walmart rant


Missess and I went to nearby town with the Wallyworld did our shopping went to the check-out about 4 ahead of us (20 some lanes and 5 open),when we are next put the little stick down between ours and the folks in front of us, started uloading the cart the manager comes up tells the cashier to shut her light off -told us to move to another lane- I said they all got a line , I'm next here - He said Sorry for the inconvenience- I said sorry you got to restock this merchandise, we left-the couple right behind us did the same-I'm done with them. The only thing we absolutly needed was test strips for her glucose meter went walgreens got them and on our way.
most stores that I go to when they shut off the light the people already in line get serviced but no one else can get in that line. Bill
Send an e-mail to the corporate office. Won't cost you anything, will give you a chance to vent a bit, and it may just let the folks at the top know that there's an idiot running the store.

They might care.
Me too! Dr called in a prescription for me. When I went to P/U was told its $88.00. "o, we didn't run it through your Insurance!" So I give them my card, walk around for 15 min, come back and was told it was denied and would take 3-4 days to be approved. Just get the OTC, its the same thing! (no its not, my physician and I had already discussed this)

The next day the same girl told me that the Doctor had called and said just to use the OTC. BS!!! I called his assistant, she checked and they wrote the prescription so I could take it elsewhere.
Your learning, stay away from them places.
wallyjunk came to our little town and in 3 years put both hardware stores out of business. But the good thing is there is always plenty of parking downtown on main street.
Several years ago we were waiting line they told us to move to another line at the other end of the store we waited even longer the one who move us was so one of her friend would not have to wait in line we were next line for 15 min. I fussed all the time I was in line we did not see here for about a month or so Another time I bought something for dollar gave here a 10 and a few pennys she tried to say I gave her a dollar got the boss sure enought I was a 10 not on I am sorry or nothing.
Just thinking out loud here, but maybe they suddenly had a problem with the register. Maybe a warning came up in the office about that register. Could have been a security thing. Did you watch where the employee who was running that register went after it was shut down? Did they take her to the office or did she just leave to stock shelves? Putting you to the back of the next line was not OK by any means regardless of the reason they abruptly shut down your line. I would have walked out too for that reason alone.Jim
Send the head office a letter. Get results. Don't count on it. My sister works for Wallyworld. The head office is a black hole.
Your learning, stay away from them places.
wallyjunk came to our little town and in 3 years put both hardware stores out of business. But the good thing is, there is always plenty of parking downtown on main street.

If one wants attention one must send a letter not an email message.

Email messages are usually ignored while letters leave a paper trail ane MAY not be.

When the lines are long, I walk over to the service counter and get the manager's phone number off of the wall and call from my cell phone and complain. Lines get opened!
I would have done the same thing at ANY retailer regardless if wal mart or anywhere. Then write a complaint letter to corporate headquarters.

Once at Lowes I had a huge selection of nuts n bolts at checkout and the clerk told me (in an ugly insulting bossy voice) I would have to return to the bolt bin and place each type in a sack and write the SKU number on the sack YEAH RIGHT LADY instead I slid them all off on the floor and left

John T Old grouchy Fuddy Duddy
But unfortunately the only thing worse than having a Wal-Mart in your town is not having one. We are lucky that we have alternatives to Wal-Mart in out county seat but the recent recession has not been kind to them and they are pulling some garbage that indicates they won't be around much longer. My own take on the situation at Wally world is they have a bunch of MBA running the show that don't understand retail. That and with our great socialist universities graduating MBAs that can't freaking count to thirty with any consistency (an example being our previous county administrator) it's a good guess they'll start to decline. Wal-mart has moved their corporate focus from customer service to strictly a cost/profit model. The store manager has goals set for him that may not be realistic and will require a reduction in customer service to meet. It's a common phase of business cycles, truly great businesses have leader in place that understand the balance between service, reputation and profit. These businesses have corporate vision statements that express their values and markets but don't mention profits because if their vision/mission statement is on track profits will follow. Another factor with Wal-mart is they hire from the bottom of the barrel to get cheap help and that's what gets promoted, If you only hire from the bottom third of the labor pool to save money, eventually you'll have an organization that is staffed with people that are from the bottom third of the labor pool and that'll shape your organization. By the way Wal-mart built a new super center here in our county seat, it's been open about a year have yet to find anyone who likes the new store and the prices aren't that great
We were in the middle of checking out with about half of our stuff already thru the register when the fire alarm went of. Had to leave although here was no indication of a problem (no smoke or any thing else) stayed outside for more than 20 minutes and then left. only 3 items left on the counter.
Yep at many of the big box farm stores you can toss them all in bags and take them to the clerk who weighs them for you (or you can yourself) MUCH EASIER then Lowes grrrrrr

