In good company


Well-known Member
I told yesterday about being denied a credit card because I didn't have any debt,not enough account activity etc. We had a family reunion today and I was telling a cousin about it. He laughed and said the same thing happened to him for the same reason. He said he walked in to the bank a few days later and the bank president was in the lobby,shook his hand,patted him on the back and asked how he was doing. He told him he wasn't real happy with his bank right now. Told him why. Said he told him to wait right there. He went in the back and came back out,told him he'd get his card. Said he had one in about two days.
Probably the nicest thing they could have done was to deny you a card. Just get a debit card, they function the same and you have no bill or interest!
I've got a debit card. I've had it for years,never wanted a credit card,still don't really,thought I could get through life without one,but some places are getting a little touchy about taking a debit unless you give them a deposit,like car rentals to be specific. In cases like that,a credit card just make things a little easier. Fewer hoops to jump through.
Same thing happened to me, as well as other"s I know of. I now make it a point to be making payments on something all the time. I once borrowed $5,000.00 for no reason, other than to make payments. Loan officer titled the loan "Vacation".
I think you where just too honest with the Car rental place. My "Debt" card looks just like a credit card. No bank name on it. Just shows Master Card. Tell them to run it as a credit card and it goes right through. Never had an issue. Even at a place that said they did not take debit cards. If you run it as a debit card you have to put in your pin number. As a credit card you don't. So I always say credit card.

I have not had a credit card for 15 years or more. Have not borrowed any money that would show on a credit report for 20 years. My one brother and I trade money back and forth if one of us needs some short term but that is all.

Also your cousin is correct. You where denied because you filled out a common form that some brain dead person ten states away read. They just looked at the Credit reporting agencies. You do not exist to them unless you are in debt. Your bank can issue a bank issued credit card based on your account history with them. That could just be your checking/savings account. Talk to your bank's manager/vice-president/president they can get you a card ASAP.

Maybe that is what I have. I just told the banker I needed a card 15 years ago. I never get any bill. It is taken out of my account right then but my card does not look any different than a credit card. My son and I just compared his credit card and my card. They look the same and the account numbers are the same format.

His debit card looks different. It has the bank's name on it. I only have the one card. Never had an issue. It is on an account that has a minimum balance required.
We opened a Chase account that has the cash back like Discover. Each 6 months her tuition and books go on there and is paid off when we get the bill to build up her credit.
I deal with a small single location state bank. I was dealing with one of the higher ups when I applied. She said they were too small of a bank to actually issue their own. Said it would have their name on it but another bank actually issues them.

I've rented from Enterprise twice before with my debit. It's just not that cut and dry. In the first place,they know I've rented with that card and that it's a debit. They want a hundred dollars extra for a deposit,no big deal. In the past though,they've told me to bring in my last electric bill. This time they said that wasn't enough. Told me to bring in a paycheck stub. I told them I'm a farmer,I'd bring the check stubs for the last couple of loads of cattle I've sold. They said they couldn't do that. Said bring a gas bill. I told them I use fuel oil. They said to bring a bill from a contracted cell phone. That I can do,but this is just getting to be a pain in the backside. If something happens to one of the wife's relatives in Ky or Va and we have to rent one to get there in a hurry,I just thought it would be nice not to have to go through all that.

I think it'd be simpler just to buy a new car.
That is what I was trying to say but your much more eloquent with words.

If Randy has one, should be able to run that debit card as credit and no one would know the difference. Still comes out of the checking account just the same, but to the vender (rental company) it looks like a credit card.
Sounds like my neighbor... Applied for a personal loan of $5800, and was approved. When he went in to sign it, the officer asked for a more specific purpose, to put on the paperwork... which was silicone "augmentation for his S.O."... loan officer said that was TMI!

Another buddy tells me the new "headlights" look pretty good.

So far, I have been decent enough not to look!

Can't figure out what all you guys have against credit cards. We've had a couple of them for years- put almost everything on them, then pay in full every month. Get about 500 bucks back every year in "reward" money, and haven't paid a dime of interest since I can't remember when.

Just curious- why is that such a bad deal? How much cash back do any of you get for paying cash for everything? And if you won't get a credit card, why on earth would you have a debit card? Those are the worst of both worlds- you can still have your identity stolen, but you get no float. Used to be you could have your entire bank account drained with a debit card (credit card is limited to $50), but I think they changed that.

We travel some, and you might as well forget travelling if you don't have a card.
20 years ago my folks went thru the same thing before they went on a trip to Europe. 400 acres paid for and high interest CD's in the bank. Bank pres said give me that xbxbxv application and he fixed it so it would go thru.
If you'll look,that one in the picture says "Debit" right above the MasterCard logo.
My Visa doesn't say Debit on it anywhere.
Trouble with me trying to tell Enterprise that it's a credit is that they have me and that card in their computer. They know it's a debit. That was the first thing they asked me after they pulled me up,"do you have a card that isn't a debit?".
find a new car to buy
go to your bank
get a one or two year loan with 50% down interest shouldn't be much
then you will have credit again and the credit card offers will be coming in the mail
good luck
Well the biggest reason I do not like a credit card is that you ARE paying for it just through higher prices. At many places my debit card is treated like CASH when paying for fuel. Where a credit card pays 3-4% more.

Just ordered some parts from a supplier. They treat a debit card like cash. The Discount on that one order is over $1000.

Also I never have heard anyone scream "I am a millionaire" off their "rewards" from their credit card.

