OT, WHAT! I Have To WORK?!?!

Bryce Frazier

Well-known Member
Pssssshhh, yesterday was going sooooo well until the neighbor called and asked if I could come over today and cut up a HUGE birch tree that she had taken down... Probably frozen solid!

Here are some stats:

Temp: 6, TFC!
Coffee: No longer hot
Breakfast: No Clue
Lunch: No Clue
Husky 288XP: Somewhere on the property
Chain Condition: No Clue
Amount Of School Currently Done: 3%

Current Time: 7:26
Supposed to be working at: 9:00

Other than that it sounds like it is going to be a GGRRRRRRREAT! :)

I guess work happens to the best of us though huh? $15 an hour ain't bad either!

PS: Eldon, if you are reading this, I might be in your neck of the woods pretty soon! My best buddy Steve O said he called you and bought a mower from you? He want's me to go with him to get it!
OH no, I am leaving right now!!

I don't mind the work, I am just a little discouraged due to the cold! It is 16 right now, maybe it will make 20!! :)
Uh, could it wait a few days? Don't know about where your are but wifey says it's suppose to be 50 this weekend here in Ohio.
(quoted from post at 17:37:48 11/18/14) OH no, I am leaving right now!!

I don't mind the work, I am just a little discouraged due to the cold! It is 16 right now, maybe it will make 20!! :)

The cold isn't to bad when your working! I took off this week and wanted to burn brush piles yesterday. I was a little discouraged with the snow and low temps. But figured ah I took off to get them burnt so I might as well do it. Well four wheeler wouldn't start (heavy oil - don't really use it in winter) so start my old tractor up with 30w in it and off I went. Then pushed them up with skid loader. I was out for 7 hours with a high of 11 and a pretty good NW wind but I wasn't cold at all out working. I figure while young I don't mind the work! Just dress for it of course, enjoy!
I admire your work ethic and can-do attitude, but at the same time I have to question your priorities.

You, your parents, or your school district are probably spending well over $15 per classroom hour for your education. I wouldn't skip out on that for a part time job that will still be there Saturday morning when school is out.

At this time in your life, sporadic jobs paying $15 to $20 per hour under the table with no benefits may be good pocket money, but in a few years when you have real expenses they won't be enough to get you by. A steady job with good pay and good benefits takes a lot of planning, hard work and preparation to qualify for. That's what your school is trying to prepare you to do.

If at all possible, please stay in school full time during the week and work the small part time jobs on your weekends or evenings.

I know you're working very hard, sometimes you have to choose the right things to work on too. Good luck.
Ah The cold won't hurt you. sunday I was out at a tractor was - 11 oc and closer to - 25 0c with wind chill. yesterday was -10 0c and -20 odd with wind.
yesterday I was re building a starter with no gloves and an un heated or insulated shop. at a customers.
At 5 pm I finished looked at my tools, threw them in a parts bin, and said to heck with cleaning and putting them back in the box. That can wait till a shop day in the warm here at home.
You want a fun job try getting 80w 90 gear oil in a hub on a tractor in - 25 sat in the middle of a feedlot and you cant move the tractor until it's fixed.
your only young it ll get worse and you'll get used to it, unless you get an office job you hate L.O.L.
Regards Robert
Well, not to be negative, but you must not pay too much attention to me...

I get harassed all the time about my schooling, and quite frankly I think that it is my family's business, BUT here you go!

I DO go to school, it is a home schooling program that is considered a "public" school. I am a straight "A" student, and already have a full ride to University Of Idaho. I get up at 4 in the morning, and have my school done by 9 at the latest, then I work on running my own BUSINESS the rest of the day...

Yes, believe it or not, I have my own business, The Flying E Enterprises. I haul/cut/burn brush, plow snow, grade roads, do demolition, heavy equipment rentals, I hire out WITH my equipment, and I have several jobs on the side of that, including the restoration of a tractor, for hire.

I am proud to say that I don't just go to school like the rest of the kids, I am also proud to think that I will someday more than likely be more successful than they are, and I might just be doing something that I love!

Thanks for the concern.. Bryce
I would much rather cut wood when it is 4 than when it is 85. Sawdust sticking to sweat pushes me over the edge. I also like to be wearing that airborn bar oil on my bibs not a pair of jeans. Cutting wood in the cold weather is one of my favorite "free time" things.
(quoted from post at 08:28:40 11/18/14) Pssssshhh, yesterday was going sooooo well until the neighbor called and asked if I could come over today and cut up a HUGE birch tree that she had taken down... Probably frozen solid!

Here are some stats:

Temp: 6, TFC!
Coffee: No longer hot
Breakfast: No Clue
Lunch: No Clue
Husky 288XP: Somewhere on the property
Chain Condition: No Clue
Amount Of School Currently Done: 3%

Current Time: 7:26
Supposed to be working at: 9:00

Other than that it sounds like it is going to be a GGRRRRRRREAT! :)

I guess work happens to the best of us though huh? $15 an hour ain't bad either!

PS: Eldon, if you are reading this, I might be in your neck of the woods pretty soon! My best buddy Steve O said he called you and bought a mower from you? He want's me to go with him to get it!

You know I charge an admission fee, don't you??
Is this partly an online hybrid program?

We home school too.

You're showing them the end advantage of home schooling. You're doing your book learning AND learning real world each and every day. Meanwhile your peers are stuck wasting nearly 8 hours a day going over the same stuff year after year.
Well, yes I suppose it is kind of... Basically I still have teachers, classes, peers, and grades, just like a public school, just without all the bs!!

