todays rant!

jon f mn

Well-known Member
To the DUDE(and I say that with all the negative conotation I can muster) that was driving the grey/tan durango pulling a tandem trailer going northbound on I65 south of Bowling Green Ky. today, hanging out beside a truck for 20+ miles is both incredibly stupid and dangerous. Why would you speed up when I did and slow down when I did? I consider myself a bit more laid back than some of the drivers out there, but I have my bad days too. I thought on more than one occasion today that it was lesson time. You never know when the other guy is already having a bad day, maybe found out their significant other has been visiting the neighbor while their driving, or maybe an illness or death in the family. Also consider the posibility of a breakdown, maybe a blown tire, or a wheelbearing going out and loosing a wheel or any number of other things that could go wrong. I have no problem with anyone else going any speed they want as long as they hold that speed, I will then adjust my speed a ordingly. But when you match my speed after I change it to get away from you then your asking for trouble. And just for the record, I always try going both slower and faster to get rid of this type idiot. Well, enough of my ranting for a day. Lol
AMEN! I use cruise control almost all the time, and it drives me nuts when they inch up beside you, gun it to pass, pull over , then SLOW DOWN! You have to pass to maintain your speed, then two miles later, they do the exact same thing AGAIN!
I don't drive a big rig but have had that same thing happen to me too. Usually they want to hang either right in my blind spot, or they speed up to go just fast enough to keep me from passing them, then slow down again. I hate it. So many drivers are so inconsiderate and oblivious.
I have had some of that in the past where there are a several city exits. I have found it a good time to take a coffee or pee break. After a ten minute or so break I never saw the offender again.
Back in my sugar beet hauling days I used to carry a couple beets in the cab with me, when Id get someone that liked hanging out in my blind spot for miles Id roll down the window and drop a beet down next to the truck, that sure made them back off in a hurry!!
That's one reason I never wanted to get a concealed carry permit. LOL I'd be too tempted to use it !

How about the driver that thinks it's ok to stay right behind you at night with their lights in your mirrors? I ran across an idiot like this last summer, I was hauling a load, and after 10 miles or so I slowed down figuring they would pass. I had to get down to 20 mph and pull onto the shoulder before they would pass. I think they were using me as a deer shield....
In a state of oblivion...mind turned off. Surprising how many, women especially, get in a brain fog and lose focus. They follow too closely, or drag along in your blind spot, or speed up as you try to pass, when they suddenly realize that they were going slower than the traffic flow.

2 Worst offenders are the middle laners that drive 55 Mph in the center of 3 lane roads even when it it is 20 miles between exits and the inside lane speeders that think the cops are too stupid to notice that they are running 85 MPH and passing every car or truck on the road....even on the inside lane.
It's hard to understand why people linger along side a tractor trailer. It would appear to be common sense not to do that, to even a fool, given the weight and momentum, I guess people forget about these things when driving, and have a false sense of security.

On the highway, I have always hated "the pack", so I'll linger back, or if possible pass and get some distance. Or, sometimes it is better to take a break.

I don't drive much any more, one of the worst offenders I recall was encountered on the Adirondack Northway, some 11 years ago. I had gone to do someone a favor, a farm we are associated with, taking their rig out to fuel it up and make sure all was working fine, it only sees limited use, it was a 2000 model and the trailer sometimes had issues related to sitting idle for too long. The trailer was a van type to ship horses. Not far from the exit, I was in the right lane, a car overtakes me, and pulls right in front of me, with no regard at all. NYSP patrol car, pulling someone over not even a car length from my bumper. I'm not one for exaggeration and distortion of the truth, maybe more so when it comes to these matters. The person behind the wheel exhibited actions of a fool with no regard to life/safety. I had all I could do from skidding, I had a witness in the cab, my father. Once skidding, that's it, this guy was fortunate I did not slam into him and there is a fine line between the two. I learned a long time ago, sometimes the previous is inevitable, as you just cannot slow it down soon enough without breaking traction, and I knew I may have had no choice to avoid impact and would have done so if I needed to, without hesitation as I firmly believe it just makes it worse.

