Quack Quack. To much rain


Well-known Member
So in the last 2 days we have gotten 5 inches and that is on top of a good number of days where we had 1/2 to 1 inch of rain. Have 3 tractor in the field for doing hay and moved 2 of them because they where in 3 plus inches of water. Should probably move the WD-45 with the hay rake on it but did not want to walk in a foot of water to get to it. Where it is is only about 3 inches deep but to get to it I would have to get in deeper water. As it is my pants are wet to the knee cap and my shoe feel like I am walking in water.
it rained here in nj today again,but not much,when the hay waas supposed to grow,we had dry almost drought,now when its time to cut and bale we have rain,,,go figure
Yep most years I have my hay done already but this year only got about 1/4 of it done. At least the area I got done should make a good second cutting it it does not drown before then LOL. Have a few pictures but have not down loaded them yet. By the way the garden is doing well. Have tomato plants that when the rain is not knocking them down stand 5 feet tall and covered with green ones
The ancients called this area a wild horse desert.
This year to date I received just over 26". This is on the high side of yearly averages.
We haven't yet begun the rainy season.
Since last September through today I recorded just over 70 days of rain events.
For the last month hear in SW Ohio we have had no rain to speak of, Maybe 3 tenths. But in the last 3 days we have been getting some much needed rain maybe an 1 1/2" and I am great full for what we are getting. The tress leaves were starting to curl up so it was getting dry and as far as I can tell there is no water running in the ditches yet. My soybeans will jump 6" in the next few days with this rain. Got to love the weather. Bandit
Since Sunday 7/15 here in central Illinois we have had 12" plus. Some of my neighbors have had a couple of inches more than that, just a few miles away. It has been very variable. It can stop any time. The big creeks have been over the road 6 of the last 12 days.
I'm 100 miles west of you and have only had 3.75" for the entire month but water is standing everywhere..Today they have had 4-5" of rain 50 miles south of me while I got .35"....Lots of hay needs baled and lots of soybeans left to plant in my area..

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