Super C Axle Bearing Question


New User
I have a question concerning the inner axle bearing for a Farmall Super C part number ST295. I purchased a 6310 bearing which has 7 balls in it compared to the 10 of the original bearing. I did not realize this once I got home due to the seals. I am only going to be using the tractor maybe 1 or twice a month with a small 4ft bushhog attached to keep a 2 acre field mowed down with it. The aftermarket bearing is made by KBC 6310zz with metal shields which I plan on removing when installing. I know that more balls in the bearing means larger load capacity. Would the 6310zz bearing work ok in here and hold up vs the other bearing? This tractor will not see as much work as it did at one time before so I think i will be ok but wanted to get the opinions of others that have been down this road. I don't really want to have to go back into a few months down the road because of the bearing.

Spend a little extra money and put back what belongs there. I much prefer to do the job once and spend
a little extra to make sure I only do it once.

I rebuilt the steering gear on my 140 a few years ago put everything new in, except I did not have a
new key for the steering shaft-- so I said to myself I'll just use the old one it will be fine.

Cost of a new one $ 3.15 from IH.

Guess what I put it all back together and everything was fine for about the first half field I was
cultivating---- then you guessed it the key broke and I had to pull everything a part to replace that $
3.15 key.
run into that a lot on Farmalls.
internally buried....OEM bearings cost a lot......aftermarket replacements (if available) are different, but said to [i:127cf7ae61]work[/i:127cf7ae61].....
If I take out a factory bearing, and the replacement in my hand isn't exactly the same....naw, I'll to the dealer.

I'd even prefer a good used factory bearing over a modern replacement...especially if I have to tear apart half the tractor to get to it.
Do you know the load ratings of the two bearings? You should be able to look that up in the manufacturer's online catalogs. From there you can follow the manufactures guidelines to calculate the life of each bearing under the same load.

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