Ot 1985 dodge tractor hauler

sam in mo

I have a 1985 dodge 1/2 ton pickup to haul my tractor with. It is a manual 4sp with a 318. If you leave it set for a month the clutch sticks to the flywheel and to the pressure plate also. Any thoughts as to what is going on?? Tired of crawling under it and loosing the flywheel and prying it apart.
Don't let it set for a month?

An H Farmall of mine did that a couple of times after it sat for a while. Putting it in 5th gear and hitting the starter popped it loose both times.

Could the trans seal be leaking just enough for the clutch surfaces to get sticky without slipping?

If it were mine, I'd just fire it up on shorter intervals.
If it is in a damp location than it may be rust sticking it ?
You could always cut a block of wood to stick in somewhere and block the clutch pedal down.
Moist location, moisture in the clutch disk.

Years ago I let one of my Hogs set in a barn for a couple of years. One day I decided to get it running, so I pushed it up to the house and worked on it in the drive and got it running too. At some point I pulled in the clutch lever and the disks and pressure plate got hung up in the basket, and I kicked it into gear but had nothing because everything was in the basket, not engaged. I reved it up and all of a sudden the pressure plate let loose and clamped the discs down...in gear, and I was standing next to it, not one it. I was holding the throttle on the handle bars and because the way that it took off, it twisted my wrist opening the throttle. Thats the best burn out it ever did, and I wasn't on it and it was headed towards the open garage and Buick, so I did the only thing I could do...grabbed it in a bear hug and tackled it right there on the concrete drive. Did some damage, not a lot, but broke some things. Didn't touch the Buick though, and I long since fixed it. I learned my lesson that day.

I agree with the others, block the clutch pedal down if you are not using in within a week. I have a 1966 Ford 3000 that does the same thing, If I don't use it every two weeks or so the clutch sticks. About three years ago we had to split it to get the clutch plate to free up from the flywheel, since then I have a small hook that goes on the running board and over the clutch pedal to keep it down. That seems to have solved the issue for me.
Take a long ice scraper and put it against the seat to jamb the clutch down. That's what I always did to check the brake lights on my school buses (on the brake pedal).

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