I dunno about the rest of you Michigan folk...

Dave H (MI)

Well-known Member
...but this weather has me feeling like I had a stiff drink. I do have a pretty good case of Spring fever coming on. Looking forward to being out there and not chained to a desk. It's almost warm out.
Ya,I've been in the shop with the door open,working on the 500. The sunshine is a little deceiving though. It's OK with the gloves off for a minute or two,but then it feels pretty good on the fingers to put them back on again.
It felt downright balmy at 9 am, now it's HOT. Not too often does 40 degrees feels so nice, but today is one of those days.
Yes , we are all getting a little cabin fever , tomorrow its suppose to be around 40 , so time to get out and go for a walk in the bush . I don't drink , but do like puffing on my stoggie to celabrate anything L.O.L.

Larry --Ont.
Not in Michigan, but I am also tired of the weather. Just about ready to turn on the air conditioner here on the left coast. Stan
I'm not at my house in MI at the moment but here in CT the weather has been similar. I've been outside chopping ice. Not that I have to but just to get outside. The difference makes it almost feel like summer. Can't wait 'till Wednesday when I'm going to open up the barn and work on my truck.
Yup. Ready for warmer weather. I went snowmobiling this weekend and the trails turned woop te dooes Saturday afternoon. That was the end of riding trails until next year, so it can hurry up and melt.
I spent the last half of Feb. in Florida so I did get a slight taste of decent weather.
But I'm ready for some more. It looks like we may get some this week. Although it will make for allot of mud around my place for a while.
Getting above 40* now during the day. Predictions are 50+ up to 70+ through coming week here in SE Iowa!

Heck, it's warm enough now to mix concrete & mortar!

Gunny, in Iowa[/img]
Early last week when it got to 28 deg, I was out in a t shirt. Yesterday and today I almost wanted to put the fire out in the shop woodstove and go without a shirt, lol. I saw on the news a week or so ago, that here in MI, this February was the third coldest month of all months since they have been keeping record, and the coldest February ever on record with the average for the month at 11 deg F this year.

It's great! I might even hook on to the old haybine tomorrow..........because a guys coming to buy it.
Bought some of the Climax Moonshine this weekend, needed a good stiff drink, have to say, it's darned good stuff....
Temps hit 36 degrees here yesterday (Hawks Michigan near Rogers City). Supposed to get near 40 today. Last week, the view of Lake Huron from the Calcite port at Rogers City was all ice. Yesterday, about 1/3 is now open water.

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