
Well-known Member
Any body else notice a lot of new users lately? Maybe it's just me but it seems like 1/5 of the new threads are new users. Not that there is anything wrong with that. It appears that most are looking for help with a problem or help with ID or value. Maybe there is really something to what people keep saying about a lot of knowledge here. I'm hoping that some time I can start to absorb some. LOL.
Around here we have a lot of people with too much money and too much time;-- migrateing here from the cities, buying property. After they move here they find out that they have to maintain it, so then they need a tractor and a bushhog. They buy the first tractor they see, and don't have a clue how to maintain and run it properly.
Then they decide to get into local politics, because they don't have curb side garbage pickup, leaf removal and the roads arn't plowed every hour in the winter.
They google tractors and they find
Loren, the Acg.
You nailed it right there, The whole reason why I say things we say here are over priced, will sell near asking in some areas.

It happened in Rural Manitoba a few years ago Guys came out from Winnipeg to the country. It died a bit, but looks like that trade might be picking up again here with acreages, and guys going to show us farmers how it's done.

I still say tractors should be licenced with a coarse covering buying using and servicing.
From what we see here some guys should never be allowed to own them, or work on them without a course.

I do some forum stuff over in England with Fordsons. It's amazing how many guys get totally ripped off, that don't know better buying a tractor for the acreage

.A Classic is A tractor sold as a nice complete original barn find for work or restoration. The catch is it's a Heinz 57, 57 different piles of junk to build one! they find certain parts they buy for their 64 model don't fit. and they post a picture and we then have to explain there $4000 prize is a pile a scrap.
Oh the joys of stupid people and the WWW. some days L.O.L.
I know nobodys bodys perfect and we can all have a bad moment or day. But some of these guys just abuse the term stupid! L.O.L
Regards Robert
Yes, but lets remember our first trractor. And how little we knew back then. [Sorry, i sawed notch in thumb..] I bughtmey first tractor, droveithome,didn'tknow baens about it. hAVE learned every day for 30+ years, still learining. Bought a real good tractor, and hse's in Christmas parades, and works like a horse, but t's been p process.
Ya,I've noticed that. Now if some people could tone it down a little and have some patience with them.
Doggone Loren,great minds are thinking alike. That whole newcomer and local politics thing hit the nail on the head. There was a story in the local paper yesterday about how the village superintendent and his assistant won't attend council meetings because of two members who ain't from around here,ragging on them in public at meetings. These PITA think their taxes are too high,so they start looking for waste,then the accusations start flying,and it just snowballs. The locals who've been here all our lives just figure things like making a pass in your driveway with the plow truck,or storing your boat in the back of the city garage if there's room are just well deserved perks.
I don't even know who the two councilmen are or where they came from,but they ain't local.
Daily News story
Maybe the new ones feel more comfortable on here now
that a few have been kicked off for not following the
rules. It seems to be more civil on here lately.
Well I got kicked off for a spell for getting a belly full of a
smart... making fun of a personal subject and telling him what I

On moving to the country and being stupid, I did it 37 years ago
and fit the MO perfectly. However, the old timer, "Insider"
original family descendant, who was 30 years my senior had a
jolly good time teasing me at every opportunity including this:

Get here with wife and 4 kids, city slicker looking for something
better for the kids than the city problems. He had acquired a
Holstein heifer calf that was bred had calved and was milking .
Problem however was that she was the result of a White Face Bull
hopping the fence to the dairy herd and having his way. I don't
know how he acquired her but I bet it wasn't for much.

Genes were a mixture and she came out with 2" spiggots rather
than 4 or whatever length the purebreds have. The short spouts
wouldn't fit the milking machines, besides here being a cross
breed so she was useless commercially.

He calls me over one day and says that he has this cow ready to
milk and knowing full well I was having a financial strain in
trying to get all that is needed for survival her in a startup
situation with a good sized family.

"Tell you what Mark: You take her home and keep her for as long
as you like and when you're finished bring her back." Seemed
fair enough beins he didn't have any use for her. Don't
remember where the calf went but I was not part of that.

Learning to milk her and teaching her to stick her head through a
mickey mouse stanchion I rigged to put against her neck and
lock her in the "milking parlor....ha" till I was finished came
easier than I first envisaged.

About the 3rd day she had a name. Butter cup.....of all named her. About the end of the second week I
was up at the old guys place wanting to know what he'd take for you don't suppose he know full well what
was coming next, do you? Naw......that'd be a sleazy trick now
wouldn't it.

