Creatures in the Basement


Well-known Member
A few days ago I was going around the stone walls of my basement filling in holes with the aerosol foam. I was concentrating on the part above grade to two feet below. I noticed along the wall on the floor in the dirt and pebbles that has fallen onto the floor from the walls over the last ten years, a kind of little runway about three inches wide. I also noticed that there are a lot of holes into dirt pulled out of the wall. Below the level of approx. four feet there is no mortar in the wall, it is a dry wall. In many places you can see a foot or so into the wall above and beside some of the larger stones. Down near the floor where the previously mentioned holes go in there is fine dirt that must have been pulled from the ground beyond the wall. It would seem that there should be little mouse tracks in the fine sand covering the concrete but I don't see any tracks. I am wondering if it could be snakes living in the wall. A year and a half ago early on a cold winter's morning I found a small snake, numb with the cold on the floor of my office, but have not seen one since. Has anyone seen anything like this?
The serpents are comin to claim your sinful soul..... REPENT!!!!! From your heathenish ways before it's too late :roll:

Sorry, couldn't help myself....

No poo or tracks at all? And no smell?? We get hamsters in the feed room and in the workshop area (not in a full basement, but below grade)... I just uncovered a den with 3 hedgehogs in a corner of the entrance to the workshop area... Been awhile since saw the floor there :roll: and it looks like they've been using that corner to hibernate for a couple years or so..... Maybe throw some mothballs back in them holes???
Chipmunks leave little mounds of soil around here next to stone walls. Set a mouse trap with peanut butter and see what you get.
Richard in NW SC
Sounds like you need to mortar all those open spaces between the rocks. Watched them do that to an old house on an episode of "Ask This Old House".
Sounds like Swamp Demons to me. Just a-zuckerin' around in the walls. I used to scare my kids with stories about them, and am now scaring a whole new generation of grandkids. Stick with the classics, I say.

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