mustard weed

We have mustard that comes up around here along roads, in crop fields etc. I happen to grow alfalfa / grass hay for horses, so I don't want mustard in my fields. I actually hand pull the stuff I see every year and I have generally kept it out. But I have noticed other alfalfa fields in the area that will turn into a huge mustard population after 3-4 years. My theory is it may come as trash seed in some seed brands. Any thoughts on this? Many years ago I got a good dose of mustard in a grass hay field after I spread some horse manure that a boarder had tossed some old alfalfa into. So I know alfalfa & mustard go hand in hand.
Read the article in the link.
This should tell you where it (the mustard) likely comes from.

I was told to make sure and ask for the "Lot Number Certificate" for any grass seed you might buy.
This will tell you which weed seeds may be present, and the % (by weight) of each type of weed that may be present.

Some weeds you may already have (Thistle, etc.) so it may not matter that much.
However, you would NOT want to purchase any grass seed or alfalfa seed that has ANY % of White Cockle (or any other NOXIOUS weed seed) in it.

Also, weed seeds are very light compared to Alfalfa, so that even a small % of weed seeds will produce huge amounts of weeds.
Apparently, all seed suppliers must have these Certificates made available, but it is up to the farmer to ask for it beforehand.

By the way, this article pertains to Canada; I'm sure the USA has similar regulations.

This maybe does not apply to COMMON GRADE seed. Talk to your Ag rep for your area.

Seed Certificate
We got mustard in a wheat field once. Got docked at the elevator. Can't remember what they spayed it with, but killed it in one year. I remember farming it is early March. Nebr panhandle.
Legend has it that the Spanish explorers used mustard to mark their trails here. I noticed a while back that a lot of farmers north of me had allowed their fields become infested with mustard.
At the same time a farmer south of me planted a field of it for oil to make biodiesel from. He appeared to get good production but has not planted it again. I don't know why not.
Probably because just another trying to make their own fuel and then found out it just doesent work with all the problems.
Plant Roundup Ready alfalfa. I haven't ever needed to spray mine, but I will this year. I'm noticing some weeds wandering in.
did you use chicken litter in you field ?
down here in mississippi the "company" was required by USDA to add mustard seed to the feed the chickens just poop it out but guess what all that un-composted litter can be tracked by satellite !

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