Places to go and things to do


Well-known Member
So I got to thinking. No two people really agree on the perfect place to go or the best thing to do for fun while on vacation.

The wife and I found a marina/resort on Dale Hollow Lake in Tennessee on the internet several years ago. The first time we went I thought CRAP! We really messed up! It's under a high bridge that goes across the lake and I thought that would be a big problem,but after three days there,when we got ready to leave,we got the truck loaded up,the wife went out and I didn't want to lock the door and leave there. I never even had a dream about home the whole time we were there and I was home for a month before I stopped dreaming about being back there. We've gone back every chance we've had since then. I have no idea if it would be anybody elses cup of tea or not what it being under that bridge and all.

We love going on the 127 Yard Sale too and usually try to take a vacation planned around it. Now I wouldn't give you 10 cents for a yard sale here at home,but that's just a huge social event. I have a super time visiting with people from all over the country and seeing the sights along the way. I'm sure walking around in squelching heat looking at junk ain't what everybody wants to do,but it's our thing to do and our place to go.

What's yours that you claim for your own?
Yep been there many times,good boating and fishing or nothing, also like Cumberland. We have to go pass Cumberland to get to Dale Hollow so it is a tossup. My daughter has a house on Roughriver lake and they love it, smaller but good fishing and boating.
Well some of you that know me & I guess there are some of you that pick up on comments that I make in some of my replies know that I spend about 9 months in a remote mining town in Yukon Canada. I & the wife found this place back in 1999 & bought a home here in 2001 & have been coming back ever since. I have friends & family that think I'm crazy for wanting to spend winters north of the 60th parallel. But quite often the winters are better than where our summer home is in Iowa. I am the first one to admit that everything isn't for everyone. Just the other morning I & Charlene woke up laughing our a@@es off at some Ravens jumping up & down on our roof. The mountains that we see, the bears, moose, northern lites, ect & just the life stile just fits for us. So YES rrund I can relate to that place that is just for YOU.
What's a vacation? My FIL pointed out to my SIL that we have never had a vacation a couple of years ago. And it's true! When in the Army every time I came home on leave I worked on the farm. When dads health declined and he quit farming he was too proud to admit he couldn't keep the farm up so I did repairs and did things like take down storm damaged trees. Part of my problem is I can't just sit and do nothing. I always have to be doing something. I'd be real productive if I could channel that!

Sounds like you enjoy it so go for it. Know a couple in town that take their motor home and just drive around staying in Wal Mart parking lots of all places. They ain't hurting anyone and as long they enjoy it they should do it.

A farm pond in Blandinsville, Il.
Just me, my son, a tin boat and some bass baits.

If I ever get some $"s, I"d like to go back to Lake Nungessor, Ontario. Dad took me, and my 2 younger bros there 15+ years ago. I can still see dad tossing a red&white daredevil for Pike off the dock.

....don t. ....
RR Can,t remember where you are from or live but glad you enjoy your stay in our beautiful State.

I live down stream from your hiding place right on the Cumberland River. I have been fortunate to be able to just about travel the world over in my 70 years. Lots of places to see . Love the small mining town out of Sedona called Jerome but all in all right here on the river in Tennessee is where I all ways end up.
Wife and I will head to Flippin,AR. the second week of Oct. to trout fish on the White River for the sixth year in a row. We have been several times before that. Don't really like the fish to eat, but lots of fun to catch the rainbows and a few browns. We usually catch and release 100-150 in the two days of fishing with a guide. He does all the work--baiting hooks, taking fish off and usually casting for my wife. Fall leaves are pretty if we get there at the right time.
Being a history buff; I really love to go to the Civil War Battlefields, & spend days at a time tracing not only the battles; but the routes the armies took to get there. Last year spent a week at Gettysburg, & Anteitam. Been to Wilsons Creek, Perrysville, Chattanooga, Chickamaugua, & everything from there to Atlanta area. Vicksburg, Fort Doonelson, Nashville, Harpers Ferry, probably a few others I cant think of. This year or next Franklin, TN, & Shiloh are on the checklist (still unchcecked)!
That'd be OK too. I wonder if they know about that Coke themed restaurant up in Grayling? My brother read about that one in some magazine they get through the power company up at the cabin. We found it one morning. Quite the nice retro place.

