Famous Ancestors???????


Well-known Member
Does anyone on this forum have any famous ancestors?

My great grandfather was an old Indian fighter, but he had to quit. Couldn't find anymore old Indians.

It's been a boring evening.
From my old family genealogy book I have a relative who signed the Mayflower Compact and another who was the first to volunteer for the Civil War in Iowa.
My wife is related to E.P. Allis,(of Allis Chalmers) fourth cousin four times removed. Best I could do but we all know who he is.
With my name, you'd think I knew something about making cars or falling down the steps of Air Force One, but alas, no… My Grandfather did get to view Germany backward in a B17.

I am German, but came by way of Russia! Before Russia went communist, they were having trouble growing crops. Some officials invited my relatives to come and farm, they agreed as long as they could worship as they wished, and did not have to go to war. It is said we got out just before communism took hold. One of Dads uncles thinks we look like one of the last leaders before 'the fall', and maybe we do! Cant remember the czars name at the moment!
not famous but interesting grandpas uncle was in the invading army going into russia with napoleon its kinda hard to believe but my grandpa was born in 1865 first wife died he married the babysitter my dad was born in 1910 me 1956 .that figures 4 generations back to napoleon .by the way gramps last baby was at 62 go gramps grandma was in her 40. kinda interesting all my grandparents were born in late 1800 and im 57
You probably have Mennonite roots based on your
family history? My wife's family shares a similar
background as do many folks right here in our
community in Kansas.
Interesting, my mom's parents were both from Russia / Ukraine, but also German families - communities. I heard the same story about the German famers invited to Russia by Katherine the Great, German Royal who married into the Russian Tsardome.

As it turns out, the whole settlement had to flee the Bolshivic Revolution. My Grandma(about 10) left with her family and some how ended up in Saskatchewan. A while later my Grampa (15) and his brothers left. Two brothers remained and were killed. The other three or four went to Bavaria. Eventually two of them made it to Saskatchewan to reunite with the rest of the family.

Grandma and Grampa finally ended up in Richmond, a suburb of Vancouver. I'm not sure how or why they left the rest of them in Saskatchewan.

Anyway, not famous but they really must have lived through interesting times...
My paternal grand-father, on my Father"s side, built steam boats that plied the Western Rivers, in the late 1800"s! They had a boat yard in Marietta, Ohio, on the Appian Way. He hob-nobbed with the elite of that era.
He then came to Pittsburgh, Pa. where he brokered steam boats and barges, until he died.
I lost my left foot, in Army service in WW II. When i got home,Grand-father wanted to get me a job working on the barges and boats, but it didn"t seem safe to me, so i got a land job instead. He lived to a ripe old age.
Note: The name-Western Rivers, referred to the Ohio River and all those to the East, such as the Ohio, Allegheny, and Monongahela, to name a few.
Had a great grandmother that looked exactly like Elsie the cow on Bordon's milk cartons when I was a small, small kid. She was mean too. Every time that any of us kids were bad, real bad at family get togethers, the parents would send us over to where Great Grandma Kowalski was, and she'd swat at us with a fly swatter. As a matter of fact, when any of us made the mistake of running by where ever she was, she'd swat at us with a fly swatter that she wore on her side in a toy gun holster that she took away from one of us boys. Sometimes she used to stand in front of a full length mirror and practice drawing it out like a gun slinger and swat it around like Zoro as though she was going for one of us kids. I'm not sure, but think that a couple of my slower running cousins didn't run by her fast enough and just disappered and might be buried out back on boothill. When ever Bordons milk commercials came on TV and they showed Elsie, we used to go behind the sofa where we hid and cried out of fear that she was going to come out of the TV and swat us with a fly swatter. One of my sisters still does, and she just turned 50.