Also very few of the people that have credit card actually pay them off each month. So the credit card companies are just loan sharks to me. Many of those credit cards have very high interest charges on them when the prime rate is under 1%. So they are ripping people off and that should be illegal.
That's the rub though. You have to get one first. They don't seem anxious to give one out if they think they won't make money off it.
I had the same thing when we went to Germany. Our bank card works as a credit card or debit. We owed no money to anyone. The car company would not accept it in Germany. I was Hertz rentals. I had a he## of a time getting a credit card. Finially the bank manger stepped in and problem was solved, got the card in 2 days. I am sure glad that I found out about this before we left. I would not have been happy getting to Frankfurt and could not get a car. We have one of the cards from 5/3 bank and it was no good in Germany so we took a chance and carried cash. Funny thing is I had a card from Chemical bank and they fixed it so I could use it over there and could take as much as 2000.00 a day off it. After the hassel with the other card I did not take any chance.
(quoted from post at 16:56:49 07/28/13) Can't figure out what all you guys have against credit cards. We've had a couple of them for years- put almost everything on them, then pay in full every month. Get about 500 bucks back every year in "reward" money, and haven't paid a dime of interest since I can't remember when.

Just curious- why is that such a bad deal? How much cash back do any of you get for paying cash for everything? And if you won't get a credit card, why on earth would you have a debit card? Those are the worst of both worlds- you can still have your identity stolen, but you get no float. Used to be you could have your entire bank account drained with a debit card (credit card is limited to $50), but I think they changed that.

We travel some, and you might as well forget travelling if you don't have a card.

Its not a bad deal, its just many people have lived without them for a long time and then when they want a credit card, its hard to get one. Another problem is, when the economy tanked a few years ago, credit card companies started dumping people that do just what you do (charge everything and pay off at month end). The reason is, the service isnt free to provide and if people wernt going to pay some interest, the companies didnt want them. An exception was bank backed credit cards but thats kind of a different discussion because the bank makes the rules for the credit card provider to follow and frequently over rules dumping customers.

Rrlund, you can get a secured credit card. It may work for you but you would have to look into how long it takes after depositing money before you can charge against it, otherwise you will have to just keep some money in the account. Unlike debit cards, secured credit cards are in fact seen as credit at the purchace point, just they have a credit limit that matches your deposit in the bank account.

All cards, no matter what is printed on them, show up on the sellers computer screen as being credit or debit. Some cards are set up to act as both, in which case the cashier usually says "will this be credit or debit?". Dispite what JDSeller is saying, the places that he is purchasing at know what he has. Thats why he gets a cash discount when buying gas... because he is in fact paying with electronic cash right from his bank account. Same with getting a cash discount for buying parts, they are seeing that the card is a debit card and are giving him the discount (although if it was my business and he bought enough that a couple percent amounted to a grand, I would give him the discount if he paid in pennies). The point is, it dont matter what anybodys card says on it, its what pops up when its swiped or the card number is punched into the computer if you are buying over the phone.
I LOVE MINE and sure wouldnt dream of travelling without it. Id hate to carry all the cash I may need travelling and when I've tried to rent a car or even a motel without one, I have been turned down flat. I was in Dallas once tried to rent a car, I was going to a Taylor and Martin truck Auction and had a bank letter of credit for $100,000 and $10,000 in cash BUT COULDNT RENT A CAR WITHOUT A CREDIT CARD

OF COURSE I pay any balance IN FULL each month so theres no interest, done it that way for years n years n years.

ALSO I carry a Debit Card so I dont have to write checks and its taken the same as a credit card about anyplace PLUS I could buy a stick of gum at Wal mart or other places and get $100 cash back.

Nowwwwwwww if youre not capable of or mature enough to use them wise and correct and pay the balance in full each month YOU PROBABLY SHOULDNT GET ONE.

To each their own, use one if you like or not if you like, fine by me, but Im NOT giving mine up, too handy for travelling and Id hate to carry that much cash

John T
Went through the same thing a few years ago. Local bank, got us a visa card in a few days. They are giving 5% cash back on fuel this month. What is wrong with this. 3.669 at our station now, that is 18 cents off. Vic
I buy my vehicles on credit, then pay them off before the end of the year. That way I can carry the loan longer if needed, or get the A+ credit.
It's really not worth it!

I have a card, had about 5 when I was doing bodywork full time and owned the shop.

The last card I have has a balance of $200. I keep it around $50 if I can help it because I was told if I don't keep a balance they will take it away! (insider info for me)

I'd rather jump through hoops, but at the same time, if you are up to date on all your bills and never miss a payment, you are a deadbeat to the credit companies. They want people who don't pay. The extra charges make a huge chunk of profit for them.

btw, there is a website, this forum won't let me post it, but google search... If you type in a search for applying for credit card, it comes up.

It will let you apply for about 50 credit cards all at once. One of them will let you do it, but you will pay 23% interest and get a $500 balance.

Start there, build your credit and you will be fine.

I'd hate to apply for any card again. I just like to not depend on them if I can. $3 corn might put me in that place, but until then, I am going to start selling things if I need cash. Let's hope it doesn't come to that!
If you use a debit card you should also have a credit card. There are times when it's much better to use a credit card rather than a debit card - a debit card takes money right from your account, you will not have the same chance to dispute a charge as you will with a credit card. Therefore it's best to NOT use a debit card for online purchases, if someone gets your number they can drain your account. With a credit card they can run up the charges, but then you can dispute them before you pay for them.

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