There are two of them down there near the resort we go to in TN. One just north of town called the Farm House. Tractor themed,but they have a buffet every night that's out of this world. I'd go there for that no matter what the theme was. There's another small place right on the edge of town that we like to go to for lunch. Great salad bar,just a local hangout.
We're way up here in Michigan. Whenever I tell anybody that we've rented a cabin on the lake down there and are going down for a week,they all say the same thing,"there are lakes around here you know".

It's just not the same. The sights,the sounds,the smells,I look forward to it all year. It's where I go in my mind when the stress is just about more than I can take. I've got a little bit of a problem with depression and anxiety,but when I'm sitting on the porch of a cabin down there,I'm totally relaxed and at ease. I sure wish somebody could bottle that or put it in a pill. I'd be addicted.
Ya,we've got a place rented for one night up on the north side of Cumberland for the trip home on the yard sale. Have they raised the water level back up yet or are they still working on the dam? were at the Sunset marina weren't you? I know that area well, as a Ohioan who ventures down there at least once a year. Great part of Dale Hollow!
RRlund....the water level is up SOME. Not full capacity yet. They raised it, and are looking to see how it does. If ok, then full levels will be back.....Not sure that I understand the "see how she does" idea.....either it is right or not!.....don't know that I would want to live down stream, lol.
Yep,I love that place! Peaceful a place as I've ever been. Great swimming beach withing walking distance just across the drive to the west.
I haven't been across the dam since two years ago,but we were around the east end in Somerset last fall. Looked like the water was up OK over there.
Back when the kids were young for several years we loaded up the RV and ski or pontoon boats and headed either to Dale Hollow or Lake Cumberland or Lake Barkley and spent a week camping and boating WONDERFUL VACATIONS......

Now that were empty nesters we RV travel to many of the National Parks. We prefer Utah's Grand Five (Zion, Bryce Canyon, Capitol Reef, Canyonlands and Arches) and last time took in 8 parks including Yellowstone, The Grand Tetons, Crater Lake, Mt Ranier and best of all Glacier SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BEAUTIFUL

Of course I tell people they havent lived until they see the Grand Canyon, hey its no pushover. Next fall were going to BOTH the North and South Rims

John T
Know about that. Several years ago, my wife and I took at short trip to New Orleans and Ate our way across the city. Planned each day's activities around where we wanted to be for lunch and supper. Was wonderful. Still have no idea what some of it was but it sure was GOOD!

In Grayling I love "Spike's Keg of Nails." Best burgers I've ever had. I've also eaten at the Coke theme restaurant and the one on the corner near the dime store. Grayling hasn't gotten built up like Traverse City. I really enjoy being up there.

I am with John T. We haven't been into many parks in Washington state. The Canadain rockies are even better than the US. Also the north rim of the Grand Canyon is more beautiful plus the road out to it. We love the west but the north east has lots of wonderful places - VA, NY, KY, VT, NH, and MA.
Personally I just like to ride the backroads off the beaten path lots of very interesting things to see in small out of the way towns.Northern Neck of Virginia is particularly interesting to me.
You are going to be absolutely disgusted with me, Scotty.....20 years ago next month we were on Honeymoon in America and stumbled into Gettysburg during a real freak thunderstorm. We thought we would book into one of the large motels to ride out the storm, but they were all full....We just could not understand so many motels and all so full in such an' insignificant' place!.....Until next morning when we were driving out and started to see monuments etc and asked what all the fuss was about!
That is how naive we are of your history!
Went back last year for a better look around, But I still prefer the New England coastlne !!!!
Scotty: I too have spent a lot of time at most of the major battlefields and would like to go again. Soon, maybe this fall, I intend to re-trace the steps of my great-grandfather through all the places he fought (probably not in the same army as your ancestors). He enlisted in a Louisiana infantry regiment in December, 1861 and was paroled out in May, 1865. During that time he was at Shiloh (Hornet's Nest), Corinth, Chicamauga (wounded), Chattanooga, Missionary Ridge, Franklin, Atlanta, Resaca, etc. He spent the last few months of the war as a prisoner (captured at Spanish Fort, Ala.)

