OT/humming bird update

Nancy Howell

Well-known Member
Got home and he was still in the garage, flying around, bumping on the ceiling. Got the hammer and a nail and moved the feeder to the doorway, then went to feed the horses.

When I got through with the horses, went back and checked on him. He was still flying around, bumping on the ceiling. Had a brainstorm (not) and got the broom from the house. The idea was to "herd" him out the door. Yeah, right. Worked about as well as herding cats.

Remembering what some of y'all said, I used the broom to keep him moving, thinking if he tired out I could catch him and then release him outside.

I was able to keep him moving. That rascal just wouldn't quit. About 20 minutes later he finally started running out of gas and headed for the feeder. Once he did that, he went right out.

I've moved the feeder to the pecan tree. Hope I get some more. They are so much fun to watch.

If James hasn't done it already, I'll be putting our feeders up at the farm.
less stress on you and the bird is a butterfly net or fish net. once caught they are gentle and easily handled and unaffected by your soft touch. i know, it may not happen again but the net is a good thing to keep on hand.
That's great, he's a lynrd skynrd bird now.

The video James posted the other day was really neat. I did not know a humming bird would perch... not for long, but they did perch when feeding.

For sure going to buy a feeder.
They frequently perch on the feeder and get several drinks. After feeding, they will fly up and perch in the trees around the feeder, then swoop down on other hummers that come to feed. They are very territorial.

We've even seen them perch on the power line to the house, which makes me nervous.

I have had the incredible blessing of holding a hummer in my hand. It was awesome. They are so, so tiny.

James found a fledgling on the ground in the back yard at the farm. He came and got me and I very, very carefully picked him up and moved him to the patio. Put some juice in a saucer and fed him. After an hour or two, I took him over close the the feeder where he could see other hummers. He finally flew off. Hope he made it.

Get a feeder. You won't regret it.
I don't know if we'll get any in Dallas and the camera is at the farm.

I'll be putting the feeder up at the farm this weekend and James can keep watch.

Once they arrive, he can take some more videos and pics.
My mom puts up 2 or 3 feeders each year and she goes threw about 10lbs of sugar a week in the summer feeding them. You walk up on her porch in the summer and about all you hear is a humming sound
Good deal on your humming Bird. The thing that always amazed me about them is that they winter in South American. They are not sure how they get the energy to fly that path. They eat something like their body weight each day. Amazing little animals.
Several years ago SWMBO told me she wanted a hummingbird feeder. Yeh, right I thought but got one, put some sugar water in it (like 3 to 4 parts water to 1 part sugar). I'd never seen a hummingbird anywhere hereabouts. Within 2 hours there was at least one hummingbird at the feeder! Like magic.

About the original part of this thread, a couple years ago my son-in-law had the same experience with a hummingbird in his garage. Only it got tired in 5-10 minutes. He used a butterfly net to catch it and released it outside, it immediately went to a branch and rested.
I did some reading on them and you"re absolutely correct. Under normal conditions, they burn so much fuel, they have to eat almost constantly.

When sleeping, their bodies go into what"s call "torpor" almost like suspended animation.

They don"t suck nectar up through their bills. They actually have very long tongues which they roll like a straw and drink through.

If memory serves me correctly, there are more varieties of hummers than any other bird. Some of the South American hummers are as large as song birds. Fascinating reading.
Several years ago when I pruned a crabapple tree I found this little nest. I think- hopefully- it had already been empty. Well, the picture doesn't show in the preview, I uploaded it 3 times and clicked "continue". It shows in the little box but not in the preview.
When I was a kid a spring storm knocked down a robins nest in our front yard. My mom had a soft heart the size of texas and saved the baby robin. It looked lke a peed off little Truman Capote. Then when it wouldn"t leave she raised it. It was a fixture at our home for 7 great years. Never caged flew out the door once and right back in the house.
They won't show up around here until sometime in June. We'll know when they appear. Most of the birds will be singing, and there will be these newcomers that don't know the words just humming along.....
I am not positive, but to post a pic I think you need to click the upload command again. Then the address will appear on one of the lines below your post. No address- no pic
gtractorfan, check the size of the picture, it may be over the size limit.
Specially if it's not in .jpg format.

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