Friday the 13th who believes it is bad luck??

Not doing anything different,but there's a frost advisory for tonight. That could be the worst luck I could have in a year that's been no picnic already.
Didn't secure the gate properly this morning, wind blew it open... Sheep and llamas got out. Always fun gathering the loose animals. This time sheep went back pretty readily, Llamas decided to take a tour of the farm. Is that bad luck or just plane carelessness?
Heck, my parents got married on a Friday the 13th in July 1971. Their 13th anniversary was on Friday the 13th. It's been 42 years and they're still fine, so I think it's a lucky number.
Yeah, Randy, been a little ragged year hasn't it?
At least you could have shared some of that rain yesterday.
You could have had it all,would have been fine with me.

What did you get Monday morning? I had half an inch. Then two weeks ago Tuesday wasn't it that we had those two big rains? I ended up with 3.9 all together that day.
Always amazes me how some folks get hung up on the number 13. 'Think it's unlucky. I had a bull buyer last year who was really interested in a young bull we had for sale. He was a fine specimen.............BUT, his ear tag was "13". THe buyer refused to buy him because of it. I said, well, I'll change the tag number for you. "Nope, he said, he was still originally 13". I asked him if I could follow him around and get every 13th dollar he I was SURE he wouldn't dare keep any 13th dollar.
Got a whole list besides being born on 13th. Sort of consider it my, first thing I do this am is back straight into our cleaning gal's '98 pick up truck. No damage to either vehicle, but thought "Wake up Dude, it's the 13th"
I once bought a new car on Friday the 13th. I didn't even think about what the date was, I was so fed up with the POS import that I was driving. A few days later I realized that the numbers on my license tag were 1313! About a year and half later I almost totaled it, but I didn't blame it on the number 13, I just blamed it on a bad case of Dumbaxx!
Well my first official "date" was with my first wife on March 13, 1964. We when to a School dance together. So I would say my Friday the 13ths have been pretty good ones.
Put gas in my 1930 C Case this morning, pulled it 25 feet and it started right up; had a bit of a miss but it smoothed right out. Granddad Cathcart would be proud of me; it was his first tractor.
I don't believe it's unlucky...

... but I do believe that if I say that - I will jinx myself and have bad luck!
I chopped the end off my right thumb this morning in grain bin door, tip is in the bin with the canola. don't know if its bad luck or stupidity
I like it best when I get home at the end of the day and realize it has past.
I don't have any superstitions but I was at a Dairy Queen type ice cream on the roadside somewhere that had pictures of three times tractor trailers ran into the store all on Fri 13.
My little brother was born on Friday the 13th and he's a convicted murderer.
I don't know if his birthday had any thing to do with it though.
I let my friend know that his JD 4010 has three spun main bearings this morning, my day was better than his.chris
I try to find all the black cats I can and carry them under ladders.
Then we go break mirrors just for fun.
Umm, no, not really. LOL Just another day at work for me.
Did you know there is not a true black cat?? All have some white hairs on them some place all be it maybe only 10 out of a thousand. I have to many cats and many are black ones and I have yet to ever find one that does not have some white hairs on them
I lifted a bag of feed into the feeder today while my foot was firmly planted on the string at the "do not open" end. Heard a rip and saw a few bucks spill out in the bed of the trailer. Luckily, most of it ended up where the hogs could get to it. Friday the 13th or just not paying attention? Well, it was one bag out of 40.
Friday the 13th was the day the Templar Knights were arrested.This dates back to the Crusades.I had a friend who would not travel on the 13th or go to any Doctors appointments.I asked him if he had 13.00 would he give me the money,No. If he won 13,000 bucks on the lottery would he give me the money,no.Got real mad at me one day when I called him a fool.Has not spoken to me in 3 years.He used to drive in the worst weather to get coffee every morning and buy 2 eggs and toast.Asked him why he couldnt have the same thing at home on bad days.No answer.
My dad used to worry about it until he was wounded in WWII. According to his story, he laid low all day on the 13th where he was in the south part of Germany. At about four in the morning of the 14th a single mortar round came through and got him. After that he would simply take off for the whole weekend.

He would drive miles out of the way to avoid the black cats too. He had a few other superstitions as well. Most of the time he didn't share them with anyone else, but we knew and we didn't make anything of it. As someone else around here says "Don't ask how we know..."

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