
My 48 H's gas tank is full of rust so I took it off and took it to several places offering gas tank cleaning, Two turned me down flat saying it was too hard to get clean and the last one said he would clean it but could not seal it because they quit selling sealant (I know better and told them so). I left it to be cleaned (this is in a farm town and they have been in business since 1924). I am open as to what I should do when I get it back,. What are your suggestions. Henry
Got mine cleaned, then I went to O'Reilly's and got [if I remember right...] Red Cote, or some such gas tank coating. Works great.
just curios , did you bother to ask about the procedure they use to clean it ? gas tanks can be cleaned properly and you need not coat them and a bad coating can permanently ruin a tank !
I made a tumbler and use broken glass to clean it does take time as your worst rust will be in the top thats why i made the tumbler. Some just fasten it to the center of the rear wheel fill with rocks,nails,nuts ect and drive around it can take time and repeating depends on what you use for removal. Its surprising how the glass gets smooth just break some more and go again.
Exactly! If the tank is not thoroughly cleaned and dryed, the liner WILL NOT adhere sufficiently, and eventually WILL begin flaking off, which causes some real issues. Issues that you would NOT have experienced in the first place if you HAD NOT used the liner.

That liner and sealant stuff is designed for use on a tank that has rusted to the point of having pinholes that leak gasoline. A fuel tank that is made of galvanized steel, such as on ALL the letter series Farmalls, does not need the liner IF cleaned properly.
If a gas tank is made of galvinized, I would not think it would rust in the first place! Am I missing something here?

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