John T
Dang it, I was going to stop by there this afternoon to pick up some dry dog food. Now I guess I better call ahead and be sure they are still in business.
when hardware is weighed it costs sbout s third the price. I bought 3 pieces 1/4 x 2 lag screws at one store weighed at $2.79 per pound cost $.18 needed three more and went to another store marked $.25 each cost $.75
yep they know when their break is, they know when their days off are, and thats about it, customer service lol say what? the favorite here is 2 out of 20 lanes open on friday nite both staffed by 17 year olds, and every other customer has beer, csm, [ who is one since she's been ther 2 weeks longer than the rest] wont look at the registers, as she is too busy describing her last date to her friends
The question is why put 15 to 20 checkout lanes in when over halve are never in use? This is precisely what is wrong in the good old USA. Buy or manufacture overseas cheap,sell high. Rake that money in and do not hire enough people.Just work the poor souls extra hours,with no overtime pay with little benifits. Then if you complain fired or cut your hours to make you quit. We used to have laws about monopolies and fair trade. Never hear that from any or all the goofy politicians in washington. Guess wally world bought them too .
It's ALL up to the manager. Our WalMart in Ankeny is far and away the best operated store witin a thirty mile radius. When a cashier is taken off duty, his/her replacement is right there; no interruption of your place in line. AND, if a register fails, you and others in line are escorted to a new register, where life goes on. BTW, our WalMart has the same philosophy that Menards uses-two or more people in line, another register gets opened. Fareway uses the same philosophy in their grocery stores-bot stores are nearly always crowded, and because WalMart, Menards, and Fareway are less than 1/2 mile apart, you can buy most anything you need.
Yea Walmart is the worst place this side of H*11 says
the dummies that swear they hate the place keep going back and the parking lots are always full when I pass by one.They're marketing guineses.
(quoted from post at 10:15:54 08/25/12) Yea Walmart is the worst place this side of H*11 says
the dummies that swear they hate the place keep going back and the parking lots are always full when I pass by one.They're marketing guineses.

Yep, they have to go back to see how bad it is.
(quoted from post at 07:11:21 08/25/12) Your learning, stay away from them places.
wallyjunk came to our little town and in 3 years put both hardware stores out of business. But the good thing is there is always plenty of parking downtown on main street.

So it's Wal-Marts fault that Sam Walton was smart and a better business man than the hardware owners. They could of done the same as Sam did.
Kind of the other way around in this area. If you go into the local hardware, auto parts store, you usually get to stand around and wait for the guys to finish their phone calls, or lunch or just talking to someone . Then if they have what you need you see it is twice as much as the Wal Mart price. Thing is , their attitude was that way before I ever head of Wal Mart. Why should I pay 4.98 for a tube of gasket sealer , that I can get for 2.98. I am at the phase in my life where I really don't know how much longer I will be able to live in our own home so every dime counts. Don't think I work on tractors at age 75 just for kicks and giggles.
Come on over and watch, in the parking lot if you like, we are going to Wal Mart in an hour or so.
The funny part is wal mart and many other places were so much better when the old man was still alive.

The kids have no desire to work when they can hire college educated goof balls and judge there job preformance on the bottom line.
They treat the merchants the same way as the coustermers. We are the almighty wal mart and if you want us to sell your product you will do it on our terms.
There's a farm co-op store right down the road from me. They have just about everything. I like that they have an old carousel nail bin in the back of the store; just grab up a few handfuls of nails (they even provide a glove), drop 'em in a paper sack and take 'em up to be weighed. Actually, you can weigh them at the bin yourself and they'll accept what you say. A 10-penny is the same as a 30-penny, weight-wise. The only separating you have to do is common from zinc.
i kept see all the pictures of wallmart people,...thought it was all hype till i went in at 9:30 pm,..what a circus that was,..also had some trouble with the eyeglass place in wallmart, fired off an email and the people from the local store called and opologized.....
I refuse to shop at local Walmart. Manager is same way, but Walmart has never put a store out of business. We do that by no longer shopping with them and then gripe about Walmart. If everyone that feels as we do would walk out of their store emptyhanded for one week, they would be looking hard at why. I do drive at least 5 miles further to not have to darken Walmarts door
Dont shop there.....Ever !

