Best ways to wake up fast


Well-known Member
Normally I'd say a strong cup of coffee, or even two.

But this morning I learned there's an even better, faster way to get yourself going.

Walking in the snow, down the hill, carrying a bucket of feed for my chickens, walking right along side the electric fence...

... you can see where this is going.

I hit a real slick patch of packed snow - went RIGHT downhill into that #()*&$ fence - four rows of "poly-tape"- fueled by a 50 mile charger - pumping lightning bolts into various parts of my anatomy, once a second until I could free myself.

Good day to choose not to wear a coat or gloves, tough guy.

Maybe somebody can recommend a more effective means of waking up, but for now this will be at the top of my list.
I know it's not funny but I'm laughing with you. Because it's not like I've ever done anything like that :)

Glad your not hurt too bad.
I've got to find a nice flat peice of land. Not the first time this damn hill has caused me pain!

You would be $10,000 richer if you"d have had that on video.

Kinda one of those "perfect storm" situations.

Its funny because I have the same downward slope toward the fence by my barn and I could really see me doing the same thing. lol
What could be better? Fresh air, exercise, bowel movement, kidneys acted and awaken. The rest of your day can be devoted to changing underwear. Glad your ok.
I wake to my cats tromping on me, pet them for a few minutes with one eye open, then gradually raise to a sitting position, have a dip of chew and set there for another few minutes petting the cats, then slowly stand up and walk over to the computer and set down and get on here to see what everybody is doing since last night. Then feed the cats and get my coat and hat and making sure I am fully awake, go outside and start doing chores, making very sure I stay away from the electric fence while I am watering. Ours puts out nine thousand volts if you are grounded real good.
I've managed to avoid it for years. Always thinking how funny it would be if it happened...

ha ha, now I know.

I like your video idea - maybe I should just permenantly mount a camera back there..

If there's one thing that's for sure, this won't be the last time I do something stupid enough to be worthy of the 10k prize.
Good story! I had an old neighbor who was carrying a 5 gallon bucket of water down an icy path one cold morning. Gonna water a couple hogs. His feet flew out from under him, and he managed to get the bucket set down without dumping it, but as he slid down the path, the bucket followed him, all the way to the bottom, where he stopped, but the bucket didn't. Cold morning, icy bath.
Those electric fences make you move faster than you ever thought you could and the snow didn't help any!
Your desription of the situation is classic. I"ve went back and read it several times and still chuckle. Glad you weren"t seriously hurt.

They make those gopro cameras now that you can strap to yourself and record all your adventures. May be something to look into, lol

Reminds me, several years ago I was having one of those days at work where everything I touched went wrong. Boss, came up to me and said, " Bet you wished you would have stayed in bed today." I agreed. He looked at me straight faced and said, "I wish you would have , too"
know what ya mean,..i fell on a pizzed off coon once,..even i couldn't believe how fast i could move...
This woke me up quickly, but I don't think I would put it in the "best ways" category!

Teenage granddaughter of the neighbor across the street decided to have a party while the grandparents were away. She invited a few friends who invited a few friends and so on until she felt the need to ask some new arrivals to leave. They pulled a gun and started shooting. I went from so asleep I didn't even hear the party (100+ teenagers and loud music), to instantly awake and belly crawling across the living room floor dragging my 4 year old daughter to the phone to call 911. She had heard the party noise and crawled in bed with me, but even that didn't wake me up. I made it to the living room and woke my wife up. She had fallen asleep watching TV. The idiot was just shooting in the air, but you read about stray bullets killing people in those situations. It sounds kinda stupid now, but it was scary at the time. Certainly woke me up in a hurry! We moved.
Drill sergeant flipping the mattress off of the upper bunk with me in it. You would be surprised how awake you become when you go from sound asleep and snoring to finding yourself airborne with the floor coming at you. You almost become cat like, flipping and twisting to land on your feet, finished with "YES, SERGEANT! I’M UP, SERGEANT! I'M AIRBORNE, SERGEANT!”

Looking back on it, I really didn't have it so bad and could be retired with a full retirement of 30+ years, or dead.

HA - now that I think about it - that's how my dad got me up for school most days! I know that airborn feeling well.

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