Never Again/Totally Uncalled For !

Thought I"d take some items to Yoder & Frey today In Archbold and consign them in. In couple of weeks they have a two day sale. I had a list I typed up to give them of 7 items. This list I made had tires on it. Well right off the bat the guy behind the counter that going to write this up started complaining about he"s tired of getting screwed on people bring in tires that are no good and they don"t sell and he calls the owners and they promise to pick them up and they don"t show up. He says he has to pay to have the tires removed and then he shows me this notice in black & white as of May of 2012 you will be charge bla bla dollars.

I asked him if he didn"t want the tires just say so! Then I said you could at least go out take a look at themin back my truck to look and he said I think I will. He looked them over and said I guess there desent enought tires. (2) of the tires was brand NEW 6.00 x 16 6 ply they where implement service tires. (1) was a 7.00 x 16 Truck Mud & snow still had the tips sticking out from when it was new. (1) used front tractor 16" tire in fair shape yet. And (2) p2105/7515 tires with 80% rubber yet.

So we go back inside and he grabs this paper to start writing out the consignment list.Then he starts out raging me about my Old style Tee/handle post hole digger and tells me that not worth the time an bother as he didn"t think it would bring much money.
i said what is it with you anyways you act like you don"t what any of the stuff I have and I said if you don"t want it just tear up your paper. He said I think I will and tears it up and throws my list back in my face. Then I said what a Jerk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and walked out. Was going to take a trailer load of farm stuff ------ not now.

Now what did I do wrong? Was it me that got this day in a bad start? I don"t think so and if there was a way I could turn this guy in if I could! No one needs to be treated that way. It"s not the same no more down there I've been in out of there in the past 30 some odd years! Never been treated like that. It has change down there to me since this young guy runs the office.

Sorry for the rant, thought it make me feel better. Oh well I was wrong.
take care, Mike
Take your stuff to a different consignment sale. Someone else will appreciate the opportunity to make their % off of your sale. Talk with your feet and wallet. just my .02 worth gobble
You don't need to be belittled like a peasant from people like that. ever again. Go on Craigslist. Go to farm and garden, this will take a try or three, and they don't clear your ad right off the bat first listing, but you can sell everything you have at the price you want to people who might become freinds and good connections for more business. I have bought sold and swapped on Craigslist for a few years now, never had a bad deal, a few tire kickers, a couple long drives to check out worthless junk, but no one insulted my stuff while charging me a commission either!
Know how you feel, at least you still got your stuff. We have a local sale barn here that has consignment junk sales every month during the summer and fall on a Saturday. Last year I took a dozen or so items down that should have brought me at least three thousand dollars I thought. They didn't tell me to pick up any unsold items right after the sale so I went back on Sunday morning to see what was unsold. There was one expensive TV and a mirror. Loaded them up and went back during the week to get my check from them. One hundred and eighty six dollars for three or four small items. I said,"What happened to the rest of the stuff?" They didn't know. Well, it seems when the good people were loading up their stuff from the sale, they walked by my stuff and just helped themselves to it. Never take anything there again.
I took 6- 8.25x20 truck tires and rims with only 20000 miles there to sell a couple days before the auction.On sale day i couldn't find them.They never did find them,acted like i was trying to pull something.
Theft at consignment sales are a big problem. Seems like everytime I've taken something to a sale, an item disapears. Last time it was a heavy duty top link.

I don't think there is a solution. Just too many dishonest jerks around and the auctioneer doesn't make enough to hire real security.

Would sure be nice to see some guy hauled off in handcuffs. Might slow the stealing down.
That kind of stuff must be why the lot is so empty. I hadn't been there in 15 years or more til the wife and I went about 3 years back. Not even the same place. Don't know if I'll ever go again.
He must have been having a bad day, but I can see where he's coming from.

The last weekend of every March, there's a big two day consignment auction in Bee, Nebraska. It's known facetiously locally as the "Bee State Fair". Bee is a small town, coupla hundred population, and the sale fills the entire town.

Several years ago, they began enforcing a rule that anything that didn't sell had to be picked up by the owner the next day.

People were bringing pickup loads of junk to see if it would bring a few bucks, and if it didn't sell they just left it lay, leaving the auctioneers with a whole town to clean up. And loads of junk to dispose of.