I have only been in a Walmart 1 time, that was enough. I go to Meijer or another Grocery store.

Best entertainment you can ask for and free... Whatcha gripin about....
Went to the nearest one to home with the wife on her first trip to America.. First day to have her "back home" after a roadtrip of 2 weeks from NJ down to FL, back up thru Ga, TN, KY, and into OH. Took her across the river to my favorite State WBGVA and into walmart. First thing in the door was a lobby and a lady doin portraits... Man and woman was all dressed up tryin to talk the lady into free pics cause he was Hank Williams and the lady was Patsy Cline.... Went on for awhile and the guy finally said to the woman, "C'mon, lets get back to the bus, Elvis is prolly tired of waitin on us"....
I've left walmart with a purchase twice in the last few years when an alarm went off when i walked out the door.One time i bought a computer and don't remember the other.I knew i paid for the stuff,so i just kept walking.The woman at the door followed me to my truck yelling " Sir-
Sir".I finally stopped and she looked at my reciept and said the cashier forgot to do something.
Our county seat had three good grocery stores about 10 years ago. Then about 5 years ago Super Walmart came to town. We were down to two grocery stores, now one of them closed two weeks ago. Dont know how long the last one will survive.

I try to stay out as much as possible.

I Refuse to buy their groceries.

(quoted from post at 14:56:51 08/25/12) Our county seat had three good grocery stores about 10 years ago. Then about 5 years ago Super Walmart came to town. We were down to two grocery stores, now one of them closed two weeks ago. Dont know how long the last one will survive.

I try to stay out as much as possible.

I Refuse to buy their groceries.


You can betchersweetass that the workers at the other stores and prolly even the owners are walmartians after midnight.....-
(quoted from post at 14:49:35 08/25/12) I've left walmart with a purchase twice in the last few years when an alarm went off when i walked out the door.One time i bought a computer and don't remember the other.I knew i paid for the stuff,so i just kept walking.The woman at the door followed me to my truck yelling " Sir-
Sir".I finally stopped and she looked at my reciept and said the cashier forgot to do something.

I don't ever stop if I'm positive I'm in the right....which is all the time. One tried running me down trying t o tell me it's illegal to keep walking. I told her to go ahead and call the cops.....cause I'm gonna press charges of illegal detention. Can do that here. I checked with a lawyer the first time I was stopped. I really got mad at Fleet Farm. Loss prevention was standing by the door and watched me empty the cart at the regester and then put the items back in after they were rung up, pay in cash and then the door alarm went off. She was right there trying to get me to stop like flies on poo....I let her look at my receipt, loaded the stuff in the Suburban.....locked it up and went to see the manager. Hate being treated like a crook.

Will not shop at Wally World.

Yep, same thing here. Was in there last week. Exactly like you say. 30 total lanes but only 4 open. People lined up 5 and 6 deep. I truly think they are on their way down. Don't have any greeters at the door anymore either. You know what they say... The bigger they are the harder they fall. Next thing you see will be some empty shelves. They don't last long after that, big or small. I've seen it happen several times before. They get desperate. Try to cut costs wherever they can but to no avail. Nothing lasts forever. We all can remember some big names of yesteryear that are no more. ie. Oldsmobile, Woolworth s, Coast to coast, Plymouth etc. etc.
The local businesses being so great is pretty much a myth if they were so great and Walmart so bad most of them wouldn't be going broke once Walmart comes to town.Certain amount of the population likes to gripe complain and b#tch about everything just like my first wife.
There is one reason for the 20 checkout lanes, and that is the day after Thanksgiving(Black Friday)
Response to a couple posters below:
1-Fire alarm goes off, no evidence of smoke. How about refrigerant leak in A/C system or food coolers/freezers, A/C system blows noxious gas throughout store & dozens of people get sick, go to hospital. Better to have people leave for a short time until things can be checked.
2-Anti theft tag trips buzzer at door, cashier failed to deactivate tag. Also some thieves hide high priced items inside shirt or purse. Shoplifting losses get added to the price we honest people pay every day.
A coupla years ago, a checkout gal at a local Walmart shortchanged me $10. I gave up arguing with her and when I got home I emailed Customer Service at HQ in Benton, Arkansas with the lane number, time of day, name off the gal's name tag, etc.

I'm not sure how they did it from Arkansas, but several hours later I got an email from a CS rep stating that they had determined that this gal's register was $10 long at the end of her shift. A coupla days later I recieved in the mail a Walmart gift cart for $20.

