OT - Raynaud phenomenon - white finger problem




Anyone else suffer from this problem?

It started about 3 weeks ago - finger turns white, and starts to tingle when outside in the cold even when wearing thermal gloves. It does return to normal pink colour when warm. Doctor says its caused by bad circulation, not really any effected treatment.
Yeah, my son and I both have been having that for
years, No way I know of to speed the process of
regaining color/feeling other than movement and
warmth. For me keeping active before the start of
it is the best preventative. Mostly happens with
cool temperatures and lack of movement, like if I
am sitting reading.
Worked with a gal who had Raynaud's Syndrome (only in her early 30's).

She finally transferred from Minnesota to a job in Arizona because living in a warm climate would be good for her.

Are you a tobacco user? This condition is found with the use of tobacco in some people. I worked with a gal that had this condition. Her fingers looked like candles when her fingers got cold. Her doctor told her to quit smoking, or she may start losing fingers. In extreme cases people have lost hands and feet due to this condition and tobacco use.
My wife and second oldest son both have raynaud's disease. Their fingers turn blue even with gloves when it's below about 40 degrees. My son currently lives in Washington State and works in forestry. He would like to move back to Wisconsin but I have concerns about him working outside in the cold here. Richard
Wizzo, have you ever damaged that finger... i
crushed my right hand pinkie (little) finger last
summer... nail has finally grown back, but end of
the finger isn't it's normal shape, anyway when it
gets cold my finger does the same...
I have one that does that sometimes around 50 deg.
Damaged the knuckle many years ago, just have to
put on glove or warm it up to get relief.
I think that's called Burgess disease. had a friend
years ago that was diagnosed with it. Dr told him
absolutely no smoking, or exposure to second hand
smoke. He was to even avoid campfires, welding,
anything smoke related. He ended up loosing a toe
to it.
My wife has this affliction, it would help if she would stop smoking. The doctor has prescribed Nitro patches, which help but are not a cure.

I had that maybe 20 years ago. I got a Canadian Thistle quill in my finger. I can't remember if it was my middle or index finger. Anyway after that the temperature regulation of that finger was way off. Would go all white and cold, just like yours until it was warmed up again. Fortunately for me it was summer so didn't bother too much. Had to keep it extra warm that winter. Took about a year but came out of it. I figure that thistle quill damaged a nerve.
All it takes to stop smoking is the right motivation.

I was smoking about 2 packs a day when I met my wife, 51 years ago this month. On our second date, she owned up to the fact that she's allergic to tobacco smoke, among other things.

I took a pack of cigarettes out of my shirt pocket, threw them in a nearby trash can, and haven't touched one since.

As I said, it's a matter of motivation.
One of my daughters moved to FL because of it. Two of her sisters up here have it somewhat and a couple years ago I started having it, only my fingers don"t get white. Just wicked cold. The doc gave my son medicine called amlodipine besylate for his so I got some. It helps, a blood thinner.
Happens to me occasionally. Did last week and lasted about 45 minutes. When the rest of me does that, I will probably start worrying.
Richard in NW SC

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