
Well-known Member
Why do my hogs love to eat coal? They love it. Heck, they eat it like a kid eats candy.

I've heard it de-worms them...

I'm not sure either. Coal is mostly carbon. Sugar contains carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, carbon and the two ingredents in water. Never eaten carbon. Only guessing it's pig's rock candy.
It's soft enough for them to like chewin on it. It's also an old farm cheat's way of adding weight quick to a load of hogs, prior to loading them up for sale!
When I was a kid Dad had an old wood & coal tank heater. He would dump the ash and charcoal out of it and the hogs loved it. I think it was for the mineral content if I remember right. Of course age and memory sometimes don't agree.
I had almost forgot about seeing my dad and granddad give hogs coal when I was a kid. I'm pretty sure it was for worming them. Probably because of the sulfur in the coal.
around here they use to put the hog pen on an old spoil pile, would also feed coon and muskrat carcase's to the hogs, we had on old sow once that would catch and eat a chicken if it got to close
I think a dog eats grass to make them upchuck. Maybe an upset stomach. I've noticed my dogs doing that all my life. TDF
Reminds me of the old joke about one "ol boy commenting about his buddy"s hound dogs:
" Them dogs looking mighty poorly, what do you feed "em?"
"Turnips" sez the other "ol boy!
"Turnips? I didn"t know a dog would eat turnips!"
"Well they didn"t for the first 6 weeks!!"
I'm reminded of a story about a butchering in our neighborhood. The wimmin all raised cain because one guy had fed coal to his hogs. They were trying to clean the casings, and the coal made it harder, or maybe even impossible, to get them pretty and white.

There's a lot of things I wonder about hogs, and I raised them for years.
We had a dog that ate horsepoop.Use to lap it up like it was ice cream.I thought it was because of the molasses in it.
I'm assuming you're giving them bituminous? This area is all anthracite. Not sure they'd like chewing on that!
Mine eats cow poop, but even better she loves to roll around in it. My vet says it has something to do with them descending from the wolf, they could then smell like a the pray animal, not a wolf, amd have better luck hunting.

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