If you are lucky enough to still have your mom...

Dave H (MI)

Well-known Member
...what are you doing reading this!? Get on the phone or get in the car or get on skype or whatever and make her feel appreciated! You only ever get one, and it is a sorry thing when they are gone. Tell her happy Mothers Day from me!

Miss you Mom!
My mother has been gone for 18 years, but she lived by herself on the family farm until a month before she passed away at age 94. Interesting lady.

She was a self-described "tough old broad", and there's no way I can dispute that. If there was ever anything or anybody on this earth she was afraid of, I never figured out who or what. I think she would have charged hell with a bucket of water.

She had a plaque on the wall of her kitchen that stated, "I'm not afraid of tomorrow. I've seen yesterday and I love today". That about summed her up. I'll refrain from boring ya'll with some of her exploits.
I am going to see my 85 year old mom this afternoon.
She only lives 50 miles away but I really do not get over there as often as I should.
I do make it at least once a month though.

I called my dad the other day and ask what I should get her. Does she need anything?
Told me a pack of ink pens and a stack of loose leaf paper.

Poor woman spends just about every waken moment writing down; adding and subtracting figures.
The assets she has accumulated over the years;
What kid will get what;
How much money she has in bank;
What bills she has;
How much she won or lost at last weeks bingo game;
Over and over again.
Stacks of papers with figures only she can decipher if she could even find the one paper she needed.

A terrible waste of a good mind.
So while the body is still alive I already miss my mom.
Absolutely ! I went to a high end butcher shop and grocery store yesterday and will prepare a really nice meal for her today. All her favorites, start to finish, prepare,cook and clean up, which I do regularly everyday as it is. A small token of appreciation goes a long way. Good thing is, same meal is a favorite of mine too LOL !, fillet mignon, broccolini topped with melted cheese, small red potatoes and onions with seasoning, simple but good! For the the sweet tooth after, fresh homestyle chocolate chip cookies from a local bakery with an excellent recipe for those. I can bake them pretty good myself, but theirs are really hard to compete with. Also have a few pork chops in the mix and will prepare those for grilling to her liking as well.
Took my mom and wife out yesterday evening to dinner at a place called China Town. Pretty much the only thing I think China has that is good is there foods LOL
this is a picture of my mom in my truck,,,she sufferd with m/s for years,,never complained,,,wish I could still lift her into my truck and take her to PA,,,but she is no longer with us,,,sure do miss her
I lost my mom Jan 8 1978 at age 64. She had had a hard life, we were living in Shrevport La. (I was in 2nd grade), when she developed tuberculosis. Mom and Dad divorced while she was in a sanitorium and after brutal surgery and several years recovery, she went to school for chest x-ray (to detect tuberculosis). when she finished the school, she went to work for the state, and brought us kids together again. Life was hard for a single mom and three kids. We each went to work as soon as possible to provide ourselves with clothes and spending money. Dad never provided.
Mom always had health issues after the tuberculosis.
It was only after military service in 1965 that I got a decent job.
Mom married an old high school friend and together they bought a small house. The old high school friend ended up being an eccentric and they divorced. I was able to buy his part of the house and provide a place for mom to live.
That was the best thing I ever did for her. I wish she was here now so I could spoil her.
My Mom is 85 and has really bad Rheumatoid Arthritis but manages fairly well. Had dinner here today with her and my two sisters, brother-in-law, and nephew. Went really well. Ate way too much. Celebrated Mother's day, BIL birthday and my birthday all in one.

Felt lots of "lessons" from various weapons, usually whatever was nearby, and wouldn't trade her for any I know. Thanks, Mom! You taught me a lot through the years. But could you repeat it, I wan't listening!
that alzheimers is nasty stuff m-i-l had that.
mrs 730 has ms that isn't good either. makes doing anything with or for her very hard it seems to me she is losing ability to use her hands
I had brunch with my mother and 3 ungrateful sisters. They're never around unless they want something, and I'm over there helping her or my father several times a week. Yet she somehow manages to love all her children equally. God bless her.
Spent some time with my 98 year young Mom today. She still lives alone and only has a grand son come in twice a week to do a few chores. Spent some time with a daughter, grand children and great grand children. This was also a birthday party for one of the great grand daughters. A very good day for all it seems.

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