He cheerfully said he'd take $850 for her. Well this was back in
1979 and quality stock wasn't even selling for that. But I didn't
know and it didn't matter. The kids had their minds made
up......course I got to do the milking twice a day.

But he was benevolent and said that I could pay it out, $100 a
month. We kept her 2 years, had some superb milk with the
butterfat that the beef breed added to the mix, had a fabulous
calf out of her from a neighbor's Charloais bull that tore down 3
fences, beat up my bull and right in front of him had his
way...course my bull was outweighed about a thousand pounds.

Don't remember what we did with her but after 2 years of milking
I realized that I was NOT cut out to be a dairy farmer.

So you "old salts" (nautical term) throwing rocks at the
newcomers, you have your fun too.

(quoted from post at 08:51:17 11/13/14) Maybe the new ones feel more comfortable on here now
that a few have been kicked off for not following the
rules. It seems to be more civil on here lately.

That and they are probably starting to come back around now for the winter since the summer outside work is wrapping up. I know I'll be frequenting the site more often!
I've noticed, too, that things seem to be more civil lately.

I recall one instance a couple of years ago when someone posted a photo of a friction type throttle on an H Farmall instead of the usual notched quadrant. He simply asked why the difference.

The very first comment was, "Must be some kind of cheap aftermarket junk".

As it happens, my H has the same kind of friction throttle plate and I never gave it a thought.

That king of negativism seems to have disappeared, for the most part.
It could be too that we just notice it more because a new user has to register now,so it shows up. Used to be,somebody could just post as a guest mostly unnoticed.
I've always tried to welcome new comers to the neighborhood. Sometimes it was successful and they were nice folks and good neighbors. Other times they come here thinking they're in the middle of nowhere and can "hide out" with their drugs and survivalist outcast ways. They bring their kids out here because they want the good influence of "being raised in the country",but the little delinquents are already beyond help and do nothing but act as a bad influence in the schools and among society here.
A small town is the last place in the world to go to escape from society and reality. You'll be under a microscope from day one,but you probably already know that.
I don't shun outsiders who come here,but I've had a bad taste in my mouth from them enough times to be more cautious of them than I used to be. I've found out that the real reason a lot of them come here is that they developed an allergy to buckshot in the place where they came from.
Weren't we all "New" here at one time? I know I appreciated
the help over the years and hopefully many more to come.
(quoted from post at 04:43:59 11/13/14) Yes, but lets remember our first trractor. And how little we knew back then. [Sorry, i sawed notch in thumb..] I bughtmey first tractor, droveithome,didn'tknow baens about it. hAVE learned every day for 30+ years, still learining. Bought a real good tractor, and hse's in Christmas parades, and works like a horse, but t's been p process.

Okay, let's remember our first tractor. The first tractor I "drove" was probably my uncles John Deere B, because I could stand on the platform and operate the hand clutch. My dad owned a Farmall H, but my legs were still too short to reach the pedals while setting on the seat. I was probably 4 or 5 years old at that time. 5 years later, I was raking hay with that Farmall H. All by myself. Understanding how a tractor works, and knowing how to maintain it was learned at a very early age.
We were all newcomers here at some point, even those of you who are old time professional farmers.

I know I've gotten lots of help here and recommend this site to newbies and old timers alike.
Well never once did anyone come to me and complain about any of my kids. My problem with them in the country was realizing that getting a good education was more important than "huntin & fishin" and that they had to get home at a reasonable hour from "the square" in the nearest town to get a good night's sleep so that they could pursue that good education.

(quoted from post at 19:48:03 11/12/14) Any body else notice a lot of new users lately? Maybe it's just me but it seems like 1/5 of the new threads are new users. Not that there is anything wrong with that. It appears that most are looking for help with a problem or help with ID or value. Maybe there is really something to what people keep saying about a lot of knowledge here. I'm hoping that some time I can start to absorb some. LOL.
Showcrop: I guess I would be one of the new comers here. Not that I am new to tractors or ranching, and certainly not living out in the middle of nowhere just some of the time it might seem that there are people out there that just might know something I don't or an easier way of doing something even though I can figure it out, EVENTUALLY. As a kid I was raised without power or running water but was taught to ask if I didn't know, well some times I am not sure so I ask the smartest people I can find- that's why I am here, and as a body and fender / painter from years back as well as other things I help when and where I can. Also I would like to thank ALL of the people that have helped me solve the FEW problems I have had.
I think that a lot of the "ole regulars" so to speak have pretty much 'said it" , "posted it " ," shown it" and so maybe only post when they can answer someones question as apposed to idle talk. New guys have lots to say and ask and that's good. And like someone said, the site is a lot more friendly/non-judgemental than in past. Even the tractor pulling forum has settled down some. One thing about a newbie asking an "old" question , the last thing he wants to hear is " go to archives, that's been asked a million times". He won't be back if he only gets that kind of attitude.

