Back from Threshers Reunion

David G

Well-known Member
I went to Mount Pleasant yesterday.
I was there as well. I see you where just north of the tractor dyno area? (From the picture) We started on the West side at about 11PM and only got about half way east before we got Hot and thirsty. So we cut across to the south and went to meet a friend at the Log village. By the time we got back up to the grounds you had left.

What did you think of the show???? I was kind of disappointed again. If you are not into the Trains and some of the Steam engines there is little going on. Yes there where hundreds of antique tractors SETTING AROUND!!!! Not a single thing to do with them and almost ZERO owners with their tractors. I saw several I would have liked to talk to the owners about but not a soul to be found. This is what we found three years ago when we went on a Friday. So this year we went on Saturday just to see if the weekend made much difference, it did not. I was looking for THREE different tractor owners that where there. I met exactly ZERO of them. The first two where never around their tractors when I was there and You where gone by the time I got to that side of the show. So my usual timing and luck. LOL
My comments:

No instructions to presenters, gatekeepers know nothing, have to been there before.
No one near their tractors, almost like a ghost town.
Only have 1 big parade per day, several smaller specific parades for would give presenters something to do.

I did meet several younger folks interested, seems like over 50, then under 25, not many in between.
I want to give out an "atta boy" to the family that brought several new generation JD's. They did all their own work and they were absolutely the best restoration jobs I have seen.
I really enjoy seeing your posts on adding the EFI to your tractors. I like seeing not only restored ones but "improved" ones. One thought on your disappointment with the show. Don't quit going but volunteer to help and nicely suggest your improvements and ideas. Without any input they don't know what's going wrong. I used to be involved in a local show but got sick of all the bickering and everyone trying to control everybody. I know if someone told me that in order to show my tractor that I had to sit by it all day in the hot sun just on the off chance that someone wanted to talk about it, I wouldn't go! However bringing up the idea of putting a large tent in the area for people to sit around and discuss these are things might be a happy medium. Just some free advice, worth what you paid for it.
Some threshing shows get so they are controlled by a core group of people who don't accept ideas from outside of their little circle of companions. I know of a show that had that problem and lost a few very active board members with good ideas they could not get approved because they were outside this little circle. The ones inside the circle were very good cordial folks but they did not realize they were damaging progress within the show. The group is broken up now and the new board members are advancing the show very well.

Another problem and I think this is the most prevalent problem, is the lack of volunteer help. A larger show like Mount Pleasant needs hundreds of volunteers. Besides a growing lack of general population in the Midwest rural areas a summer show fights two occasions that hurt volunteerism; weddings and vacations. Why would anyone schedule a wedding during OUR show? LOL
I would love to have a chance to see the EFI system..... I followed your progress here on the forums and would like to see and hear it running. That said I would like to invite you and any other MH collectors you know to a upcoming show that our club is having. It may be a bit early to get it on the calendar but I would like to extend the offer anyway. The club I belong to, Apple Country Engine and Tractor Association, will be hosting the Massey Expo of North America on Oct 26-28 2017. The event will be held just out side of Asheville NC for our annual Fall Harvest Days show. This will be the FIRST time the Massey Expo has be held in the southeast! My email is open if you are interested...
I would love to come, will put it on the calendar, please keep in touch.

Email is open.
On another note, it currently uses one injector, it will be running on port injection by next summer. I will be able to precisely meter fuel to each cylinder then.

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