annnnnd done.

flying belgian

Well-known Member
Finished corn harvest about an hour ago. All my neighbors finished about a week ago but I had a few time consuming problems this fall which put me way behind. Corn yield ended up going 171 bpa. which is real good for how dry it was late in the season here in so. central Mn. Also in that figure is the 15 acres I planted on the 6th. of June as I was waiting for the tiling to finish. That's planted about a month to late and only went about 100 bpa. I am well satisfied with my yields this year. Beans went 44 bpa. I have a bunch of tillage to get done this fall yet but always a good feeling to have the harvest done.
That"s much better than 2 hrs north of you, also on heavy ground. Renter"s beans did 21, mine did 20, another neighbor 19. Corn isn"t so bad- generally 145- 150. Sand......beans pretty much zeroed out. Our first day for tillage was May 17th- latest in my 41 years of farming.

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