aflatoxin in dog food


Well-known Member
saw this on the news today. looks like the infected corn from last years harvest is in dog food already. i assume they will need to start testing dairy products too.
poke here
If anybody that burns wood pellets could get that rejected dog food it burns good replacing wood pellets /corn. I have read of a fellow who gets rejected pet food from mill near him and uses it to heat his house.
i heard the aflatoxin will go thru the distillation process, and the leftover distillers grain used for feed still contains the toxins.
Why is it that corn is only allowed 10 parts per million Aflatoxin and Peanut butter is allowed 30 parts per million?

May not be the right numbers but peanuts are allowed 3 times the amount of corn.

Humans eat the peanut butter. Maybe this is why some people cannot eat peanuts.

From the FDA accepted levels:
corn and peanuts for beef feeding 300 ppb
corn and peanuts for swine 200 ppb
corn and peanuts for bred livestock 100 ppb
corn and peanuts for dairy 20 ppb

Opinions vary...but dogs.(wolf family/Wolfs) are
carnivores, and don't naturally eat corn, or never
historicly even had it available!
Why would you ever feed a canine corn?
Ive had 6 dogs in my 70 years, and never fed mine
a corn based dog food.
Of coarse, if price is a factor..and that's all you can afford ???????

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