
Well-known Member
My brother is a beekeeper, and yesterday he got a hive out of a tree. Was so hot he didn't have time to get the queen (without the rest cooking) the 1st time around so he brought the bees home and then was gonna go later to finish the job. Let me just say, those were the most p!ssed off little buggers I've ever seen!!

I was strapping my son in his car seat last night in front of Mom & Dad's house (1000 yards or so from where he left the bees) and had one go up my sleeve on my t shirt and get me about 1/2 way between my elbow and shoulder, on the bottom side. Burned real bad last night, itches like crazy today.... Not swelled too bad, but very red and warm to the touch. Guess I'd rather take a hit than my wife or kids though.

Lesson here, NEVER separate the workers from their queen (and mother), They get down right nasty. Today they have their queen back, and things are calming back down. Not until after Dad got nailed though.

Donovan from Wisconsin
we have 16 hives on loan from a local bee farm, last weekend the bee keeper came and collected the honey , well the bees were really mad and it was about to thunder storm my brother and I got stung almost as soon as they left ,the bees are in the other pasture about a 1/4 mile away had to get his grandkids in the house quick!!
Even if you have to spit, or pee make mud right way and put on it. Oh yes I have used both. Now I always have a water jug.
(quoted from post at 22:02:59 08/27/13) Hey Don, if anyone gets it again put a penny on the sting right away. Always works for me.
Decades ago my parents would spit on a penny and press it on a honey bee sting. That technique doesn't seem to work with the newer pennies. I believe the alloy in the penny has been changed.

Just remember, when a honey bee stings it dies. Save a bee, don't get stung. :D
We have put up with that crap around here, as well. Drank the Koolaide from the beekeepers that they are doing us a BIG favor having their vermin around to pollinate our canola.... the downside IS NOT worth the perceived upside. In other words, DIE, bees!

Better THEM than me or my loved ones!
(quoted from post at 23:28:08 08/27/13) We have put up with that crap around here, as well. Drank the Koolaide from the beekeepers that they are doing us a BIG favor having their vermin around to pollinate our canola.... the downside IS NOT worth the perceived upside. In other words, DIE, bees!

Better THEM than me or my loved ones!

I like to eat, the bees can stay.
Got stung on the face the other day while pumping fuel in the tractor just before going out to bale hay. Eye kinda swelled up and watered, but after a hour or so, it started to get better. The spot I was stung still nurts if I touch it today. Hate them bugs, only good thing about winter. Bruce
My only comment is if one"s buzzing you, getting up in your face, whatever you do don"t grab him. I had a bumble bee buzzing a customer one day, getting right up in her face, chsing her out of the field, and I grabbed him. Don"t ever.
I guess you can be glad you got stung and not your son. I assume he's fairly young yet if you were strapping him in a car seat.
that's what we always did as kids -

or if we were near the house, we'd use baking soda.

Can't say if it really does anything, because I've never NOT done I to find out!
Baking Soda and a little water. Make a paste and rub it in good.
Faster you get it on, faster acid will neutralize. I keep boxes all
around the farm.

My oldest just turned 3 on Saturday. My other one is 10 months today. Either one would have been bad to get stung. They're calming down now, but I heard my nephew got stung today as well. Up until now, non of his honey bees bothered me. I can stand within a few feet of his hives and they just buzz around me without a care in the world. These ones were out looking for a fight.

Donovan from Wisconsin

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