can't wait to read the experiences of a real farmer, not secondhand in some novel.
Mr. OConnor,
This is the 3rd time I have looked at your pictures. Although I do not know your and will probably never meet you, I get choked up each time. It is a pleasure to see someone that has done so well in a time so many complain. We live in the Greatest place on earth and you have taken advantage of it very well. A good life, hope you the best in your next adventure.

Keep LOOkin Up!
Joshua 1:8

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