Friend and his land funny


Well-known Member
Have a friend that just bought 45 acres of land and he keep asking me about this and that. I told him he need to get a tractor but his wife says no to it, but he could buy a 4 wheeler. Payed something like $6000 for a used 4 wheeler and now wants to figure out how to brush hog and disk up food plots etc with it. Another one of those people who buy land but do not have a clue how to do any thing with it. He told me well I am going to put in my deer stands and all that then start putting in food plots etc. Shoot he even wanted to plow up area right now and I said wait till spring when the ground is not frozen
I have the same situation. good friends of ours bought acrage and moved out there. He has chickens and wants to get a few head of cattle. The place is already fenced and set up, pretty nice actually.

He wants to get a 40hpish loader tractor. His wife is giving him all sorts of grief about it. Funny thing is, we went to visit them and the wives went shopping. His wife came home with literally hundreds of dollars worth of crap from halmark. She"s one of these collector people, has all sorts of "collectible stuff" that will never be worth a fraction of what she paid for the stuff.

I kinda stuck my nose in it and pointed that out. I told them that no matter what he spends on a tractor, if he takes care of it, he wont lose anything close to what she will on all her "stuff" cluttering their house.. We are still friends. so all is good. He still doesnt have a tractor though.
Sounds like a guy near me. Engineer type, and wife's a nurse. Bill is an organic type, so hay and beef manure are his main produce. He was raking hay a few years back, and blew a hydraulic line on his 5-star. Next door neighbor told him he had a pretty bad leak, and should stop raking, but Bill told him he wasn't using the hydraulic system any, so he just kept running. He finally quit after a while when the tractor became very hard to steer....
A city slicker who was the vice president of a company bought 80 acres near me.Seems like every dealer within 50 miles sold him oddball left over equipment and tractors they couldn't sell anyone else.Someone sold him a john deere 5 bottom plow to pull with his case IH 50 hp tractor.He finally bought a 3 bottom for it, and tried to turn on the end with out raising the plow.Broke both his 3pt arms off.His wife was raising calves on nothing but purina chow she bought at the local farm store.She called the vet to see why they had the runs.
Wife and I have been married 38 years the end of this month.

Over those years, there have been a number of times when I needed (or just wanted) something that she felt was foolish.

I would spend what I felt was a reasonable amount of time trying to convince her that it was a necessary or reasonable purchase.

Failing that, I'd buy it anyway, and she'd either get over it or die ------.

So far, she's gotten over it. Eventually...
Bad thing is at this point and time he does not even plan to get a tractor but yet he thinks that 4 wheeler will do what he needs it to do. Told him about a nice little AC-B with brush hog and belly blade and he said well my wife says we can not get a tractor but she said you can have a 4 wheeler. He knows what I did with the last 4 wheeler I had. I fixed it up some then sold it for a profit. He knows I have a lot of tractor so I think he plans on saying hey can you do this or that. He is retired Air Force with a college degree so I guess he was educated right out of common sense
I finally have enough stuff that when I want (mostly want) something I can buy it, put it in amongst the old stuff and when/if she finds it I can say, "Oh that?", "I've had that a long time!".

43 years
This reminds me of a story my grandmother told me. She once noticed there was a different tractor on the farm, didn't think anything about it. Thought it belonged to one of the neighbors and that grandad was using it. Till she kept seeing it and asked him who that tractor belonged to, he told her it was his that he had just bought it. She never said anymore about it. He wasn't much for discussing things. Just did what needed to be done.
Yeah, I kinda follow the same theory.

My wife did question me why I kept taking the duals on and off a tractor, til she eventually made it out to the shed and figured out she had been seeing 2 different tractors.

We have been married 18yrs and she has come to realize, that my farming bug is part of me. I really do try to buy things right and keep them up. If anything ever happened to me, I doubt she"d lose a dime selling my stuff off.
This guy is one of those that will spend a lot of $$ on a toy etc but not any thing for what he really needs. He payed $65,000 for 45 acres of land with no any thing on it as in no well no power no buildings and 95% of it is wooded hill side so little land to even till and what he has of that is a power line right of way so he can do very little on there area.. He also has a lake front home that cost him $375,000 and now days is only worth 2/3 of that
That's funny, I remember my bil thought he was gonna get a outdoor wood boiler, he told me one day, I'll just cut down 5 trees and get my 11 cords of wood, lol, he dosent have 5 trees that big to produce that much wood, need less to say he never got a wood boiler!
I've used a wood stove to supplement my oil furnace for better than 20 years now.

