OT: How dumb do they think I am?


Received this in my e-mail this morning. Note the lack of basic English skills.


This is to officially notify you that all customer must ensure the update there account in the Data Base enable the bank send you the monthly dividend


Bank of America, N.A. Member FDIC.
© 2013 Bank of America Corporation. All rights reserved.
Scary thing is, there are some people that are that dumb, because these scammers continue to send out these emails. It must work on some.

With the education (or lack of) kids are graduating with today this is probably a legitimate letter from the bank. My wife has worked in banking over thirty years and they have so much trouble hiring competent employees that those older, mature workers are overloaded with responsibilities that cannot be passed down. Seems the 18 to 35 crowd can only discuss who and what they did the night before and who and what they hope to do the coming weekend.
They have no idea whether you're dumb or smart, and they don't care. The internet has completely changed the face of scamming. For the first time, they can send out scam stuff virtually for free- previously, you had to at least pay copying and postage, or telephone charges. Now you can send to millions with a click, to every email address you have bought. If you throw enough "stuff" at a wall, some of it is bound to stick.

And to paraphrase an old saying, "No one ever went broke underestimating the intellect of the American public." Although most would look at that "message" and just laugh, only a few have to believe it to make it profitable for the scammers. And if you have seen the communications skills of many these days, its about on a par with the message. Scary!
I would hope you don't believe that is an actual letter from a real bank. I am still waiting to receive those millions that that Nigerian keeps threatening to send me.
You think theres a problem with sending them your name, address, bank account number, bank routing number, SSN, DOB and your mothers maiden name???? WHATS THIS WORLD COMING TO LOL

John T
Not very trusting fer sher. I wonder how much they are holding for him, might be enough to make it worthwhile.
I got an email from the Director of the FBI this morning, congratulating me for not getting taken by the Nigerian scammers and offering me the chance to register for my choice of reward amounts.
We all have to get the word out for those Young and older folks getting on the internet. One that is going on around here is Grandkid is asking for money be sent because they are in trouble, and please don't till Mom and Dad. You know Grandpa, and Grandma always helps.
We got a call from one of those. He wanted money wired to him. Told him to go to his Western Union office and wait for it. We went out to lunch instead. BTW, we don't have any grandkids.
My sisters mother in law fell for that scam. She got a call from U.S.Embassy in Mexico, saying her grandson was in trouble there, he was in fact in Mexico, but not in trouble. She sent money two different times and was going to send more until her son stopped her.
I keep a list of people I don't really enjoy.

When I respond to these, I first forward them to an extra gmail account that was made for this stuff.

I then give them "My" info which is the from the first line of this message. I of course try to have their email, phone number, address and when it comes to a SSN, make one up.

Brings a smile to my face thinking of the phone calls they are getting.

Nope, I am NOT a nice guy.
You know many (including me) would question the spelling and grammer in that message, however if you read the last thread on potatoes,that person would probably not think anything was wrong with the spelling or grammer.
There was a scam going on around here, someone would call and tell you that you needed to call your bank at this number or else your card would be de-activated. It was a New Jersey number calling, and not a lot of options around here to do business with a bank with a New Jersey location. All I heard was something about their 22-hour security line, like normal, as soon as my voicemail picked up, the recording started playing.

I figure if they do that, whoever was calling must not need to talk to me very bad.
Obviously, some people are falling for it. My brother's girlfriend runs a FedEx shipping store. A couple of weeks ago, a guy came in with a box and he flat out told her that he needed to insure this box for several thousand dollars. When she ask him what was in the box, he said: "Several thousand dollars..."
Luckily, she clued him in that this was a scam and that he almost fell for it.
Ive had a few like that. Some from DHL about shipping a package.... umm..Im not expecting a package so I Google it like I always do and find out all the info on the scams. If I ever get a call from the phone company wanting me to change my service...Im just going to tell them..."I dont have a phone".... :) he he
My brother's boss got an email from "Chase" bank a couple weeks ago with an attachment. He thought it was legit as they used Chase. It was the FBI virus, he had to take his computer in to get it fixed. Our school system that I work for started getting hit with the FBI virus a couple years ago and one of our techs was able to remove it for a while and then later the virus got impossible to remove and we had to reload the OS on those pcs. My brother got a copy of the email his boss received and the logo looked just like Chase's, but if you took time to carefully read it, you could tell that a bank wouldn't send out an email like that.
Got that one myself a week or so ago. Between the way it was written, and the fact I have no Chase accounts, it went straight to the trash...
My bank circulates information to the fact that any business conducted between the two of you would be via USPS. They will use no other means. Yeah I have online banking and that's different. That is secure, pass word protected, about 3 layers of security to log in and not a problem.

After all the horrow stories of scams of the sort, I can't believe people still fall for this stuff. I guess they deserve what they get.

My 2c,

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