OT My weekend surprise

David G

Well-known Member
I got a Christmas card and letter this weekend from my half brother that I did not know about. It appears my mother had a child before she was married and gave him up for adoption. She has been gone for five years and took the secret to her grave.

I am 53, my sister is 55, he is 63, bet this does not happen everyday.
Well how's that for a Christmas present?
Does he live close enough that you can get to know him well?
I think that's what I would want to do.
He actually lives close to JD Seller, so about an hour away for me. I am going to work on just knowing him before being to close.
I had a good friend in the USMC. He got a call one day from a Major who wanted to come meet him (the Major had just been transfered to the same base). It turned out that he was HIS half brother he never knew about. Mom and dad were still alive, and figured since they were stationed on the same base, it was time they met.

They still get along great.
Me wife had a similar experience a few years ago. Her dad disappeared when she was a baby and her family never talked of him or his family. She started putting the pieces together when she read of his mother's passing in her hometown newspaper and sent a condolence explaining who she was. Found she has 5 step-siblings she did not know about plus 9 aunts and uncles. Have met most of them and getting closer to them. Take it slow and get to know him. It will be an interesting experience but can get overwhelming at times. He obviously wants to get to know you as he made contact first. Enjoy your new family and Merry Christmas.
My wife was adopted. In 1985, we found six older brothers of hers. We initiated contact, and we and their families all get along great. I can't imagine life without those guys.

Then it turns out she also has somewhere around 6 to 9 assorted half brothers and sisters. No one seems to know for sure. Whenever we have a family reunion, there are always some strange looking people who show up that no one knew about before.

We take it all in fun and joke about it, including my wife.

One half sister of my wife's drives an 18 wheel "bull hauler". And to meet the gal, you can't imagine her doing anything else. I'm sure she can out-swear 90% of the other drivers out there.

Good luck with your new family members.
We are in the processs of adopting a 2 year old out for foster care. We were allowed an hour to review his case file. He has 5 older brothers and sisters - none lived with the mother more than a few months. We were able to find the pre adoptive names of 3 of them.

2 of the children are unlocated - the foster agency was unable to locate any information of them being taken by a state foster agency or by any state agency. Their "guess" was that she abandoned them somewhere or "sold" them to someone. The people she claimed they lived with do not exist.
My mother and father were separated befor I was born, my sister in law met an uncle of ours and got in touch with my stepmother I found out I had two half sisters in Washington never met them or my Dad don't really care to I guess. Brother said hey came down for my SIL funeral but no sign of them last spring when he died. Don't figure I missed anything as I it's hard to feel for someone hat you have never known. Wonder if he will show when Croak. Giggle
PS enjoy what you have and don't worry about what you don't.
I would suspect it happens more than you might think. In my little circle of friends, there"s two guys who had similar experiences.
i hope you are not in middle of estate work or something along that line to bring him out.those suprises can get REAL interesting and costly in blink of eye.
I'm 54 with two older sisters. We grew up in a true "Leave it to Beaver" household (or so I thought). Nothing out of the ordinary other than the fact that my mother could never satisfy her mother and was constantly striving for her love. That grandmother was a piece of work to the point where I once read her the riot act for how she treated mom. She mellowed out later in life before she died and we patched things up.

Twenty years ago I also got a surprise. I was informed I had an even older sister. It seems my mom was raped by a family member when she was 15 and sent away by my grandmother to a distant relative to have the baby which was given up for adoption. I found out about her when coincidentally they both were doing a search for each other. I've met this other sister and she is the spitting image of my mom. We're not close but she and my mom have grown closer. I think it helps them both heal....

Things were done differently in the early 50's and shame was put in the wrong places....
I was 17 before I knew my sister was my half sister. My mom was married before. Took a while to sink in as to how my parents had been married for the same number of years as my age, but my sister was two years older. Never made any difference and still doesn't. She has always been my sister and always will be.

One of the family scandals I'm not supposed to know about is that two of my dad's uncles are really his cousins, seems one of his maternal Aunts had two kids out of wedlock and they passed them off has Great Grandma's youngest. Dad was at a family reunion about ten years ago, some guy showed up, son of a gun add another cousin to the list, seems Auntie actually had three kids. Funny thing is he showed up at a reunion for the paternal side of Dad's family.
Old friend who was in the army knew someone who met a girl, whirlwind courtship, married, third kid got real sick, did some testing, they had to get divorced.

Her deceased mom never told her about a son given up for adoption.

Guess who she married.
We had a family friend who went to his grave at 91 years old never knowing his oldest daughter wasn't his own. At his funeral several people were quietly wondering why this oldest daughter didn't come to the funeral. Little did they know. Jim

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