I've experienced it first hand while in a tri-axle dump. One car was dragging a bumper and the car behind it, likely afraid of the bumper coming off, pulled right out in front of me, I was empty, going 60 mph, hit the brakes, back end came loose, I let off and slammed into this ford escort like I meant to, it pushed the trunk into the driver/front seat and narrowly missed pinning the driver, the car just folded, the freightliner was 15 ton empty if recall, 19' box on it. The worst thing was it was on a bridge, hundreds of feet up, I90/I787 interchange over the Hudson river. The darned car I hit was almost like a sleigh, front end had wide flotation tires, I used to keep those slack adjusters backed off for just that reason and I thought the whole mess was going over the side of that bridge if the jersey barrier like wall gave out.

These big heavy trucks show no mercy and ask for no forgiveness when things go wrong, stay the heck away from them !

PS, just picture the car below with the trunk pushed into the back of the front seat.
Model of Car I hit.
I had the pleasure of a similar experience a while back. In frustration I finally used my right foot and my hemi to put some space between us only to top the hill and see another hemi sitting along side of the road - one with red lights on the top. I explained my situation to the trooper and he let me go. Some days it works; some days it don't. And by then the other guy was far enough ahead of me that I didn't have to worry about him. ADB
I have some family members with the opposite problem, they get so anxious passing semi's they will drive behind, tailgating, way under the speed limit, then pass going way over the speed limit.

Just pass in a smooth controlled manner, get the semi lot of room so he can drift around a bit, and don't tailgate! Its not nascar out there.
Partially guilty! I would never pace a truck in the next lane. Have to be pretty rude to do that. BUT...I frequently, during daylight hours, have to take my 1976 Chevy C20 on the freeway to pick up equipment or parts. It was made in a different time and wants to open up and go. Big V-8 engine. No cruise control. So I will ease into a spot behind an obliging truck and hang back 150 feet or so and use him as a speed gauge. It also gives me a lot less wind noise and I swear it improves my mileage. I apologize if this annoys anyone but there is no law against it, it is safe enough, and if you throw a sugar beet at me I will move...promise.
For reasons that I don't understand, the Hispanics down here will play that game. If you then manage to speed up and pass them, they will speed up and pass you and then slow down and try to keep you behind them. Don't know why they do it, but it's one of the first things that I noticed when we moved here nearly 30 years ago.
Should have saved my rant for you! Lol To be honest at 150' you dont qualify, but nothing will get me or most truckers Po'd faster than a drafter. I have NO desire to buy you gas and mine too. Some get so close the only way I can see them is by their shadow. I usually get rid of them by changing lanes a couple times, if that don't work I slow down to 55 orso. Most times they get the message by then, and if not they are doing it on purpose. That's when it gets ugly quick. My next solution is to ease on over onto the shoulder a bit and kick up some rocks, not too many will stick it out after that.
Ohh Randy ! now Behave .. LOL ,, But I hope Jon is smiling throubh all his aggravation,,.. Hey Jon,, I lost my dump trukin job on accountof a dum basturdwich, who was ghost riding in the blind spot going southbound on the kennedy bridge across the ohio ,put her into the guardrail ,, , that was 19 yrs ago ,,the stupid dumwich is probably dead by now or has been married and divorced at least 3 times, or her husband threw his coat in the river to make it look like he kilt himself on account of her ,and he is now livin inmexico , at any rate I scold anyone that dix around in the blind spot of a truk ,, either scit or git off the pot and git goin ,, ,, these poor trukers got enuf to worry about without having to babysit all the idiotx that probably are the reason we elect idiotz ,,.Bless You jon and Randy ,,. come on by the Harrison co fair nextyr for the pulls
I have noticed that even at a good distance behind there are some truckers who find it annoying. Not sure what to tell them other than to kick it up to full speed limit and leave me behind. I won't do 70 mph with an old V8. You can see the gas gauge moving at that speed! I'm there because I want to go 60ish. I won't tailgate either, though, because I have an unblemished 38 year old windshield. Never understood why it bothers them. They do it for each other all the time. Well anyway, keep those beets handy. Try not to take out the glass! :)
I can tell you, Dick, that I just spent 3 days near St Charles just outside of Chicago. A trip I make twice a year. There are entire shopping centers with nothing but Spanish signs. Some of these people are the most arrogant and rude folks I have ever met. Not all by a long shot, but by far the worst people I run into are the Hispanics. I have had them spit on my car at traffic lights. Try to push me off sidewalks. If you have seen Hispanics deviling truckers they are likely doing it on purpose and for a reason. Bad news getting worse.
I don't allow it for for either cars or trucks. I can tell by my boost gage when a car drafts me. More boost is more fuel. Also when they eventually rear end me they will no doubt claim I rolled back into them. I see some trucks get in a line like nascar, but the front truck pays for the other's better milage.
Ive had a few people, ones that you see in your drivers mirror, coming up beside you and then they disappear into your blind spot and then they don't pass and stay there and you wonder where they are the whole time driving. If Im passing someone especially a semi I try not to be in their blind spot or beside them too long as I know how irritating that is lol.
(quoted from post at 12:19:43 11/17/14) Ive had a few people, ones that you see in your drivers mirror, coming up beside you and then they disappear into your blind spot and then they don't pass and stay there and you wonder where they are the whole time driving. If Im passing someone especially a semi I try not to be in their blind spot or beside them too long as I know how irritating that is lol.