I admit, the attitude of the fellow you were dealing with seems overboard but I had a law professor in college who spent an entire semester hammering on the concept that there are at least two ways of looking at any given situation.
Mike I agree that being treated like that it uncalled for. We got a local consignment auction here ever week that all it is is junk. 1-3 bucks for most stuff. Guy takes anything. Most folks don't pick up anything that doesn't sell. I don't care for the auctioneer and would never hire him to do an auction for me. Just a cut rate halfed donkey operation. Last time I attended a farm auction he did the sale bill listed serveral tractors in various condition. One was supposed to be non running but the engie was list as free, 856 IH "in good condition" and several others that were supposed to run. Got to the auction and there were notes taped to each tractor. AC CA stuck engine, Ford N not running, WD Smokes and the 856 transmission problems. I never go to his auction anymore.

I can see there point also about junk tires but I had new ones and couple used ones that had 80% rubber yet. But this guy one day will be picking himself up off the floor with his additude!
I think they should post it some where if there having this problem.

I work for a machinery deal for 10 years and I hauled equipment to Stylesville,IN back in the 70"s and early 80"s. Them was the good old days.
Never had any problems there. I can remeber my dad and I go down to Archbold and watch the tractors go thru the sale building. Now you hardly see one row of tractors now.

It"s change over the past few years I see the seat cushion place has moved to Wauseon,OH now.
Anyways thats how I got treated this morning. Problably others got the same treatment also.
My opinon this guy don"t need to be behind the counter and act and talk like that in a buisness place!
Like I said I"d turn him in but it wouldn"t do no good to do so. Far as I know he maybe the manager?
Cragslist may be ok way? Here in Michigan were all broke no has money to spend anymore.
I just won"t do anymore buying or selling there no more.
Take Care
Those 6.00x16's are worth money. It is surprising how much farm equipment uses them. I need a couple for my rake. They want over $100 for one.
I hear your pain. There are a certain number of di@kheads in this world and we're not going to change that. I had a similar story on here a few years back. I went local elevator and asked if they would bag 6 bags of fertilizer for me. It was spring, they were busy, and I'm just "joe homeowner". Oh yes, he said give me a few days. no problem not in a hurry. went back in a few to see if it was okay. "yup" no problem give me til friday and it will cost xx$ per bag. Went in on friday "its all ready but it wasn't xx$ it was xxxx$ per bag, If you don't want it thats okay" So I said, I'll take 4 of the 6. "You no good So and SO! I knew you'd screw me! I had three guys on that job bagging that and we're busy. I wish I never saw you and on and on. So you see? A holes exist everywhere! Oh, and as to consignment sales? I will never go to one, ever. iI know too many people that unload their "lemons" there.
Why where you not there sale day???? If it was worth $3000 then you should have been there to see what things where doing.

I learned that the hard way forty years ago. I sent a steer to the local sale barn. Nothing wrong with him. He just was the last one out of a pen. I just had the one ready and could use the money. A good friend was taking a few steers as well so he just hauled mine with his.

In a few days I got a check from the sale barn. $350. That is right $350 for a 1300 pound steer. The steer should have brought $800-900. I went to the sale barn and asked them what had happened. They told me that my steer had an prolapse and they could not sale it for meat. I raised HE!!. That steer had zero health problems. They stuck to their story. I asked some of the guys that where there that day none of them saw it go through the sale ring. I think the owner knew I would not be there and sold it out the back door so to speak. He made a big profit. I saw him years later buy a pen of feeder calves no one was there on. The order buyers would not bid against him. He then split the calves up and ran them back through the sale later and made a killing on them. He was a crook!!! He died at fifty-five from a heart attack.

So since then I never sell anything of value without being there. I have bought a few head of cattle back at the auction.

