Hee Haw, Bib Overalls,Union Suits, and Tractors

Didn't like any of these growing up in the 70's almost 50 now and think they are all pretty cool. Looks like I've turned into my dad
Don't wear the union suit, but just about live in bibs. And have a tractor. A lot more comfortable to drive a semi all night than jeans. Worn them for the last 20 years or more. Just turned 55.
One away from 70, grew up with hee haw, rowans and martins laugh in, never wore bibs, never will, jeans and western boots, long live the old tv shows.
I can do without the union suits, but I wear bibs daily. Got plenty of tractors, and love those old re-runs.
I wear bibs every day while I milk cows. In summer I will some times wear work pants tee shirt and suspenders, but I prefer the bibs, nice and loose, and don't cling. In winter it is union suits with bibs all the way all the day. Of coarse not the same ones in the house as the barn, that would endanger my life. Just seems to be the most comfortable and practical clothes to work in. Been like this more many years now, I am 54 and also grew up with Hee Haw etc. Bruce
I love my carhartt jeans i like the room. But i do wear my bibs and coveralls when i need them also. And also loved HEE_HAW . BR549 come on down we dealin LOL
The Union Suit is the best.You can take off your clothes in the basement and go upstairs in the suit it counts as pajamas, although I wouldn't answer the door in them or go shoppping at Wall Mart that would be creepy. That's what the bibs are for.
I wear bibs most of the time. When growing up I worked for a guy and every Sat we went to the mill. You would see guys come in there with bibs on and they had a rubber band made out of a inter tube around there ankles. Any one want to guess why. Hint I almost fell on my face yesterday getting off my tractor
I wear bibs quite often on the weekends. Last pair I bought is black, probably a mistake. Dad never wore them, though.
Ahh, Yes on both.

Proof pictures from a few years back. Only two times I went some place not in bibs in the last ten or more years.

Relaxing in the evening


Or about to get on the jet Express to Put In Bay on a hot summer day.

"Looks like I've turned into my dad"
My dad was not a good looking man. Long ears and long face. I loved him very much, but he was homely as home made soap. For the last 10 years or so, whenever I look in the mirror I see more and more of him looking back at me. Oh well. At my age I'm OK with that, because he was a wonderful man and people tell me how much I remind them of him.

BR549, heck, that's a funny that we've nearly forgotten.

What was it, junior sales?

Honestly, I can't remember.

I've been wearing bibs for so long that I don't even have a waist. I have a picture somewhere of me holding my daughter when I was 18 and I was wearing them. I went a decade or so without them,but had no end of back trouble so I went to wearing them full time.
My wife wears bib overalls, not me. She has a very bad digestive system and they are comfortable for her.
Been wearing bib overalls for almost 50 years on a daily basis. I would be lost without all the pockets. I use every pocket for different things. Plyers, flashlight, wallet, cell phone, screwdriver, gloves, keys, change, watch, pocket knife, checkbook, pen and pencil, handkerchief and whatever else I might find useful to carry. I've gotten so used to carrying all this stuff that I would be lost without it. The only bad thing is when it's time to change to another pair, it takes time since everything has it place in certain pockets. I usually put everything on a table then put the new pair on and put the things in the right pockets. I could never carry all this stuff in a pair of jeans.
I guess it's just what you get used to wearing.

I do agree about those great bib overhauls. I have been whearing them myself since I was 2 years old. I whear them to work as a custodian at an elementray school. Teachers are us to me pulling out my pad and pencil to write in my pad there wish list of things that they need. I even whear them on some nights when I play my five string banjo. You might say I am known for my farm boy root in the big town of Riverside So. Ca.
I have a pair of the Hee Haw Bibs, also have several smaller pairs for my grandkids. As I am setting here hunt & pecking on this keyboard I have on a pair of BIG BEN bibs.
(quoted from post at 01:42:18 02/17/15) Didn't like any of these growing up in the 70's almost 50 now and think they are all pretty cool. Looks like I've turned into my dad

Dad always said; "Stick to your long-johns until they stick to you".

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