New experience with a tractor.

Bruce from Can.

Well-known Member
While on the way to the other farm, which is 5 miles away from my home place,to blow snow out of drive way. I was stopped by the cops in a R.I.D.E. program. R.I.D.E. stands for Reduce Impaired Drivers Everywhere. Now I am driving a tractor with a snowlower. Asked me if I had been drinking today, told them no. But I did have a open bottle of alcohol in the cab with me, Keen Flow anti gel.Copper just laughed and told me to get lost. First time for everything I guess. Bruce
Was a time, when I lived about two blocks from my bank. Due to work schedules, I could only access the bank on Saturdays, through the drive through. They got bent out of shape when I rode my bicycle through the drive through - no sense of humor!
Were a couple drunk driving arrests last summer around here involving driving lawnmowers, garden tractors. When I was a kid, there was an old coot who lost his license due to drunk driving. Wasn't unusual to see his 8N parked in front of the local bar.
I was spraying one time, ford 5200 open station, with a pull type sprayer behind.

Picked up a hitch hiker, gave him a ride 1.5 miles down the road.

About the oddest I've done.

He was let out of prison, heading back to the big city, something with his license and alcohol and such....

I was actually only planning to drive .5 mile to my driveway, but wasn't in the mood to point out where I live so went down a few more field roads.....

Last time I got stopped (rolled a stop sign) about 2 years ago the deputy came back and said my record was clear and he'd just give me a warning. I said thanks and that he wasn't born when I got my last ticket. I was right. Ticket 1969, deputy 1973.
Back in the early 70s there was an old man, Uncle Buck, worked for his nephew that owned a dairy. He had long ago lost his license for too many DUI's, and was just too old, blind and senile to be driving.

Just about every evening I'd see his Ford tractor with a FEL, parked in front of the rock-n-roll hippie bar down on the lake road. It was about 2 miles from the dairy, he'd drive it home in the dark, winding country road... Never heard of him getting stopped of having any trouble.
And we can't get them to arrest people that we and they know are driving high as a kite on dope. Go figure.
now that you know it, wash out bottle real good, and carry your own alcohol to keep you warm,,lol
Same here, rabbit- but imagine his surprise when he got busted for DWI on his Ferguson, driving home from the bar. He protested that drunk driving laws didn't apply to tractors- Deputy explained that driver license requirement didn't apply to driving a tractor, but DWI laws applied to all "motor vehicles". He was very disappointed with the advice he had received from his friends, and with the 6 months he got for his 5th DWI.

I was a deputy in charge of the jail at the time, and when he was booked, I was instructed to make him a "trusty" immediately. Seems he was very familiar to the jail, was completely trustworthy, and helped out a lot. He went into a cell where the door was never locked, and he had free run of the place. We could send him to the corner store for cigarettes, etc., and he always came back (we'd give him a little extra so he could get himself something, too.) I think he preferred spending the winter in jail, because "3 hots and a cot" was better than what he had at home. At least, he always seemed to end up there, come November or so. RIP, Ernie.
A lot of small towns here in Iowa had a town drunk that drove a farm tractor because of no drivers license. They have changed the law now so they can't drive anything on public roads if they have lost their license due to owi.
I was pulled over a couple years ago with a bunch of deposit bottles to return on the passenger side floor. Cop saw "beer" on one, and asked if I'd been drinking I pulled it out and showed him: "Root beer". Non-alcoholic I assured him; let him read the label, and every bottle was bone dry. He let me go without a breath-alyzer. Nice to see our tax dollars at work assuming our guilt first, and allowing us to prove otherwise before thrown into court.

There was a case here a year or so ago, an Amish buggy was pulled over and the young male "driver" was charged with DUI. Seems they let the horse off on a technicality.
Yep. He drove it right by my house. I went to school with Tammy's daughters and spent a lot of time at the big house when I was a kid. It was about a half a mile from us It wasn't a liquor store it was a bar called the Hilltop Inn at the corner of US 98 and County Road 540A. It's been gone close to 35 years now.
Then there was the guy, at closing time at a Tavern/Pub, that went through the parking lot weaving and staggering, apparently looking for his car. The lot emptied and he walked to the last car in the lot. The police roared in. The fella says "I'm a Preacher and don't drink" - "I'm the designated Decoy "!
When I was in Germany a couple years ago we ran into a speed trap. I got a ticket and had not been there for an hour. In the line up was a tractor and sh## spreader and he was getting a ticket also. I told the wife to take a picture but the cop said no way
Years ago I went to the bank, the lobby was closed but the drive-thru still open. My car had issues of stalling a lot while idling and I didn't want to risk getting stuck in the drive-thru lane so I parked and walked thru, waiting my turn between cars. Felt a little silly but sometimes you have to do what you have to do.

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