It is your property it is up to you to protect it!!! Any auctioneer that says you can't bid on it is telling you a lie. HE can charge you full commission but he can't stop you from bidding.
If an auction is listed as unreserved and no buy backs, the auction company can stop you from bidding or having someone else bid on your behalf. Ritchie Bros. strictly enforces this and I believe has taken to people to court over it. You have to sign and agree to the conditions of the sale. You don't follow what you signed is a breach of contract. I've had a few things in a reserved auction not sell. The first time the auctioneer charged me half of the normal commission because it was at a farm sale. The next time was at his sales yard and he didn't charge me anything. Another time I had a riding mower that didn't meet my reserve but the highest bidder really wanted it. The auctioneer called me up and asked what I would need for it. I lowered my reserve about $250 and they sold it for me. I figured $2400 was better than nothing.
maybe it's just me being the a$$hole I'm told I am, but the only thing I can see you did wrong was to not cuss the guy like the no good, worthless waste of breath he showed he was by his bad attitude.
(quoted from post at 21:21:13 09/22/12) He then split the calves up and ran them back through the sale later and made a killing on them. He was a crook!!! .

Dam JD..... Ain't it funny how when someone else tells a story like this, it's capitalism at work and the guy should be commended and the person telling it is the idiot (maybe even a socialist).... But when it happens to you or you see it, the guy's a crook????

Just an observation...

Have a good day Bro.....
I've dealt with quite a few people like that in my years. What I usually found was that those type of people were in a job that was way above their capabilities. They just are not capable of handling the responsibilities that they have been given, so they keep people from looking closely at them by trying to drive them away.

If he's a hired manager, do him, yourself and the company a favor by telling your story to the owner or top manager. Those guys become much nicer people once they are relieved of the responsibility that they can't handle.
The law in the state of Ohio state" The Auctioneer shall not knowingly accept a bid by or for the owner of property or chattles. We can certainly loose our license for doing that. I know it's done by a lot, but I won't and have in fact stopped a pretty good auction I was doing when I found out the owner had people running up the bid. The owner however, does have the rite of refusal prior to the fall of the gavel. (he can tell the auctioneer NO SALE). Just my thoughs as an old licensed auctioneer in Ohio, Keith
(quoted from post at 02:27:06 09/23/12) The law in the state of Ohio state" The Auctioneer shall not knowingly accept a bid by or for the owner of property or chattles. We can certainly loose our license for doing that. I know it's done by a lot, but I won't and have in fact stopped a pretty good auction I was doing when I found out the owner had people running up the bid. The owner however, does have the rite of refusal prior to the fall of the gavel. (he can tell the auctioneer NO SALE). Just my thoughs as an old licensed auctioneer in Ohio, Keith

As it should be..... Shame you didn't make this a thread of it's own.... Would have been some quality entertainment to read the responses and "justifications"
I used to go to a Mid sized auCtioneer's sales, in Seven valleys Pa, and some other nearby locales. He used to have a pretty biG consignment sale, till his head staRtEd groWing. After a while it was like he would take 3 bids, on an item, if it was consigned, and yell sold! If it was his, he would take a half an hour with it, trying to get maximum dollars. He later joined up with another auctioneer, from illinois, I believe. I hear that that relationship has soured, and now I see his ads on craigs list, looking for equipment to sell in Seven valleys. My how the mighty have fallen, there he is, pushing his head around, in a wheel barrow, begging for junk to sell on craig's list!!!

His name is in this post, if you read between the lines, and spell it out!
Tim and Eli have to be rolling in their graves. Where's Darrell? Isn't he around there anymore?
Depending on what you blend you needed. Were I work we would have bagged it that day. Also the price you were told. Would be the price you paid.
There are two sides to every story. To be rude to a customer is not good business. Some times it does become necessary when a customer doesn't listen.

For him it takes about the same amount of effort and paper work to sell a large item with a high commission as it does to sell a small item with a small commission. He probably has $20 of his time, and paper work tied up in items that only sell for $10 and generate maybe a $1.00 commission. So...he is trying to cherry pick the items that he can handle easily and make a profit on. He is trying to discourage the small items that are more hassle than they are worth to him. If he combines small items into larger lots they don't bring much money either and the sellers are not happy.

Try selling those small items yourself on Craig's List, ebay or a garage sale and you will understand why some people just donate or trash small items that are still in good condition.

It all depends on what your time is worth.
I have not been over there in about ten years. The fellows working the counters were old guys and were always professional with me. I never sold stuff though but have bought a bunch of equipment and things. They used to have the best price around on new tractor tires.

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