It occurred to me today why there are a lot of new users. It is because our economy has gotten so much better recently that many guys are now able to get the tractor that they always wanted. There is a side benefit to this of course. All these tractor sales drives the tractor prices up, so that we can all now look forward to a comfortable retirement living off the sales of our collections at top dollar!
(quoted from post at 16:35:54 11/13/14)
It occurred to me today why there are a lot of new users. It is because our economy has gotten so much better recently that many guys are now able to get the tractor that they always wanted. There is a side benefit to this of course. All these tractor sales drives the tractor prices up, so that we can all now look forward to a comfortable retirement living off the sales of our collections at top dollar!
Wish I could have bought what I wanted for a tractor, WITH FEL,BACK HOE, LIVE HYDRAULICS, OH AND A CAB to stay warm in the winter. I bought what I could afford an N tractor, not pretty but she does what I ask of her and has kept running ( with a little work) Now if I can just afford the rest of the parts to fix the FEL and rebuild my snow blade, and repair the crack in the block, I will be happy. Then MAYBE I will paint it.
yeah, I'm one of them newbies that's been on here a few days now gleaning the pages for information about ye old tractors and tricks n things. I have to say when I ask an intelligent question I get a prompt and polite response with mountains of information. It may not be what I want to hear but it is good advice none the less. However, if I haven't done any homework and ask a generalized question I receive the equal in response - a no homework generalized answer.
So I would say the onus is on the one asking the question to know a little bit about what they are talking about.
I usta drive truck but Arther stopped that, so now I just putter around the homestead tinkering with this and that trying to stay moving and mobile, I love to work on Tired Iron (TI) and in particular old IH. That is why I come to this site to converse with like minded people.
If I personal have said or done anything to rub someone the wrong why I'm sorry, but that is the way I am. I cannot change after this many years.
In Alaska we do what we can with what we have, it may not look good but when the weather is killing cold we don't argue.
Fat :)
I've been on YTMAG for some 15 years now - addicted one could say. Have learned a lot from others, more than you helpful guys and gals can possibly imagine. And a few times I've been trying to help others by replying to posts.

Regarding being referred to the archives, I use the archives a lot although it is not easy to find what you need. Upon reading a question on the forum for which I know there is a learned answer in the archives, I tend to find that item in the archives and provide a copy, link or picture of it in my reply to the poster. IMHO this is better than telling in my own words, depleting the original reply of its wit, what I think the answer is.

All I can say is: THANK YOU ALL!
Today's trivia.

Well, with all's been said, I am disappointed of sorts. With my
"milking experience" dissertation nobody came forward and
asked "just how do you milk a cow with 2" spigots"?

Any guesses?

Thumb and index finger. After you do it for a few days it gets
really easy and that muscle I developed adjacent to the thumb
when you squeeze your thumb up against your index finger root
is still here, as pronounced as ever after 35 years. Just a
reminder of "fun times". Grin

I blame that song, "Fly over states", haha,
Hope not too many get interested,
there's enough good dirt getting paved over already.
And I am a newbie ever morning I wake up,
if I don't learn something, its time to quit seeing the sun rise.

I've had technical issues, personal issues, and downright stupid issues, and you all are a wonderful crowd.

Thanks for making me feel welcome on my first post,
tho I know you all regret that now....hahahahahaha
(quoted from post at 08:36:37 11/13/14) Ya,I've noticed that. Now if some people could tone it down a little and have some patience with them.

I like seeing new users come on and ask tractor questions! I grew up on the fender of a tractor, and am proud to say I make my living farming and by no other means.

What grinds my gears is when a new user pops up to defend someone, or to post off topic rants that have nothing to do with tractors or farming... Sad that sometimes I can't let things go. It might have something to do with geography. The Irish never did get along with Norwegians. Think it had something to do with the Vikings.
I like seeing new users. I've been here since 97 when we got our first computer. What I don't like is new users with an attitude that they are somehow superior to anyone else from day one. Humility is never offensive.

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