I really like home schooling, like you said, it allows me to not only learn book type learning, but I am out in the real world doing things that I love, AND learning, AND making some play money..

Sounds like a WIN, WIN, WIN to me!! :)

Here is the link to the start page for my school, thought that you guys might like to see it... This is basically the curriculum that my school uses, and my school is IDVA Idaho Virtual Academy.
I've been a carpenter/builder for the last 30 years, very few winters with inside work. Last winter we were building a group home, had trouble getting the foundation in late Dec early Jan because too cold for cocrete, then start framing and it started snowing, so we have to shovel out (one storm 22" used snow blowers as much as possible) whole house to work every time (3700 sq ft), then we finally get the roof on and it stopped snowing. I remember the last day shingleing it was 18 degrees we took our jackets off working in shirts, it felt balmy.
It takes us about 3 hours a day to home school 2 kids. My son has gone from a 42 math average and 47 over all average to 90% math/90% overall. My daughter is doing even better. No distractions, one on one help, no garbage courses. Most importantly, no pushing them on even when they don't have the material down and can't pass a course. But it is a lot more work for me.
Gotta chime in here on this.

I was very fortunate. I fell in love at 18. My first thought was that before I asked for her hand, I'd be able to support her with a decent income.

I looked to the future and in looking at older guys, like grandpas, thought about what I would be like at their age and what would be my requirements when I was no longer able to work.

So I prepared myself and landed a super job with a fortune 500 company and had it for 36 years. It has paid off nicely.

I didn't have the fun a lot of guys did at my age while going through the growing up process but I am having my fun now while they are still working.

I was married to that gal for 48 1/2 years and she passed on.

Ya you know, it is mostly self paced, I have "todays" work in each of my classes, and basically I just need to keep up with the schedule..

I have actually been talking with the principal and a few advisers, and am trying to set up a special course path for kids like me next year, basically, it would eliminate all vacation from the school year, so no 2 weeks for x-mas, and no 2 weeks for spring break! That would mean that I would get out of school 4 weeks earlier, late April, MAYBE early May... Not sure if it will happen, but I sure hope so... There isn't much to do in the winter/spring, but there is farming to do by the end of the school year!! Bryce
Bryce, I have read many of your posts and I am impressed with your "get up and go". I was not aware, however, that you are home schooled.

I am wondering why. Are you too far from a high school, so if you went to public school, you would spend way too much time riding a school bus? Or is the available school of such poor quality that you just don"t want to go there? Or is there a reason that you need to be home, such as to care for ailing relatives, or even to run a farm?

There are things that a person has to take in public (or parochial) school that probably are BS. But many of the classes are very useful, especially if you need to know a certain set of things to be qualified to take a more advanced course or courses.

But academics are only part of schooling. Another very important part of growing up is to learn to get along with and deal with a variety of other persons. I think that going to school and being exposed to lots of other students and teachers really helps this process.

I have known people who, usually for religious reasons, were home schooled. Some of them were outstanding in their academic progress, and some of them were really behind. This probably depended on their personal ability and the quality of the help and attention they got from their parents, or whoever was doing the home schooling for them.

But many of the people I have known that had been home schooled seemed fairly socially awkward. They just didn"t know how to deal with people, and it really showed. It is possible that even if they had gone to regular school, they would have been that way, but I doubt it. Contact with people is a big part of educating a person.

I don"t remember just how old you are, but please consider going to school. You only get one chance to be young! Don"t blow it.
(quoted from post at 22:34:44 11/19/14)
But many of the people I have known that had been home schooled seemed fairly socially awkward. They just didn"t know how to deal with people, and it really showed. It is possible that even if they had gone to regular school, they would have been that way, but I doubt it. Contact with people is a big part of educating a person.

I don"t remember just how old you are, but please consider going to school. You only get one chance to be young! Don"t blow it.

No offense Hal, but not getting "socialized" is part of why our kids are home schooled. Have you spent any time around our so called "socialized" youth these days? If that's what socialization involves, I want no part of it for my kids.

As far as 'social awkwardness", I know a lot of people that are socially awkward that went to public school for 13 years, myself and my wife included. Some people are just going to be a bit awkward, that's all there is to it. IME public school tends to amplify that and those people become the victims of the "socialized" crew. Public school is great if you are one of the "in" crowd, but if you aren't it's a dog fight which is why teen suicide and violence is at epidemic levels.

IMO it's darn near criminal to put kids in public middle and high schools just so they can learn to hate themselves or others.
Hehe, well, you are probably right! There are a bunch of reasons that my parents chose not to, and now I agree with them:

The bus would pick me up 1 mile from my home at 5:30 and drop me off at 4:30.

Idaho is #50 in education throughout America, and it shows up here.

And the other thing was bullying.. I did got to a charter school for the first half of 6th grade, and it was okay, but I really didn't like the other kids, and at the time EVERYONE seemed to have the urge to harass me at some point.

Now, please keep in mind that I do NOT go looking for fights, and have never started one just cause, but I am not going to stand there and take $hit from someone. One of the best cases of this, was one day when I was getting stuff out of my locker (lower level) a "cool" kid in the school came along and shoved me into the locker, I sprung up and grabbed him by the throat and threw him against the opposite wall, and then knocked a good one on him, and he hit the ground...

Yes, I knocked him out...
Yes, his nose was bleeding...
Yes, the doctor said I fractured his jaw...

Was it a good idea? NO!
Would I do it again? YES!

Because let me tell ya what, NO ONE gave me any trouble after that! Being "cool" and going to school is not cool to me. I have no interest in team sports, and I really don't get along with other guys my age (but the lady's love me)....... :)


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