Started out buying 4' "cordwood" and working it up myself into firewood.

One year, one of my sons-in-law said "My family has a wood lot up at Goodwin Siding, we should go cut our own firewood".

Oooooooooo, free firewood, how sweet is that? I'm all over that idea!

We geared up and went and dropped enough trees to fill my 16 foot trailer with 4 foot cordwood. Chainsaws, wood hooks, brute force and ignorance.

By the time we selected, felled, limbed, cut up and loaded, drug home and unloaded that 2 cords of firewood, we decided that maybe "free" firewood wasn't such a great idea after all.

I get tree length delivered now. The outfit I get it from has ALL the gear, logging crew never gets out of their equipment as far as I know. Feller-Bunchers, Forwarders and big ol' trucks with log bunks and Prentiss loaders.

Feller pulls in with a load, I show him where I want it stacked, and when he's done, I hand him some Dead Presidents and we're all happy!
Old.. wondering how long he'll stay there. Alot of folks LOVE the idea of living out on an acreage and alot of them end up selling and moving because it wasnt as glammerous as they thought it would be..some ive know didnt like the work involved.
Guy came out from the city and bought a couple hundred acres of old rocky, hilly land near here. He put 50 head of cattle on it wasn't much growing on the land but brush and cactus. He would come out on the week-end, call the cows and give them a couple buckets of range cubes. Fewer and fewer cows came up for the cake each week so he called the sheriff and told him, someone was stealing his cows. Of corse the sheriff found a lot dead cows when he investigated.,
Neighbor called one day. Wanted to know if I had any cows that had just calved. I said no, why? He says he has an extra calf and wondered if it had come from my side of the fence. I said, have you had any cows calf the last day or two. He says yup, well, maybe she had twins. He said an expeltive and hung up the phone. Right there, I could"ve claimed that calf and he would not have known any better. A crook and a thief would have.
Old, had I an ego like most; I would take severe offense to your Air Force comments. Then again, I realize you"re prior Navy. I was AF enlisted for 14yrs while I got my first degree then spent 20yrsn commissioned while I got two more degrees. Don"t think either time in uniform or school hurt my common sense. Well maybe a bit, I have a A/C 720, WD, WD45, D17,2-D19s, D21 and none were operable when I got them. Some still due paint" but, all run great. Just finished our retirement house and bought a few bred cows down at West Plains. Reading your posts over time, I think you and I would make great neighbors. As long as you never sang Anchors Away! lol
He has a lake house that he plans to sell if the market ever comes back that is. He spent $375,000 on the lake mouse but it is now worth only 2/3 what he payed. His plan is to build on his new land but is is for the most part one big hill with little not no level land to it and he payed $65,000 for 45 acres which i to me to high since I bought level land 10 years ago for $850 per acre. His land also has no improvements on it as in no well not phone lines not power lines that can be tapped into but has a 50 foot wide power line right of way
Well lets just say this guy is a good friend and he is a manager at Wal-Mart but his money sense is not at all there. He did 21 years in the Air force and gets more a month from that then I live on in a month so he seems to not know how to sped wisely. He payed $65,000 for the 45 acres and his land it one big hill side not improvements on the land as in not well no power lines other then transmission lines which can not be tapped into for power and it has a 50 foot right of way for those line so limited as to any thing he can do with that. He also has a $375,000 lake home that he is paying for so buying a $6000 4 wheeler to work his land is just plan crazy but he is a bog boy who likes to play with expense toys.
West Plains been down that way once or twice but that is it. Lots of big rock and big hills down that way
Setting and eating a my friends house and his wife would start ripping on him. He would stop eating long enough to look at me and say she will get over it.

Saw this more than once. Haven't see this this in a few years. Figure she got over it.

True story.
Retired Air Force? Navy?.....heck you guys avoided military service :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Rick US Army retired.....Armor!
His 21 years was even at a time when no one was shooting at any one other then a few little fights here and there. I at least joined to keep from being drafted and going where I did not want to go and also o I did not have to be a ground pounder

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