Its raining here in nj


Well-known Member
Which gives me a little time to post some pictures I took a couple of weeks ago,This is the soil we cleaned out of the bottom of a customers pond a while ago.It was like soup,slop when it was piled in his woods,I went back with some buckets and asked him if I could have some,he said help yourself,That was one day on the weekend it was nice out,I went with my wife and daughter,they helped me ,and then we went to visit the hackelbarney state park,because it was close by where the soil was,I had posted the pictures of the park a while ago,but did not post the pictures of the soil.It dried out pretty good,considering how wet it was when we piled it in his woods,I think it should help the raised beds.
The lumps all broke up when I hit them with a rake,



Looks good. Sounds like the type of adventures we go on.

Still looks "white" out our window. No gardening or fieldwork here for a little bit yet. Rhubarb has not even peeked up yet.
We have had five plus inch this week. I do mean rain not snow. It has came down great. It will rain hard for a little bit and then just drizzle for awhile. The ditches just started to run yesterday. Dubuque county is no longer considered in drought conditions.

We are supposed to get more rain starting Sat thru next wed. That is fine by me. We really needed this rain.
Ya where's spring? We had 60s, than snow, now it's freezing rain out right now.! I started work again, now were at a standstill because of this weather. Still have the wood stove going, but we drive home from work on Tuesday with the ac on in the truck!
It was a nasty day here. Freezing rain until about 2:00 this aternoon. No big build up of ice, but a really nasty east wind also accompanied it. Stayed in the house and stoked the wood fire all day. Was hopeing to plant some peas this weekend, but looks like maybe next weekend now.
Loren, the Acg.
That"s good news- better too much rain than too little. Always said cows can eat weeds, but not dust! We still have some frost, so this week"s 6-8 inches of wet snow is somewhat seeping in, but by next week.....every moisture should give us some recharge. We"re still drouthy, but got blessed by summer rains last year to give us a better crop than so much of the corn belt. Last rain we had was an inch, first week of August. Hr NW of MPLS.

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