More Louisiana scenes


Well-known Member
Finishing up my photo tour of area farmlands:

Multi-purpose use of the land is the practice here----grow corn and cotton; corn and soybeans and soybeans and cotton. If that's not enough, drill yourself an oil well---they're compatible with corn, cotton, soybeans and cattle.

One of the farmers has this little airplane. Don't think he sprays with it.

Also, a little shanty belonging to one of the tenant farmers.






Really pretty pictures.
Assume the water is from irrigation... foreign idea to me. Almost never done around here.
nice looking farms! It"s always nice to see farms and ranches in other parts of the country. Thanks.
Just think of all the oil under this country that we can't drill for because we're told getting to is is going to be "dirty" and might kill off some nearly extinct critter. Looks to me like oil wells/pumps can coexist pretty well with all kinds of flora and fauna both without killing either. Man, it's a miracle to end all miracles, we need to notify DC.........

It goes to a refinery and refined, then the gas is EXPORTED to other countries like Mexico at lower prices so the U.S.can IMPORT from other countries at a high price to cause a hardship on Americans and help our less forunate neighbors.
These are small 'stripper' wells: they're usually not more than a couple of hundred feet deep, and some of them produce only a barrel or two a day. The oil is pumped to a central storage tank, where it is collected by trucks. There is a refinery in Shreveport.

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