My Paw used to talk aboot his granddad that vas vounded in the civil war at the battle of Stones river in Mufreesboro,Tn. and spent some time at Andersonville, Ga. prison. He said that vhen he vas released he didn't weight but aboot 80 lbs. but he survived.
He told about knowing the famous southern general that did more to help the north conquer the south than any other general in the war.
Yo'all know the one i'm talking aboot.
If you don't know the one that i'm referring to, let me know, some people might not of heard of him, but the cartoonist Al Cap knew.
I don't habe enough time to name them all 1st Eli Whitney was my 4th gt uncle, 2. Henry Hewitt my gt gt grandfather drove the first wagon ever came down the western side of the Blue Mt. And the 2nd into the Dalles of the columbia River 1843.
On that side of my family Daniel Matheny who helped start the Methadist religion arriving here around 1660/66.
I just found out that one of my gt grandmothers was hanged in Salem as a witch so watch out.
I don't think they made the history books, but my grandfather and his brothers started the stagecoach line and carried the U.S. Mail from Cumberland to Wheeling. They traveled along an old Indian trail which became U.S. Route 40. Could have been my great-Grandfather!
Not that I know of. All but one of my ancestors came from Denmark. How may famous people came from Denmark? Well, there might be one, but it's a long stretch. A sister of my great-granddad was a maid in the King of Denmark's residence. Jim
My ex-wife is related to Lawrence Welk, her grandmother used to get Christmas and birthday cards from him, that count? Also rumor has it my dearly departed mil bedded most of the pro wrestlers from the 60's and 70's, maybe that will do it.
Went back to Ireland this past September and everyone asked if I was going to look up relatives and I told them that Dad and Mother assured me that there was no royalty nor was there any cash in our family tree. That being said their would be no one on earth more proud of my brother than Mother and Dad. I will try to post a picture of the building that he funded before he passed away. It is the new school of business at Texas A and M University at the Corpus Christi Campus.
i have been told some of dads family ancestors
served in Mary Queen of Scots court
moms family when we went to family reunion someone would start to acting "uppity) about then someone else would yell whose side of the family had somebody hung for being a horse thief?
that would bring everyone back to earth.
A couple. A president on my mother's side; a renowned industrialist via my great great grandfather's lineage. Great great great grandfather and his predecessors to a lessor extent, fought the Indians. Several family members were killed including a couple of women but they lost more than a few warriors. More savage in those days.
My younger sister got into our family's genealogy a couple years ago. Couple famous, or at least well known ancestors on my Mom's mother's side, from back in Scotland. Robert the Bruce and ... I can't think of the other one's name. More recently, there was Col. Thaddeus Haynes of the Union Army. Don't think he's famous, really.
Wife's side, her uncle was Gene Austin. singer in the 20', and 30's. Some of the songs Ain't she sweet, My blue Heaven. You would need to be quite old to have heard him. Her cousin Charlotte Austin made a few movies in the 50's. My side just a bunch of farmers. Stan
Robert E. Lee, I'm not sure how, be interesting to find out, my now deceased grandfather mentioned it a few times, I'm sure it would take some digging to figure it out. He worked on the NYS civil war centennial, I have copies of both volumes, he did a lot of the artwork in the centennial publication in the early-mid 60's, which is unrelated, not sure how he knew this, but he was not the sort to conjure, marine corp veteran, WWII, retired from the reserves, CWO, upstanding citizen in his community etc. Still hearsay as far as I am concerned but it was told to me numerous times way back when.
My grandfather several times removed on my mothers side came over on the Mayflower. Both of his parents died on the trip, he was 8 I think.
Not sure how but I am related to Clyde Barrow.Heard the story many times.My wife had a relative that was on Washington's staff at valley forge.
my ancestry traces back via my Mothers side (Brederode) to the First occupant of the Dutch throne back in the 12th or 13th century.
There's still an old ruine (castle) that carries the name Brederode in Santpoort(a coastal village in the province ZH the Nederlands).
Blue blood!,..nah,.. to diluted by now :wink:
A good friend told me about his kids getting him a DNA test for christmas it showed his ancestory is from Irland germony I wonder how accurate this is zero africa blood
My fathers parents were from the Russian Ukraine poor dirt farmers got out just before the revolution, still have some relatives over there. We had a bit of a reunion in the 70's invited those relatives they had to be sponsored, at that time they could only take the equivalent of 5 dollars out of the country.
Does "Notorious" count the same as "famous"? (My granddaddy always told me that notorious would get you bigger headlines in the newspapers than famous got!)
Famous or noteworthy? Had an uncle that won a Silver Star and Navy Cross in WW1, another uncle was just out of the shot of the Marines raising the flag on Suribachi, had all sorts or awards. Another flew "The Hump" into China. At least 2 of my relations were Minute Men at Lexington. Family history has it that one line was part of the Underground Railroad. Others served in the War of 1812 and the earlier French and Indian War. My wifes side goes back to the 2nd or 3rd boat after the Mayflower. Also to the Schermerhorns that were among the first settlers on Mahatten Island. My own lineage goes all the way back to some nasty sounding fella called "_____ the Treacherous". I forget his first name, but as with most of my Scots side, he doesn't sound like a real warm and fuzzy kinda guy!
my Grandpa was born in 1886, mom and dad were born in 1921, married in 1943, and I'm 52....

My wife's PARENTS were BORN in 1944...
Wont say who but I am very closely related to the lazyest man in the world !! On another note Dan Boone is in our back ground but I forget how [ have it in a book somewhere around here ] . I did have a coonskin cap when I was a kid guess thats all the proof a guy needs .
My family name is the oldest known name in the whole world according to google and other scources. It is supposed to be that the girl who found the baby Moses in the Nile called her first born after the river and it changed over the years to what it is today. Another story goes that when our family saw Noah building an Ark and predicting the rain storm they went off and built their own boat and ended up on an island just off the shores of Scotland. They built a castle there ...The remains are still standing today. Some of the family ended up in Ireland and became the high Kings of all Ireland and cut the chit outta everyone that came their way! Then some of them made their way to Canada and America where I still have cousins today....One of them ended up on a tour of the World fixing and looking at old tractors as he went and then he found the YTforum and look where that got him!!!!!.....LOL...... PS don't mess with me I am descended from them High Kings!!!!!!!........Sam
On dad's side there is a first cousin to my grandfather who was a US Senator from a western state. As far as I know he did not create any problems but for right now I am not going to name him. Also on dad's side we are blood related to Queen Victoria through the House of Hanover which is a German house so we are talking Germans.
I have an ancestor who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1902....His work was credited by Hitler as being a "great influence" on him.

