This ones really got me!

I often cruise Youtube late at night often into
the wee hours of the morning. I always start
out looking at farming or tractor videos,
usually drift off into an unknown direction but
always hit some music videos along the way. I
ran into this one a few nights ago, The
Sweethearts of the Rodeo singing "Midnight Girl
in a Sunset Town" What a great song! I've
heard it on the radio many times, but I like
this video alot, I'm sure the girls being
gorgeous plays a part of that but I think the
fact that this song was from an era when
Country music was much better than it is today
is really the biggest factor. I've watched
this video 10+ times over the last few days, it
just takes me to a happy place I guess.

I was born in 1977, making me 37 years old, I
really wish I was born about 25 years earlier,
I think I could of caught some of America's
better years in terms of cars, music, and
better life in general, especially on the farm.

Give this video a listen, I hope it does to you
what it does to me.....great stuff
Midnight Girl in a Sunset Town
You Tube can be a real time vampire. I too have been sucked into hours worth of viewing, often ending up nowhere even close to my original search. I also love cruising tunes in you tube, especially old country songs.

I share your perceptions of the past, being only a few years younger than you, however, when I get too sentimental I remember stories my father and grandfather have told me about the "good ol' days" and I begrudgingly admit that it is not so bad living in these modern times. I would not care to milk into buckets, haul cans to town, pitch silage by hand, load manure spreaders by hand, put up loose hay, farm with horses/mules, etc. They did it because they HAD TO, not because they enjoyed it.
Well, even though I grew up in the city, I think life in the '50's was the best. Life just seemed more simple to me; but maybe because there was no pressure being a kid.

Well, yeah...but..they DID enjoy it...!!!

I have been there and pitched manure or shoveled grain all day and it was a GOOD time...!!

The neighbors got together and the Men worked together to get the job done and went to another Man's farm and did the same...

What a nice community we had and it always worked without any co-ordination..just from LOVE of the neighbor...

I guess you just had to BE there....

I pitched calf pens and hog pens every day when i was a kid in the 80s. Baled a lot of hay at home, and filled A LOT of barns for lots of neighbors, and it WAS fun. I got to work with a lot of my friends and i enjoyed the challenge. In my teens, I probably had a hand in putting up 30k bales a summer (heck maybe more), ground feed twice a week, opened up cornfields by hand and even shoveled some grain myself. Milked cows and farm-handed on a neighbor guys place until I was 22 as well. It wasn't like I was
some far-off stranger to the laborsome ways of the past. You're right though, there definitely was more of communal attitude back then. Farmers shared equipment and pitched in to help each other out, something that has gone totally by the wayside in my area. THAT is something I am sorry to have missed out on.
Good stuff!

I like the real country, gotta look for it though, it's out there. Don't wast your time looking on main stream radio or anything prancing across the CMA Nashville stage!

Check out these female artists, you'll like them too, Iris Dement, Nancy Griffith, Tracie Lynn, Mary Gauthier (caution, she's a little weird!) Enjoy!
Hi I listened to the song it's a good one. Growing up farming in the U.K and working for a custom silage crew at one point. I like a tune Onelonelyfarmer added to a video on his channel the other day. It's an Irish band singing a song called "Hit the Diff". it's on you tube as well and good for farm guys to listen to.
Regards Robert
I finished high school in 1977, so I am not 25 years older than you but, the music the cars and trucks and tractors where much more fun. Snowmobiles where a real blast too, and most any one could afford to buy this stiff and put gas in it. All the old country music greats where still going strong like Conway, Johnny Cash, Ernest Tubbs , and many more. What we have now is not country music ,just crummy rural rock.
(quoted from post at 15:45:49 03/10/15) I finished high school in 1977, so I am not 25 years older than you but, the music the cars and trucks and tractors where much more fun. Snowmobiles where a real blast too, and most any one could afford to buy this stiff and put gas in it. All the old country music greats where still going strong like Conway, Johnny Cash, Ernest Tubbs , and many more. What we have now is not country music ,just crummy rural rock.
ot to agree with Bruce.

This song is a nice country song.

It helps that both singers are easy on the eyes as well.;)

Today's country sucks, i can't stand hearing that crap.
I grew up in the 50s, we worked hard but it was a great time. We had no TV, so we had to listen to all the programs (The Lone Ranger, Sky King, Preston of the Yukon, etc.) on the radio and use our imagination. Some years back a young man named Lionel Cartwright had a hit with a song, "I Watched it All On My Radio". It's on Youtube as well.
What I always found interesting about them was that they DID NOT come from a traditional COUNTRY singer area. They were raised in Manhattan Beach, California not really a country music mecca. LOL

One of them was married to Vince Gill for a long time.

They both are good singers. That is getting to be rare in may types of music these days. In the past you had to be able to actually SING to be a singer. LOL Lately screeching LOAD is close enough for some of them.
My wife and I had the opportunity to not only see them but were actually able to dance. Can't do that at these mega concerts now.

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