Just Wondering?


Well-known Member
I see that the post about Wisconsin's governor running for president disappeared. I'd like to know what your reasons are for voting for him if he makes it to the primaries? I don't want any fighting here about this, just state your reasons and leave it at that. Please don't list reasons why you wouldn't vote for him. If this goes well I'll ask that question in another post.
It disappeared because they have a rule about no politics. The only worth anything is James Webb and there has never been a Marine president.
I will vote for him if he is the nominee because he may actually try to cut government, dismantle a few criminal agencies and force the federal
government to operate within the law as well as make the sanctuary cities in the US obey federal law and force ICE to do their jobs. Notice I
said he may do some of the things he promises to do, then again he might not, I have little faith in any politician.
The vast majority of GOP candidates (aka Jeb White and the Seventeen Dwarfs) couldn't win a straight-up election against Pat Paulsen. And Pat's been dead for 18 years. Most couldn't be elected Dog Catcher in their home towns. The Grand Old Party is in serious trouble if it can't come up with a candidate who can win the swing voters, and someone who has alienated most of those swing voters in his home state isn't the guy you want running against the lovely and charming Madam Secretary Clinton.

Bah! Politicians!!........Put 'em all in a bag....shake it around and dump 'em out....you couldn't tell one from another.

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