So -- inadvertently, my family caused WW2.......
Don"t know who to root for. Granddad was related to Gentleman Jim and Grandma was related to John L. Sullivan. Myself I couldn"t fight out of a paper bag.
All four of my grandparents came from Ireland but all died before I was born so never knew them. They came from County Cork and Killarney. Tom
I spend entirely too much time on Ancestry.com.

My mom's line goes back to King Edward Longshanks, whose brother was Richard the Lionheart. Makes him my 25th great uncle. Assuming I did not may any mistakes on the study.

On my wife's side, have them traced thru the Plymouth Colony and another line thru Salem, Mass. Yes, the witch joke has been tried and failed.

My view is that if you do enough homework, you can probably find some royalty or nobility in your lineage somewhere.

I started this as a joke, but come to think of it my wife's side of the family has people named "Gruber", who trace back to Hans Gruber who wrote "Silent Night".
Through marriage(s) to Frank Culbertson! Wife is somehow related to Abe Lincoln. Rumor has it Popcorn Sutton is blood family, but Ive never been able to prove it.
My wife has her ancestry traced back to the Mayflower. She's also related to Wild Bill Hickock somehow.

Not famous but noteworthy.....

My mothers Great Grandad survived a year in Andersonville prison camp during the civil war. He was involved in digging a well for fresh drinking water. Other than that he wouldn't talk about it other than to say that folks would not believe the things he's seen.

On my Dads side, a cousin lost his life in Normandy on D-day plus one. Another cousin was lost on the Indianapolis after being torpedoed and left for the sharks for days before the Navy got around to wondering why they weren't coming home. We'll never know if he was killed instantly or lived for days in the water but did not survive regardless.

Otherwise, I come from a long line of farmers who homesteaded in the Dakotas from farms in Wisconsin, who originally immigrated from farms in Germany, who descended from farmers as far back as who knows? If you go back far enough I think about everybody farmed for the most part.
My mother's maiden name was Pyle; she knew that her dad came from the same area in Ohio so she supposed that she was related to Ernie Pyle in some way.
I also am a Mayflower Descendent (I think Myles Standish, my youngest sister has the records), and one of my great grandfathers was a prisoner at Andersonville. He served under both Gen. Sheridan and Gen. Sherman, and was part of the March to the Sea.

I've also got Revolutionary War veterans on both sides of my family tree. No direct relationships to famous people though.
If you google Lincoln Berry store. You can see who my family helped get a start.
Ron Berry
I don't know much about my family, but my wife is a Pratt. Descended from Phineas Pratt, Plymouth colonist who came over on the Sparrow shortly after the Mayflower. He married Mary Priest, daughter of Diggory Priest signer of the Mayflower Compact. Their descendents move out to central Mass and purchased land in 1769 where the family farm is still standing. The original farmhouse was built in 1770 and is still in use today. My wife and I now own the farm.
My last name is Lee and Grandad said he had an aunt or someone who had traced our family history way back, and Robert E. Lee was a distant cousin or uncle to his Great-Grandfather. And of course, Robert E. Lee's father(?) was one of the two Lee's who signed the Declaration of Independence.

The same aunt supposedly traced the Lee name back far enough to claim there was a Lee who was a knight at King Arthur's round table, but I've never seen written documentation.

On a closer note, my Great-Great Grandfather and his brother were part of the original group who plotted the streets when the town of Wahoo Nebraska was started. My granddad was asked to ride in a parade they had for Wahoo's centennial.

My Great-Great Grandfather led a very interesting life- at age 19 or so he operated a trading post at Ponca Nebraska and traded with the Pawnee Indians. He became close enough friends with them that he was invited to go along on their yearly buffalo hunts to western Nebraska. On one of these hunting trips he passed through the Sandhills of Nebraska, and in later years became one of the first settlers in the Sandhills when he started the same cattle ranch we are on today. He and a brother also started the town of Brownlee Nebraska, where he ran a general store for many years, and built up our current ranch by acquiring land from homesteaders who gave him their land instead of payment for their store bills(he would extend credit to anyone) when they figured out they couldn't make a living on 160 acres and moved away.
Just found out from cousin and Ancestry.com that our #3 Grandfather was the FIRST U.S. Marine in history around 1756 from County Cork Ireland. He lived in South Carolina. Dave

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