
Well-known Member

We have had 102-105 degrees the last 2-3 days here in Weatern SC. Today we got a serious thunderstorm, high winds, temperature drop to 72 degrees, and 4/10 inches of rain. Some power outages in the area.

Here in central NC, we have either set records or tied them for the last several days. This afternoon the Greensboro area had a thunderstorm, cooled down to the mid 80s. I live about 40 miles south of there and it didn't help us a darned bit. They are giving us about 30% chance of late afternoon and evening thunderboomers for the next four days.
We are on the edge of the REALLY hot weather, Just the mid 90's. We got 3/4 of a inch of rain the first of June and have not seen a drop since. I live 50 miles north of Detroit. I amazed my crops have held up as well as they have but we better get something soon.
(quoted from post at 02:37:46 07/02/12)
We have had 102-105 degrees the last 2-3 days here in Weatern SC. Today we got a serious thunderstorm, high winds, temperature drop to 72 degrees, and 4/10 inches of rain. Some power outages in the area.

live in the Northwest corner of SC. The thermometer on my front porch showed 111 degrees, this past Sunday, that's the hottest I've ever seen it get here in the foothills of the Blue Ridge. Last night we finally got some rain but it's too late to help with garden. The weather prophets are calling for a 30% chance of precipitation over the next 3-4 days. I hope they are right as I'm getting concerned about my well holding up. I hate to say this because of the folks living near the coast but we really need a hurricane to come through to break this drought.
Hey Tim, Don't worry about us we're coming to stay with you. And it is good for business.Would hate for it to blow the corn down we have the best looking crop in years.
Ron (Charleston)
(quoted from post at 22:46:19 07/02/12) Hey Tim, Don't worry about us we're coming to stay with you. And it is good for business.Would hate for it to blow the corn down we have the best looking crop in years.
Ron (Charleston)
RB, I'm not a native Geechee but I lived in The Holy City while I was in school, I stayed in the West Ashley area. Back in the early 60's we had a hurricane hit Charleston and it was some experience for a kid originally from North Mississippi. I still have family living in C-ton. When hurricane Hugo hit Charleston, my father and I took my sister and her family a truck load of supplies including food, 200 gallons of water and a portable generator. The area was so torn up I drove past the street my sis lives on twice before I realized the street was covered in limbs and fallen trees. When we finally found a way to get to their house, you would have thought it was Christmas in Sept. They all wanted a drink of the well water we had hauled down there. My sister said, after Hugo, she will never stay on the coast again if another hurricane heads their way. It's good to hear your corn is looking good, ours got about 3' tall and quit growing. I hope you have a record crop but I'm still hoping for a hurricane to come through. You would have to see Lake Hartwell to appreciate how dry it's been here in the Upstate.

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