not for football fans.

old popper

Well-known Member
The way it should be.
I enjoy football, but I too have become perturbed about the level of relative importance given to football nowadays.

A certain well-known radio talk show host has been warning listeners for some time that pro football is under attack by the touchy-feely types who feel that the pro players are being exploited by the evil team owners, that they do not have enough concern for player safety, particularly in regard to concussions. Said radio host says that at some point Congress will get involved and correct this egregious injustice by legislating the danger out of the sport.

My take is that pro football players are volunteers; they know exactly what they're getting into and trust that the risk/reward thing will work in their favor.

By the same token, our fighting men and women are volunteers; they know what they subjecting themselves to when they sign up. Where's the concern for their safety, or, for that matter, their health and welfare when they're physically or mentally damaged? What's the difference?
I have a friend, served as a Marine and then became a cop. He retired a couple of years ago. Big sports fan. I ask him one day if he could name all of the players and a lot of actors if he could name me one service member who died in our current war excluding Tillman. The look on his face was priceless. He had just never put it in perspective.

Several hockey players are looking into a class action suit against the NHL because of concussions. I think a huge majority of players would still choose to play even if they were fully informed of the potential dangers involved even if they only made $50,000/yr.,let alone millions. No different than Formula 1, Super-Cross or any other high risk sport. Heck, a lot of people race cars and motorcycles for fun and know the risks. It's not because they are dare devils. They're doing something they enjoy that is a little more extreme than what the average person does. Do you think an astronaut would refuse to go into space if given the opportunity?

My dad was nearly killed in W.W.II and suffered a broken back. What did he get for defending his country? About $120/month for his suffering. What does a refugee get when they come to Canada? Minimum $10,000 to get established.
I really agree with the posted caption.

Many will defend the wages that coaches and players get based on what they earn in revenue from fans and such. I can under stand that but is our society really better off doing things that way??? I really do not have an answer but it does cause some conflict in my head about our values anymore.

It really sickens me to see some high paid athlete complain about how he is disrespected by a multi million dollar pay check. Then many of the same ones getting off scot free breaking the law because they are famous players.

I used to watch baseball. I liked the Reds. Eric Davis just about ruined watching baseball for me. Watching a guy making millions lazy around chasing a fly ball with a half an effort. Then all the media telling us how injured he was. IT is baseball not rugby. He must have had a hang nail or something.

Talk to many younger people and they will tell you that only the stupid go into the service. Serving your country is not the "cool" thing to do anymore. It is only for the dumb and poor people to do.

Another tie in is our leaders. In times not that long past you just about had to be a veteran to run for national political office. It was way over half, I think around 75% much of the time. I read the other day that is is under 10% now. This is not good. You need to really understand what serving in the military is all about. If you have been into war you will be much less likely to order someone else into war. You know the price that has to be paid in battle. I don't mean money either.
There was a time when football players only played football during the season and went back to their "REAL" job after it ended. Seems about right to me.
It may be different in your area but around here high school coaches make very little. They are generally teachers and get their regular teachers pay, and some get a little extra for coaching, which they are entitled to because they are putting in a lot of hours after they have completed their normal teaching job. I even know of some area coaches that volunteer their time.
It's a whole different story at the college level.

I do agree that our military is under paid.
Having said that, I don't have a problem with what professional athletes make. I'm a firm believer in the free market system. If an employer is willing to pay those high salaries, I don't see a problem with the players making those big salaries. I do have a problem with the government subsidies that free up money to the team owners to pay those big salaries.

I don't understand the soldier/football wage comparison. That's like comparing a horse to a clown, or a tractor to a ski boat. I guess it just makes some people feel better to rag on those that have more than they do.

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