Anyone on here let your lawn grow ?

This spring and fall im going to let the lawn grow and seed itself . Anyone else do this ? All my neighbors always cut there grass every single week. I know it may not be pretty but my grass seems healthier if u do every few years .
agreed, I also leave it high for the winter and do not rake up the leaves. Let them break down and feed the soil.
Don't do that but right now I have 2 self moving self fertilizing lawn mowers out on my lawn. Or better known as a couple of very small pony/horses
Konr: Real debatable topic but most research indicates that the leaves do more harm than good. They break down and make the soil very acid. I would think if one limed the yard that could be offset. I mulch mine some and pick up some, who knows what is best.
if you get a spot check from your insurance company you may be in trouble. I let mine grow in the back where no one could see it a couple years ago and they found it and threatened to cancel me. my agent had to submit a plan to the corporate office to keep me insured. the plan of course was to mow the lawn.
I resist the urge to mow it "one more time" and leave it long starting about this time of year.

I do rake up the bulk of the leaves. I don't obsess about getting every one, but I don't let them mat down over the grass either.

Every other year or so, I'll set my "estate rake" down low and thatch it pretty heavily while raking leaves. As long as it gets a chance to recover before heavy frost, it looks great in the Spring.
I would let mine grow, but the neighborhood "grass nazis" will complain to the township.
One old geezer whose wife died a few years ago, has substituted his lawn tractor for a wife, and he rides her six days a week!

Areas like mine it works well, we are naturally high in ph, actually a little souring of the ground would help....

I covered up the exit area of my zero turn, run over the leaves real slow, it grinds them up real good, mulching in place.
Alittle side note ... Yellow Springs, Ohio has no rectrictions on having to mow lawns . It's neat to see some of the yards grow up into wildflower gardens and tall grasses.
Sounds like Yellow Springs has a neat idea.That would be great! I wonder how long before someone passes legislation that ruins a good thing.

I would like to plant mine in prairie grasses and wildflowers, but it wouldn't fly here.

I don't do it as a routine, but when I do any type of work where I cut off the top layer I do it. Now, depending on the size of the area, I might throw out a handfull or two of grass seed, but that's all it gets. The way I see it with all of the different varities of grass, the ones that grow enough to go to seed are the ones I want in my yard to keep it looking good. So, if I let them grow, and go to seed a few times, I will get a yard full of grass that actually likes the soil in my yard -vs- having to force grow any of the other varieties with fertalizer, etc just to keep it growing.
exactly. And spring cleanup goes in the garden and PH tests show we never need to lime. Also find the richest blackest dirt in the woods where leaves never get disturbed and just rot year after year. Maybe it's my leaves, mainly oak.
I did it once and wasn't impressed. Had way too much hay when I mowed it. Next year I disked it all up and planted new winter seed.
You can throw out some seed in Jan or feb depending on where you live the freazing and thawing will naturaly work the seed into the ground.
I cut mine on average every 5 to 8 days as long as we receive rain and the temperature is above 60. I don't think the wife would be very impressed with the varmints and critters that would show up if they had cover to hide in. You don't normally think of the Northeast when you think of rattlesnakes but in eras gone by they were a real nuisance and the locals went to great lengths to be rid of them including keeping the farm yard trimmed right down.
I would let mine grow, but my wife makes me cut it. Growing up at home Dad didn't have a blade of grass on the place, and very few plants. we just didn't have the water. Stan
I try not to mow the lawn short during droughts. It just turns brown if I mow it when it's already drought dormant. I have problems with snow mold in spring if I leave the grass too long or let leaves get matted down over the winter.

One of my neighbors is letting his lawn grow long this year. He's mad at the city about something. The city has called it an eye sore, mowed it twice and billed him for it. Most of his lawn is long matted grass. Part of it was reworked this spring and reseeded just before Memorial Day. The reseeded part is now about 1 1/2 feet high, mostly foxtail and weeds. The grass seed he put down never had a chance against all the new weeds.
I did it for several years to enlarge my yard ,,let it grow until it made seed let it start to turn brown at the heads then mow and blow it out where I wanted new growth with the mower worked very well I added about 30' on the one side that way does take some time to get it like I wanted it
SWMBO gets upset, but I try not to mow mine until after the first frosts kill it for the winter, and then I mow it high. Seems to look better next year.
I have been busy this summer and have not had time to cut the grass like I should. There is a High Crop Ford out there some where and I am going to look for it after the first frost..:)

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