Too many people b-tch to everyone but the people who can rectify a wrong.
i'm going to brag on 3 places i use when i need something.
1. Clarno Lumber out in the middle of nowhere south east of Monroe Wi if they don't have it or can't get it they will make some phone calls to see if they can steer you in right direction.
2. Napa store Monroe Wi these guys will knock themselves out trying to help find auto parts even for outdated stuff.
3. Ace Hardware Monroe Wi here again they will help as much as you can. i have already bought something for less than a dollar clerk went out of his way to help me find what i needed.
Oh noooooo! No more greeters with their meaningful "Welcome to Walmart" greetings??? What next? Asking people who park their carts sideways in an aile and then stand in what little space is left to leave?
Walmart came to town few years ago. Just closed down Kmart, but the 2 grocery stores in town are open 24/7, cheaper prices than Walmart, don't see many folk in the grocery 1/2 of wallmart. I go to walmart for electronics and hard goods, but don't even think of them for groceries. Walmart closes from 11:00 to 7:00 or some such in our town, as I said the 2 groceries are 24/7.

On a lighter note, I love to go to Wal-Mart. I don't buy anything and I hate the place. But have you'll ever really looked at the sights in there in the summer? That is the only time of year I go. Who is going to pay any attention to an old man in there just "window shopping"? God, the sights you can see. By the way, it may be a good idea to take an extra blood pressure pill in advance! And when I decide to leave, I just hobble on by the three long lines and go on out the door since I haven't bought anything.
I buy bolts and such by weight and have to keep things seperate because of different prices.Clerk looks in the bag and marks the price.Lowes gets 45 cents for a carriage bolt I pay 15 cents for.Would you put a bunch of vegetables in a bag and expect the checkout clerk to be able to price them .Buying bolts at Lowes says you aint wrapped to tight.My supplier lowered fastner hardware prices this year.TSC sells grade 2,5, and 8 bolts.You put them in color coded plastic bags so the check out clerk can price them.I have been in business for over 50 years and have met customers that are crazier than an out house rat.
Unused check outs are common in all stores.Our general store has only one check out and I have to wait while the clerk takes a pizza out of the oven or finishes making a sandwich.Come in at closing time and get free sandwiches or pizza slices.Be nice, it pays.
Ive found that many hardware stores operate like they have no competition using very high markups.I had 2 picnic tables to build in late fall.My spike pail ran out.Didnt want to have a 50 lb box sitting all winter so asked for 2 pounds while buying some grain and other items.Nails are a business expense so I looked at the slip and found the nails cost 3.99 a pound,they came in little boxes with the store name on them.The going price of 16p galv nails is 1.69 here and less by the 35 pound tub or 50lb box.An area chain grocery store is always saying how low their prices are.They sell lemons for 79 cents each.You can buy a bag of better quality lemons at Sams Club for 40 cents each.A large jar of pickled herring is 5.89 at Sams 9.98 at the grocery store.I saw Bushes Grilling beans priced at 1.48 1.59 1.69 1.79 in 2 months.I think they are using computers to track sales at different prices.Oil Dry runs about 5 bucks a bag here.Ive seen it for 11 bucks in hardware stores, 7 bucks in auto parts stores.
(quoted from post at 00:35:53 08/26/12) They probably went to the costume party and laughed about the dork that was gawking around at everyone at the Walmart.

Oh how I wished..... Wife's first visit to the States and first impression of the area I come from....
17 years ago and several trips/travels, she can tell you about that walmart visit like it happened yesterday......
You really think someone in WVA cares what someone thinks about them from some European Socialist Country that their tax $$$ have gone to support their economy and defend them for the last 60 years? They may look silly but they're paying the bills.
(quoted from post at 05:15:45 08/26/12) You really think someone in WVA cares what someone thinks about them from some European Socialist Country that their tax $$$ have gone to support their economy and defend them for the last 60 years? They may look silly but they're paying the bills.

always look forward to your intelligent responses........... Those folks prolly weren't paying taxes anyway..

Now, quit bein so belligerent all the time, just shows you're ignorance.....
(quoted from post at 09:19:16 08/26/12) I guess they had their financial statement
with them or just an ignorant wild guess?

Now, quit bein argumentative... You's gettin all defensive like you's a hillbilly yourself :shock:
Even if you are.... even you could enjoy the entertainment value of the situation....... Now just behave yourself....
I would rather the reverend catch me walking out of the liquor store with a bottle of Crown Royal or 40 Creek. Than have anybody I know see me in Walmart.

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