Ironically, he survived all that to come home and seven years later was shot dead on the street of his hometown. I have the shirt he was wearing that day.
We are heading down by "Old's" place this weekend for a few day getaway. We have flooding the whole month of June, then HOT the month of July, not much good boating here.
No they are finished with the dam . I am up in the Monticello area the lake is almost up to the tree line with all the rain we have had.
Wife and I have traveled a lot of the US, and enjoyed just about all of it. The key is to get off the interstate, remember life's a journey, NOT a destination. Yes, there are some tourist destinations that you just have to see, but lots of others are unknown. Case in point, everyone has heard of Taquahmenon Falls here in Michigan, who knows about Sable Falls or Bond Falls? Both are prettier than Tahquahmenon in my opinion. You just have to get off that well traveled path and look. We've met some really neat people and had some great food just going down the back roads, and that's what it is about. Besides, we're retired, our week has 6 Saturdays and one Sunday.
wanting to go to127 sales for first time ,,,what areas or towns, do we want to go to ? live in Indiana traveling south down 127
To quote a letter written by George Washington, speaking of South-Western Pennsylvania:

"If I was a young man, just preparing to begin the world, I know of no country where I would rather find my habitation than in some part of that region." - G. Washington

I happen to agree with him. It's about a 3 minute car ride for me to get to a piece of land he owned until his death.

I know I complain about how steep it is, almost every day, and I complain a lot, but really, this is the only place that I would ever call home. I'm in farm land, but, surrounded by a blend of industry, commerce, and white collar professionals. In 35 minutes, I can go from my living room to a stadium seat to watch the Pittsburgh Steelers, Pirates, or Penguins. In 9 minutes, I can be at an amphitheater to see major musical groups. (I think Blake Shelton is coming Aug 2nd, Jason Aldean and Jake Owen are just a few weeks after that, followed by Rascal Flatts). Smaller venue next door allows me to sit 50 feet from the stage and have dinner and a waitress all night when smaller acts are in town (Kenny Rogers loves coming there. David Allen Coe stops every year, and I think Big & Rich will be there in november)

I can get Pizza delivered to me while I am driving the tractor. they bring it out in the field. At the same time, I can hop on a quad or in my truck and run out of cellphone service in less than 15 minutes, and not see a single soul.

I'm always happy to visit other places, but, the only place I truly feel at peace is the place I call home.
Dang it! Mom and dad are leaving Friday for there, and coming home next Wednesday!!!! Wife and I cannot make this trip, she has a test for a online class she has been taking to get a reading endorsement for her teaching license. I think we are going down Labor day weekend.

Maybe we can line it up next year, lol.

We typically stay at a lakehouse owned by family friends, not far from the marina. Actually, you can see it if you go out on the lake, head "down stream" from the marina. Look for a flagpole up on the hill.

Next year, we are probably going to bring our camper and stay at the campground. Never actually camped there, always rented that lake house....but it is getting hard to get dates for....but that's another story, lol.
How far south do you want to go? The absolute best of it is from Danville Kentucky down to Crossville Tennessee. We're planning four days in that stretch this year. If you want to get your feet wet on it,from Bryan Ohio on down to the Dark County Steam Threshers Grounds just north of Greenville Ohio is well worth while. Last year we spent two days going from Addison Michigan to Greenville Ohio.
Can you see that from the swimming beach then? I plan to spend a fair amount of time in the water there too.
It would be hard. If you are standing on the beach, Look to your left, 90*. There is a island at about 45* or 60* from straight ahead. the lake house would be about 30 - 45* from the island, farther to your left. There is a cleared spot on the hill, and at night there is a light shining on the flag (if the bulb is not burnt out). I don't know if you will be able to actually see this from the beach though. That is a long distance.

That lake is the most relaxing place I know of. I love it down there.

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