Whenever I am next to a semi I remember a renter I had once that drove tanker from SLC to St. George, UT. One night he said he had a blowout while a lady in a car was next to him. They stopped to survey the damage and he really felt bad for her because her pants were wet...
I swear that I will remember you every time I get behind a truck and will keep my distance. 150' minimum. Y'all drive safe! Winds are kicking up here and it is colder than the bollocks on a brass monkey. I hope the temps moderate before I have to try out the "new to me" combine!
Funniest thing I saw was in the late 1980's we owned a full sized GMC conversion van with a 6.2 diesel. Someone had altered the tailpipes so they exited under the back bumper instead of behind the rear wheels like it probably came from the factory.

We were in eastern Colorado once with my wife driving. I noticed a motorcycle had pulled up to about 10 feet behind our rear bumper, obviously using us for a windbreak. I kept an eye on him 'cause I wasn't too comfortable with the situation.

About then, we hit just enough of an upgrade that the trans kicked out of OD and a big puff of diesel smoke blew out of the tailpipes. Almost instantly, the motorcycle was several hundred yards behind us.
(quoted from post at 12:40:25 11/17/14) Funniest thing I saw was in the late 1980's we owned a full sized GMC conversion van with a 6.2 diesel. Someone had altered the tailpipes so they exited under the back bumper instead of behind the rear wheels like it probably came from the factory.

We were in eastern Colorado once with my wife driving. I noticed a motorcycle had pulled up to about 10 feet behind our rear bumper, obviously using us for a windbreak. I kept an eye on him 'cause I wasn't too comfortable with the situation.

About then, we hit just enough of an upgrade that the trans kicked out of OD and a big puff of diesel smoke blew out of the tailpipes. Almost instantly, the motorcycle was several hundred yards behind us.

Probably 6 years ago I was running empty from Las Vegas to Albuquerque when a furniture van started playing games with me. Would slow down, I would pass, they would speed up etc. This went on for a couple of miles then a white grand am came up behind me as I was passing again (I still had the cc on). The van speeded up when I did, so I had had enough and put her to the floor. Well, I had just chipped the Cummins before the trip and this was the first time I had really put my foot into it. I think 50,000 miles of carbon let loose at that moment...both vehicles backed off, never to be seen again LOL! I have since found out that tow mode on the Juice, 5th gear and a little foot will make most of them back off real quick....
Back in the 80's there was an ad in the Motor Trend for a sprayer that would spray skunk scent into the rear exhaust pipe.

That would me back off!
Several years ago, James and I were returning from the farm. I was driving our 95 Dodge dually, 1 ton and pulling my 25 ft+ aluminum horse trailer. I don't remember how many horses I had loaded.

We came up on a semi pulling an oversized piece of farm equipment that stuck out on both sides. They had a hard time on the hills and picked up some speed going downhill.

