Younger Fellow past away this Morning!!!

JD Seller

Well-known Member
There is local fellow here who did a fair amount of custom combining and planting. He also did some repair work as well. HE was only 43 years old with two daughters. HE had a bout with cancer a few years ago but pulled through. Well Monday night his wife could not wake him up. They took him to the local hospital and then on to Iowa City. They found a tumor in his brain and his lungs full of cancer too. He never came back around. He passed away this morning. He drank very little and never smoked. It just goes to show you that you never know when your time is up!!!

I hope he is up above helping plan the Big Guy's next crop.
What a tragedy, and being so young. My heart and prayers go out to his wife and family for their loss. May this young man rest in peace
The same deal happened here local this winter. He was 54, local custom operator, had his own business, one son worked with him, heart attack one week and dead of a stroke the next week. Sad!
Every day is a blessing, no matter how crappy it may seem at the time. Our prayers for the family as they deal with this loss. gobble
At least he didn't suffer for months in a hospital bed, plugged full of tubes, covered in sores, wasting away in pain.
I've seen that too often to know that a quick death is a better one. Prayers sent to him and his family.
Prayers go out to the family.One just never knows,but God only takes the BEST. I am sure that he has a job for him to do.
they are all in my prayers , just came from funeral home tonite for 2 friends ,,. 63 yr old mechanic to lung cancer ,another good mechanic that was 80 yrs young was lost to a massive stroke ...lets make every day our best

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