OT:A crop of a different medical sort


Well-known Member
Chatted with an aquaintence today. A builder. We talked of all kinds of things. When it came to money he said several in our area have bought forclosed houses and gutted them or businesses, and set up medicinal marijuana grwoing setups. ALL LEGAL. No funny business. He claims the guy he know is making a net of 40,000$ plus per month. All above board and perfectly legal.
Might be legal in your state laws but not in the federal law. They have busted some of the larger operations.
I would touch it with a ten foot pole.
I am sure approval would have to come from the Authorities.Can't see there being such an inconsistancy between Feds and State.
Hah, no inconsistancy between feds and state? In the good old USA, states are starting to have a lot more to do with upholding the constitution than the feds. Originally a Republic, the states are supposed to be semi-autonomous, not subservient to the federal authorities. In my home state, the governor recently threatened to remove federal law enforcement from navigable waterways by force if they did not back down. Same with marijuana law, many states are at odds with the feds.
Permit Legal in this state too. So mixed up they don't know how to handle it. Yes, thousands of dollar involved so I think every third person must be using it. If it were completely legal it would be cheap and no crime.
Sounds about right. Got a S.O.B. over here bent on taking over local government,brags about banking $10,000 a week.
"Perfectly legal"? Not very likely.

I don't know what state you're in, but in most states large-scale "medical" marijuana operations are on shaky legal ground. They put them in gutted homes precisely to avoid law enforcement scrutiny. Anybody who is netting 40K a month is producing way above what most medical marijuana laws allow.

The "medical marijuana" industry operates in a legal limbo where the state laws specifically legalize the activity even though it violates various federal laws. Since the feds don't have the resources to enforce laws against small-scale marijuana sale and possession, the medical marijuana businesses are allowed to operate. As far as I know, nobody prosecuted under federal law has successfully defended themselves by claiming their activities were legal under state or local law.

The efforts to legalize so-called medical use of marijuana are basically a back door to getting it legalized at the national level. The assumption being that if it's legal in all 50 states, the federal government will have little choice but to legalize it.
There was a story on the news about drug problems in this country. Instead of waging a war on drugs, just let all the drug users grow their own weeds and make their own coke or meth. Only rule is that you can't sell any of it. You can only give it to your friends or others for free. It also said that all drug uses be regerered in a nation wide public access data base and that you can't have a drivers license or operate a motorize vehicle on pulble roads as long as you are a user.
Guess you don't have those so called "compassion clubs" on a large scale where you are then. Each licensed grower can grow for 5 people. They form co-ops and grow on a large commercial scale.
Plenty of funny business, just following barely along some screwy abused laws.


Well a ten foot pole isn't that long so go ahead and touch it without it.LOL

A little play on a word there Walt.

I'm sure glad the police have declared WAR ON DRUGS! They have almost completly eliminated durgs the this country!

Now back to the real world: All the cops support war on drugs because it's JOB SECURITY!

Any town large or small you can but any drug you want. This country has spent untold amounts of money on this problem and has made no progress in keeping drugs off the streets and out of the hands of schoolage kids. It's harder for kids to get cigeretts or a 6 pack of beer than cocine, herion or meth or pot!

Make it legal and tax/control it.

No, I am not a user.
They are inside because you can't grow decent reefer if it's cross pollinated with all the crap growing wild, and with proper light cycles you can trick it into growing faster. Grow it outside and it makes dandy rope but doesn't smoke worth a hoot!
Another nail in the coffin for the USA.
This is the kind of chit that makes me sick.
Some loser claims he got a boo-boo and now has to smoke dope so that he wont be in pain anymore. What a load of crap.

If the guy is making $40k per month then it is dishonest, illegal and he is likely selling it to kids in the schools.

This nation has taken a new low when it comes to "legalizing" drugs. I know specifically of 2 punks that I work with that claim "a medical condition" and they get to smoke dope legally. These punks need to be thrown in jail for 6 months.
Because growing it outside IS illegal. Only trouble any of these useless dirtbags ever got in to was when one tried to grow in in a dog kennel enclosed with a tarp.
When I asked my State Rep when they were going to tighten up the laws and crack down on these dopers,he said they were waiting on the external_link administration to see what they were going to do. Something about making it a lesser crime,so there wasn't much sense tightening State Law if the feds were going to make it easier.
(quoted from post at 08:28:29 08/26/12) If it is all above board and perfectly legal;
Then why are they growing under lights in gutted houses when they could be growing it outside in the sunshine.

X2 It's legal and they're hiding?????
The people who are going to use drugs are going to legal or illegal. No difference.

If we could all grow marijuanna, just like tobacco, then the violence, killings and gangs would go away.

Take the illegal part out of it, then the profit goes out of it and problem solved.

Plus a bunch of landowners would have another crop to grow, legally.

The war on drugs is a hoax. It has cost us taxpayers billions. The cops love it, the jailers love it, the judges and attorneys love it.

They have no intention of "Winning" the war. What would they do for a living.

I have never smoked a joint in my life.

I heard on the radio the other day that new Yale research suggests that teens who use tobacco and alcohol are more likely to abuse harder drugs later in life than teens only who smoke weed.
Weed,booze and tobacco are the same thing.Feds and state government collect taxes from tobacco and booze.They cant tax weed but if were legal they could tax it at retail,thats where its headed.

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