RE: U Ships post....

sHan, TN

was just reading through and saw that post.. that
show is a JOKE and has all but about ruined it for
the REAL people out there hauling. i dont know how
many people ive had tell me that my price was ridiculous because they seen the guys on Uship do
it for a lot less than that. i say fine go get
them, some of them come crawling back latter
wanting me to haul it for them anyway :) what id
really like to do is charge them MORE when they
come back BUT thats not how i do things because
its not right, NOW that said i have turned down a
couple people when they came back because they
were Aholes to me about the price when they
contacted me the first time... they think because
the guys on tv do it for next to nothing i should
too... NOT! i have my own trucks and trailers and
LOTS of insurance to pay for not to mention just
the upkeep on the truck and trailers :( truck just
cost 680.00 for 4 new tires :(
One thing the general public doesn't under stand is these shows on TV do a lot of things that don't happen in real life. It's done to keep you glued to the TV and for TV ratings.
Charging them extra when they come crawling back. lol
Sound like my brother. He's a barber and charges extra for fixing "homemade haircuts".
I often wondered about that. Folks were more tolerant back in the 70s, for that show to work. Love watching Hogans Heros.

If you deal with people in your line of work, you get to deal with people. How it is.

Big difference between a show that bills itself as a sitcom that most people understand they are not supposed to take seriously and a reality show that bills itself as the "way it is real deal" and affects a persons business because people do in fact think it's real.

I don't think it's the TV show. It's the fact that there are so many folks with a truck out there trying to make a living. If the economy was better, they wouldn't be out there.
I don't know about that! They found Hogan- [Robert Crane] beat to death in June of 78 and never found his killer!!!!!!!!

Everybody has a pickup, all they have to do is hook up to a car trailer and "PRESTO" they are shipper.

Kind of like roofers. Anyone with a hammer and a ladder can be a roofer.

As long as you don't care about things like insurance.
thats the thing i see a lot of is people coming back wanting something hauled because XXX that was SO MUCH CHEAPER than me in the first place dont have any/enough insurance to cover there 100,000.00 boat or motorhome :)
C'mon, it's not costing you money.

You just don't have a captive audience anymore. You said it yourself, they usually come back to you anyway.
We have OTR semis with dry vans and run the entire midwest and south. I laugh at that show. They are not real haulers.
Oh how I sometime wish TV was realality. I live in North Texas and can tell you for certain that junk cars don't sell for half what "Gas Monkey" pays for them.
Now as hard as it is to believe, gathering wild horses by creasing the back of thier necks with a rifle to disorient them long enough to get hobbles on them is real stuff. Well maybe noone these days but them Missouri Ozark hill folk could do it with a Winchester model 1873 .44-40 standing in the stirrups,reins in teeth at full gallop while young and at thier fighting weight.
I don't know why he would be a perv---He was married to Colonel Klinks voluptuous blond secretary HILDA--I think she was dangerous because she carried a set of 38's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tell me about it. every time a factory lays off they think they are roofers. no insurance, no experience no idea what to do. when things get slow i don't go trying to get a factory job.been roofing 40 years.
Most real world truckers {especially women] dont have designer jeans,lip surgery,or breast augumentation to look good for the cameras.I get a kick out of the show but way too phoney and doesnt help the people that make an honest living.Transportation is a tough business and you cant haul for less than it costs for very long.Trucks need to be full 75% of the time.Shipping Wars is strictly entertainment but cutting each others throats seems to happen way too often.
(quoted from post at 11:14:04 12/28/12) Big difference between a show that bills itself as a sitcom that [b:4668bce9c9]most people understand they are not supposed to take seriously and a reality show that bills itself as the "way it is real deal" and affects a persons business because people do in fact think it's real.

I've always felt the same way about home repair shows where some lady gets a new kitchen in 23 minutes! My wife just doesn't get it.

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