Finally decided to pass. We were about 1/2 way around him when we hit a flat stretch and the semi driver put the pedal down. We were way too cozy. James told me to do whatever I needed to get around that guy before he took us off the road. I told him I already had the gas pedal on the floor.

Last time I dared take my eyes off the road and look at the speedometer, we were well over 70, still picking up speed, but not gaining any ground on the semi. Semi had black smoke pouring out of both stacks. Things were pretty tense. We finally got to a hill and the Cummins pulled that hill pretty as you please and we finally got past him.

I made sure I put plenty of distance between us before I moved back to the right lane and slowed to my normal traveling speed when pulling the big trailer.

There is no doubt in my mind he did it on purpose.
There certainly are bad truckers too, I've had them do that to me too. You did the right thing tho, once I start to pass or make a lane change I always complete it unless I absolutely can't.
I had a motorcycle behind my truck and trailer this summer coming home from dropping off a load of hay. A bale had broke and a flake of hay had been left on the trailer. The wind lifted it off the trailer and it hit the vortex behind the vehicle and exploded into a snow storm of chaff. Fella with no helmet, only goggles and he backed off REAL quick.
(quoted from post at 15:26:52 11/17/14) There certainly are bad truckers too, I've had them do that to me too. You did the right thing tho, once I start to pass or make a lane change I always complete it unless I absolutely can't.
Jon is right all the way around! How many times have any of you, while on the road and been subjected to a trucker slowdown?Or seen two trucks doing a little below the speed limit in formation,line abreast and nobody gets by?I've seen this more times then I care to remember.
The worst I ever saw was on the NY throughway northbound and stopped at the Ramapoo rest area(the one that if you are going North you go across a covered foot bridge to get to the food court).As I was crossing the bridge I heard a semi horn.I look out the windows just in time to see the tractor of the second rig in contact with the trailer of the first rig.The second guy did not back off-stayed right on him.
The other side.
My wife and I were traveling in a Subaru Outback (the big version), on I-94/94 in South Chicago and into Gary IN. We were in a group of about 8 18 wheelers. we had assisted one on a pass to pull in with light signals, and became friends with the group. There was construction (there always is) and between those trucks we assisted each other with lane use and obnoxious car drivers for 60 miles. It was weirdly rewarding and reasonable. we all made much better time than we would have any other way. Jim

Running Coast-to-Coast, V8 3408 Cat, 13-over and 4.11s, I Honed it out many, many Days (not hours)..

SO many times cars would follow for 50 miles then pass, only to immediately slow down..because they had not realized they had been following me at 88 MPH...!!!

NEVER ran "Band-Aids", so the chances of an Alligator coming out from under the trailer were slim..

Going WITH the FLOW is what makes it all WORK..if a large truck catches up with you and passes you, only to slow on the next hill..FOLLOW him..he WILL be going on down the road and pull away very soon...!!

2 Semis driving side-by-side in traffic are there for a very good reason..they know what is ahead and will SMOOTH traffic flow (and probably help prevent a few accidents)..IF the Crazies in the cars can just understand...!!

I have seen many things out there and most you would hardly believe..(the rest, you would NOT believe)..!!
Well, how about this.......
I have had similar things happen to me when I was trucking. Several possible solutions....

1) A handful of pennies tossed out the window. Scare them witless (or more so) without any REAL danger other than a few chips in the windshield.

2) A handful of marshmallows thrown out the window. Scares the daylights out of them without doing any real harm.

3) Pull over at a safe spot to let them pass by and continue on their way without you.

4) Dial 911. What that vehicle was doing was illegal on several counts. Failure to keep right in many states. Left lane is for PASSING ONLT. Shadowing you for miles is HARRASSMENT. Obstructing you in any way (like preventing you from passing if need be) is interfering with interstate commerce - a federal offense. Highway patrol just may have relieved him of some of his money.

