Guess the wife thinks I need to do more


Well-known Member
Well she and my sister go some place and come back with a case of apples and a case of peaches. Guess what I have been doing all evening. I did 7 qts of spiced apple rings and hen just now pulled out 7 pints of peach preserves. Now this is the funny part. While I was doing the apple rings got a knock at the door. Had 3 Sheriffs deputy at the door saying they had a call that I was growing POT. I said hey I am busy doing some canning but you can look all you want but if you find any it isn't mine and have no clue as to how it got there. Well 30 minutes or so later they said ok and left. Guess my neighbor has it in for me but hey I am suing him for my right of way
Hey, Rich---never ends, does it? All kinds of varmints. Gotta be aggravating with a neighbor like that.
Ya this guy and another got this land I have to drive over and said hey you can not do this or that because they signed on to restrictions but I have never had those restrictions but yet they say I do. Funny how people think they can imposes thing on you just because they agree to them but we got this land in 1976 and these guys got it in 200?. Oh well I guess I did not do as much time in the Navy as needed to earn y rights. Yep sort of bitter any more
I'd have told em sure, would you like to try some..preserves. Is a tip or hearsay even probable cause, thats a bit invasive isn't it.

Get some old pots and pans, plant the handles in the dirt, then get some marijuana leave images from the net, print, cut and paste on the pots, growing in the dirt, LOL.

Hey, well the fact they came out for nothing at the behest of your beloved neighbor, sure ought to ruin his credibility, either he had you pegged as a weed smoker or is just a plain jerk, either way, "omar sherreef" came out for nothing, not a bad thing.

You know we have about the same darned thing about a property line and driveway at the horse farm, some people just want to make life miserable, for themselves and others, and as an old teacher, actually a christian brother used to say in school, " Pay them no heed, for they know not what they are doing" not sure where that came from, he was one of the good ones though, you had a beef with him, you put the gloves on, settle it after school, well when my dad went there it was like that, they changed that when I went through, had that same brother too, he was a the class of '31, just recently passed, those were the days.
Br. John
you know thats another thing thats becoming a lost art, putting up preserves, and canning in general,the younger folks just dont care to learn how, i remember my grandma canning a room full of stuff from her garden every year, all us cousins would come help if we could, [ as we got older, we kind of got spread all over] , she had a huge garden, grandpa or my uncle would till it with one of the farm tractors, but it was mostly eaten during the next year, one time i scored some preserves to bring home with me, at one of the ports of entry the cop saw it in the truck, and wouldn't let me keep any since there was some kind of fruit quarantine thing going on, man i was mad, that stuff was good, you couldn't buy that kind of stuff anyplace're just a criminal. You'd think that with all that pot your selling down there you could at least buy yourself some peach jelly.
I just did 12 quarts of peaches on Sunday after church, then did 10 quarts of sweet cherries on monday night. Just tell the sheriff that you burried it out in the field and give them a shovel. They will do have your field work up real good for planting. LOL
Ya I remember years ago when I lived in Leigh NE. one of my chores in the garden was to cut weeds down and one of them was the Mary Jane (pot). I hated that job because that stuff was not easy to cut and it could get real tall
Well as per what the deputy said it was one of those 800 bad drug type calls so they said they did not know who called but you almost have to figure it was the neighbor since I kn0w he is losing the law suit since I have been driving in and out for 30 plus years
I have some that grows wild along my creek and in my barnyard. It's called "weed" for a reason, it's even harder to get rid of than ragweed. Drought didn't seem to bother it too much, it's about 15ft tall! It must have roots all the way down to the water table. I'd post a picture of it, but I don't want the cops interrupting my canning :)
Reminds me of one time when I was racing stock cars, a deputy sheriff I knew called on the phone and woke me up at 3am. He'd heard something about a stolen Dodge Charger that someone was supposedly making a stock car out of, and he wondered if I knew anything.

Either he was bored and got to thinking about it, or he thought if he woke me up that time of morning I might be groggy and spill the beans if I knew anything. What griped him was he raced at one time himself, and the story he got was that the car would have his old number 22 on it. I didn't know anything, nor did I want to, but once I was awake we BS'd about racing for a half hour. My wife liked to killed me.

I never heard any more about it.
Shoot if I did grow it I sure as heck would not sell it I would make brownies etc with it LOL Maybe even find a way to can with it so it would be worth it and maybe help with the old aches and pain I have
Hey Old, was just in Leigh for the county fair parade, I grew up in Clarkson and now live by Stanton. What years were you there and what did you do, does the last name Matthies or Mundil ring a bell? thanks chris
Well Old, they accussed me of shooting at a drug helicopter a few years back. I had law enforcement officers from 6 different jurisdications, the Fed. Air Marshalls, GBI, FBI and ATF all at my house at one time. They never found nothing but you are helpless until it is all over. Feel you pain
I'm glad you were canning preserves. Would have been awkward if you had been baking brownies!
They used to bake pot into brownies back in the 70's. Thay way they could leave them out and no one suspected a thing.
When I lived there would have been around 1966 or so till around 1970 or so. My dad was a preacher at the Lutheran church that was at the top of the hill on the main drag going into town which sat at the bottom of the hill. The church school was right across the street from the house I lived in. I hang out at the IH dealer that was at the bottom of the hill and played on many of the new models they had there. The guy who lived next door to us owned the place and his last name started with a J something like Johnson or some such name. That was also when I got my first job sort of. Helped and old guy who had a garage and I did gofer stuff for him and clean up stuff
Neighbors :roll:
Thank God that the nearest one lives 3 ml away as the crow flies,still causes trouble.
Ya now days your lucky if you have any good neighbors and then some people live right beside each other and never know who the person is next door

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