Here we go again!


Well-known Member
Shaping up to be a bad hay year here in NY again. Repeat of
last spring so far, very dry in April, then we got rain every
week in May about 6 inches. Now for June we have had rain
at some point every day, and there saying rain until at least
Thursday! Wow, what a mess, wouldent be so bad, but it
takes a week for the clay to dry out to get any equipment on
it. After all this, there saying were still a half inch below
normal! I wonder what normal means! Seems like global
drowining around here Lol... Temps are also crazy, Teusday
was 89 and very humid, Thursday nite was back down to 49.
?? Anybody else have strange weather patterns?
I haven't even started first cutting yet. Waiting for some parts that should be here tomorrow,then a couple of days of putting things together. Just finished spraying corn last Thursday just ahead of the rain. Spent the day with the neighbors yesterday,he does the chopping for the big dairy near here. Said they're going to start second cutting this coming Friday.
Yes, same ones you're having, can't get a darned thing done, then again, not much you can do about it, the rain is excess, well 'cept for the water table and wells, won't have to worry about those going dry !
Hay crop is thin here also. We grow clear Alfalfa, and the open winter took it's toll on alfalfa crowns that wern't protected from freezing, and a very dry spring didn't help. We had an unusually heavy crop of Dandilions though.
We got a start on haying last week. Made about 70 Ton of balage for sale to the commercial beef farmer here. He is taking every bale we can make this year. The yield was about 3T/A.
We have noticed another problem which started last fall. There are unbelievable numbers of Hard Shell Snails all over. Today, when a car went up our road, it sounded like they had studded snow tire on. You can't take a step in the road without stepping on several of the slymie things. Whats with that? Dehydrated lime is helping in the gardens, Butt!!!!!.

Yep I have done a tad bit over 2/3 of my hay so far and it has been very good hay but a lot less of it. Been to dry and then to hot early then cooled down and even had a couple frosts after it had been to hot so that in turn slowed the growth down and then got real dry. But in the last week or so we have had maybe 2 inches of rain way to little way to late but maybe it will help some. We are still a good 4.5 inches behind for the year
I haven't started... Neighbor lady is the only one that hasn't sold her soul into every subsidy program available so has 25 of the 100 rolls I'll need... The rest have all sold into a program that they can't cut until mid june... Missed the perfect weather and now we are looking at about constant rain also......... I have about an acre and a half that I can do but another 5 that I can use is in the mid june program..... Another guy retired as far as animals and is just doing crops and a little haylage... He rolled over all the rented pastures that he was using for hay into a program where he gets paid good money just to cut it once a year and leave it lay (not allowed to feed it)....
Just hoping the weather will let the other folks I buy from make a decent crop without getting rained on.....
Well not too many weather problems here yet. First cutting has been done for 2 weeks. Got all 375 acres done in 3 days. Corn is all in too. 600 acres finished that up Friday. First cut was good and our early plant corn is 3 feet tall. Now were in the shop getting ready for second cut in 2 more weeks.
Hay first cutting is about done, for me, in central MD. Dry april means a third less hay, warm winter means the cows are gonna eat last years hay, first. Got 158 500 lb 4 x 4 rounders this first cutting. Still need to get sleeves on 80 some bales.
Had frost on the 24th then 5+ inches of rain over Memorial weekend. dried enough to 1/2 my corn in by this afternoon, then another 3/4" dump for water standing again.
What are you two waitin for? Tell Jim to put a feed bag on the seat cushion of the 730 so his but doesn't get wet, and get going. (Just bustin)
ACG look on a map south and west of you. Small hamlet of Mount Upton. Unadilla river valley. My knee high corn was planted April 21 or so.

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