Just a few suggestions.
Good topic jon. Idon't drive big trucks however my son drives tri and quad axel dumptrucks. He finds himself running with the same trucks alot , one "driver" used to play with him, driving at a lower speed then speeding up when my son was trying to pass, he had more motor. After several times ,son found himself behind the jerk at the pit one morning. He pulled his fronts halfway on the scales putting the jerk overweight. So jerk had to go dump off and rescale,now under weight, add more gravel.Later ,on CB, son let him know what happened. Seemed to help, no longer messing with him.
As to running the same speed , tailgaters are my pet peeve, I drive the wife crazy (short trip) when I keep slowing down untill they pass.
Keep on trucking, joe
I'm guilty of trying different things to get past folks or get them off my A!! I told my wife years ago and my kids when they started driving, to NEVER ride beside/behind a semi and they learned what I was talking about. My wife's Yota Camry has a CC button to cut the cruise off without tapping the brake and that'll slow folks down or get them past ya!! This is one of my sore subjects-a lot of good replies!!
Had a friend tell me about this hemi charger brand new that stayed on his tail whether he slowed or sped up so he spotted a LARGE piece of tire in the road ahead and at the last minute swerved and let him eat it, said it looked like an explosion with all the front pieces flying off. Bet he's healed.
A young man I know who used to run long haul would drift over on the shoulder if he got tired of a tailgater. The flying gravel would give the tailgater the idea real quick.

When I used to haul bean meal out of Sioux City at night on two lane roads I got so darned tired of cars coming up behind me without dimming their lights and then they just hung there behind me. I rarely have someone come up behind me with their brights on when I drive a car.

I do get impatient real fast with the ones who don't use the cruise and speed up and slow down. One time I knew the person in the vehicle that was speeding up and slowing down in front of me. It was the guy who owned the combines we ran on the harvest. I was pulling a header trailer with a 40 foot head on it with my 98 Cummins, with it's tongue hanging out most of the time. I was following him in Kansas and every time his cell phone went up to his head he'd slow down to 50. When he ended the call it was back up to 65. When he sped back up it would take me a whole mile to get back up to his speed. Finally I called him with my cell phone and said" do you see those two button in the middle of the steering wheel on the left side? THEY ARE THE #$%^CRUISE CONTROL!!!! USE THEM!!!!! After that we cruised along OK. LOL Jim
I their some kind of a signal truckers use when they want someone to pass them or for me to use when I would rather have someone pass than hang tight. I have pulled off at cross roads or in town etc more than once after being tailgated for miles. Particularily bad in limited visibility situations like snow storm. More than once, coming back from twin cities, can't see worth a darn and a line of traffic builds behind, so I pull off at first safe place like small town, then I just keep last tail light in view if possible and they don't go any faster than I was going or even less. I normally try to keep at least four seconds behind on the open road, or in rolling country plenty of room for someone to pass me and pull in between me and vehicle in front of me.
Having driven a big rig for a few years I feel the pain expressed in this thread. My question /thought is I don't hear hardly any chatter on the cb these days. Is my cb acting up and I don't know it or have the truckers traded in the cb for a gps? I hardly ever turn it on anymore due to the silence. Licketysplit out.
A few years ago my my wife and I were driving down to Madison in a sedan and we had a semi hauling a cat that kept matching our speed. I'd slow down, he'd slow down. I sped up he sped up. Finally I put my foot down and had to do 20 over for a few miles before he quit following me. Was really getting irritated...

Donovan from Wisconsin
Back when I drove and someone fell in love with the side of my rig I would start weaving back and forth. I suspect they got concerned about my ability or condition because they would move forward or back pretty quick. I never liked being crowded either, more chances for something bad to happen. I stopped driving professionally(?) when I started wanting to run over the idiots and turn them into speed bumps on a regular basis.
Jon F MN,

You weren't to far from me as I live about 30 miles north , northeast of Bowling Green . If you went up I65 all the way through Horse Cave then you weren't maybe 10 minutes from my house , 15 minutes at the most as I live east of Horse Cave .

my biggest pet peeve relating to passing, is idiots who will try to pass a big rig hauling oil or salt water here in the ND oilfields, going up a hill and only 100 yards from crest. I always slow way down, pull over on shoulder and get ready to hit the ditch or an escape route when they meet that other truck at the top of the hill, many times they have avoided a head on collision with only seconds to spare. Scares the Heck out of me. Usually another oilfield company pickup going about 80.

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