Big Deal For Farmers- WE WON!!!


Well-known Member
Several years ago, a chicken farmer (beef also) down on the eastern shore got a flyover by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation and some 'Waterkeeper' alliance, and were accused of polluting the Bay, which of course, belonged to them. Seems a pile of city sludge was too close to a stream. But the dogooders claimed it was chicken manure, and sued the farmer. A bunch of college lawyers took on the case, and dragged Perdue Farms into it, because they owned the chickens. But, the sludge was a permitted material, and was where the state told the farmer to put it. So, it got moved when asked to move it. But the lawyers, kids going to school on our nickel, cost the state, real lawyers, Perdue, the farmer, and a whole scenario of folks a lot of time and money, and the judge threw it out of court yesterday. The 'waterkeepers' said they will appeal the decision....
a little know fact about Bay manure pollution is the amount of wild Canada Goose doop is calculated and included in the total N-P-K amounts reported to the public. The geese swim on the creeks and doop straight into the water. And, the flocks of geese walk on parking lots a good bit and that flushes straight in too. My question becomes, who owns them and who should be sued for that? Well the answer is the State owns them since you pay the state to hunt them. But, their birds can pollute and Perdue(you) will pay. Unfortunately, the opposition understands they can money-bleed producers to stop them too. Just look at feed prices. Ethanol mandates are killing animal agriculture far faster than PETA could directly.
Doubtless, the greenie-wienies will appeal. It is a cause celebrie of the kennedy family, in MD. They'd do better to stop driving cars off of bridges, all that blood, and oil from the car is polluting our bay.
so I just heard a report on the radio about all this on NPR. Sounds like the Univ of MD Law School was paying for a good portion of the lawyer fees against Perdue. Your FED and MD tax dollars hard at work. Most folks on the Eastern Shore vote nnalert. They are marginalized by the Democraps on the western shore. But their tax dollars are bled out of them and used against them. Modern taxation without representation.
Kinda like A cow standing and pooping in a stream is pollution while a deer standing and pooping in a stream is Ecology at work.I'm no fan of Perdue but the way chicken manure is handled these days being composted under shelters it isn't a source of pollution.Also composted manure is a whole different product than raw manure.And the Ethanol Mandate should be labeled the grain producers welfare act.
Best Christmas present I could get! I met the Hudsons a while back and they are really decent hard working prople just trying to make a living. Nobody seems to have any answers when we ask how much sewage goes into the bay every time it rains and the local sewage treatment plants "accidentally overflow". Shutting down the poultry industry would bring our entire economy to a halt here.
> Kinda like A cow standing and pooping in a stream is pollution while a deer standing and pooping in a stream is Ecology at work.

I young guy working for the DNR once suggested that my Dad fence off the creek that runs through the middle of our pasture and the DNR would pay for half the cost. My Dad loves telling that story and he can hardly get the words out without laughing.
Hey, easy on the western md people. From Frederick county west we are primarily nnalert and normal people. It's the whole Baltimore, Montgomery, PG county areas that unfortunately vote for the rest of the state.
No doubt the buzz on the commercial fishing sites is all about how the courts cheated honest, hardworking fisherman of their justice. Two sides to every story.
Did Salisbury State Univ. provide some backing to Perdue? Be interesting to have two MD schools backing opposing sides. Most of my family lives next door in Worcester County.
FYI, Salisbury Univ is a part of the Univ of Maryland system for some time now. Even though the Perdue family has made very sizable donations to SU over the years, they are just another target of Gobberment gone wild.

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