So... Do you guys use "Modern View" or "Class

Will Herring

Well-known Member
Just wondered on what you guys were using mostly -- "Modern View" or "Classic View"?

I use Modern View, however if I am somewhere else and view the site in Classic View, it seems like the way that post responses occur get kind of screwy. But you also lose some of the direct reply functionality going from Classic to Modern.

But I enjoy Modern the most because it keeps all of the relevant topics with activity boosted to the front; whereas with Classic view it is easy to miss updates to topics because they're buried several pages deep.

Just wondered what everybody else was using?
I use the modern view most of the time because, as you said, it puts the most
recent posts at the top so you know they are there.
I don't know how to see the most recent posts in classic view.
But then if I want to see who someone responded to, I switch to classic view.
Ditto for when I want to see who (actually) responded.
My brain wrapped around the flow of classic view a few decades ago, and just makes much more sense to me.

I can see what messages were replied to, and I've never been a fan of 'bubble up' messages, I like to see them in order they were written in, not the order they were replied to.

i like classic simply because posts stay in the same order...much easier to find posts i have an interest in.
Classic 98% Modern 2% usually to see more about a poster's profile. My choice is probably related to a running relationship to where things are. Jim
See the use of classic is interesting to me, because I just replied to a month (or more) old topic about an Allis Allcrop on the Allis Chalmers forum [I provided a picture of the hitch ball and plate] and said to myself "I wonder if anybody will see this, now?".

With this in mind, rather than reply directly to a 1+ month old topic, I'll just start a new one and reference the old one. Good to know guys; thanks. :D
(quoted from post at 01:15:12 11/05/12) Modern. Every other forum I belong to is set up that way, and that is what I'm used to. Classic makes no sense to me whatsoever.
I agree,.... I like the Modern View, it's much more like the other forums I visit.
This one pops up like clockwork every two or three months.

Mostly I use classic, simply because I like to see who is replying to whom. Classic is faster, although that's not much of edge since nobody uses dialup any more.

I use modern view from time to time to get information that's not available in classic, e.g. number of posts.

It's really a shame that the "standard" for web site forums is the modern view. I think losing the thread view is a big loss of functionality.
Classic , I want to know who is replying to who . With modern A small post can get pushed off the charts in a short time . I do jump over there now and then to check to see if a topic has came back up but come back to classic and go find it and see who replyed to whos post .
Classic. Sometimes newer is not better. I like how the order of posts are retained. That way if some knot head reply's to a five year old post it is not brought to the top.

One thing nice about modern tho is if you screw up a post -like I just did by not replying to the original post- you can go back and correct it.
Will Herring,

Prefer Classic because it maintains the flow of threads better - can see who posted what to whom.

Like some others do, I use Modern for editing posts or viewing profiles. And in modern it is really nice that one can adjust fonts, boldness, underline, and use emoticons (but prefer Classic enough to sacrifice those fun little doodads).

If replying to an old post by starting a new one... you can also copy/paste the web address of the old thread into your new thread using the Optional Link URL.

That way, if one wants to read the original postings, you have provided the link to them.
(quoted from post at 09:37:09 11/05/12) Classic!
Modern view was the worst thing that ever happened to this board.

Now opinions are very similar to navels as everybody got one. I wished the moderators would scrap Classic view but I know why they don't because people don't like "CHANGE".

I get lost trying to find a previously read topic on Classic plus if I decide I need to change something I've typed it easy to "edit a post" on Modern.

Each to their own.
If they got to scrap one, I'm for scrapping the "Modern Veiw". I guess I'm just an old goat that doesn't like change.
I always use classic because that's what it defaults to for me.

However, I always wish later that I used modern view so I could edit my responses!

But then, being the genius I am, I figured out I could log in and use modern view to edit them anyways, so it doesn't matter...


thanks sweetfeet! :D
You can still edit your responses if posted in Classic...just have to log into Modern View to do it.
I use Classic because the structure and order of replies is of more importance to me than their chronology.
Only thing I've used Modern for is when I needed :-( to edit my posted post.
Living in The Netherlands puts me out of time by six to 10 degrees, er..., hours anyway.
Have a nice day, Hendrik
Classic all the way. All replies are on one page. I don't have to hit page 2 or 3 to continue reading.

I see picture posting abilities are better in modern. Maybe some day I will make the switch.

I use classic for most of my posts but I do use modern to search. The search on modern allows you to go back and view all the posts that you have written or replied to, you can look up things people told you months before and it has saved me a couple of times from having to ask duplicate questions. I didnt know that it was easier to post pics through modern, ill have to check that out.

I switched to modern about two years ago after nine years on classic. I like the way that it keeps active threads on top, I can do a quick search for the ones that I have posted to, and to keep track of who I am replying to it is easy to use "quote"
Classic... The only time I ever use modern is when I want to read a quote from one of my posts that someone has posted in modern view... that does not show when I read in classic view... Someone has generally replied to me on some such subject, quoted it... the stupid post is at the top of the thread and not directly on my post... and I don't know what the hell they're talking about. Most times now I simply ignore that stuff because I can't be botherd switching to modern view to see...
I much prefer a threaded arrangement of posts where they stay in the order they were originally posted. It's very easy to find them one page or ten pages down... just scan along until you see the thread.
If one software had to be chosen then a switch to something like vbulletin such as is used on AgTalk would be in order. That allows both types of interfaces to work seemlessly for whatever you prefer.

Modern to post pictures and edit. Classic to view posts,respond and start a new thread without pictures. I like classic because that's what it defaults to for me, it keeps threads in order, replies show up in order and if a reply is made to someone other than the OP, it shows it before you click to view. I also hate having to view multiple pages to view one thread.
I use modern view as it's closer to the way that the other forums I use work. I can see the appeal of the way the classic view organizes responses in a "tree" manner, but as has been said before, classic threads don't pop to the top when there's a new post, so it's hard to keep track of what threads are active unless you've posted to the thread and have email notifications on.

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